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adapt [∂'dæpt]— приспосабливать

attract [∂'trækt]— привлекать

because of — из-за

borderland ['bo:d∂lænd] — граница

contain [k∂n'tein] — содержать в себе, вмещать

cover an area ['k۸v∂] — охватывать площадь

cut [k۸t] — резать

dale [deil] — долина, дол

despite smth. [dis'pait] — несмотря на

divide into [di'vaid] — делить на

flat [flæt] — плоский, ровный

flow [flou] — течь

moorland ['mu∂l∂nd] — болотистая местность; местность, поросшая вереском

mountain ['mauntin] — гора

peninsula [pi'ninsjul∂]— полуостров

per cent [p∂'sent] — процент

plain [plein] — равнина

provide [pr∂'vaid] — обепечивать, снабжать

rough pasture ['rΛf 'paist∫∂] — грубое пастбище, т. е. пастбище с грубым травостоем

rural ['ru∂ r(∂)1] — сельский, деревенский

storage ['storidз] — хранилище, накопление

supply [s∂'plai] — снабжать, поставлять

valley ['væli] — долина

Geographical Names

Ben Nevis ['ben'nevis] — гора Бен Невис

the Cambrian Mountains ['kæmbri∂n] — Кембрианские горы

the Cheviot Hills ['t∫evi∂t 'hilz] — Чевиот Хилз

England ['inglænd] — Англия

Loch Lomond ['lok'loum∂nd] — озеро Ломонд

Loch Ness ['lok'nes] — озеро Лох-Несс

Lough Neagh ['lok'nei] — озеро Лох-Ней

the Lake District — Озерный край

the Pennine range ['penain] — Пеннинские горы

Scotland ['skotl∂nd] — Шотландия

Scottish ['skoti∫] — шотландский

the Severn ['sev∂n] — р.Северн

the Shannon [ '∫æn∂n] — p. Шеннон

Wales [weilz] — Уэльс

Written Exercises to the Text

1. Find in the text the English equivalents of the following sentences:

1. Вы не найдете здесь очень высокие горы или большие равнины. 2. Хотя Англию нельзя считать очень гористой страной, в то же время это и далеко не везде ровная местность. 3. Они служат естественной (природной) границей между Англией и Шотландией. 4. На юге этих гор имеется важное угольное месторождение, на котором выросла промышленная зона. 5.Большая часть остального Уэльса состоит из голых скал, вересковых зарослей и грубых пастбищ с населением всего в несколько человек на один квадратный километр. 6. Самым известным является озеро Лох-Несс, в котором, говорят, живет гигантское животное. 7. В современной экономике данного региона преобладает (доминирует) сельское хозяйство. 8. Из трех районов Шотландии этот является самым густонаселенным.

2. Find in the text the English equivalents for:

1) несмотря на свою небольшую площадь; 2) кажется, что природа приспособила ...; 3) реки, текущие с центральной части Пеннинских гор; 4) привлекают туристов соей живописностью; 5)долины, которые отделяют горы друг от друга,...; 6) так называемый Озерный край; 7) крупнейший полуостров; 8) он состоит из ...; 9) они называются ...;

Text 3 population


The first human inhabitants of Britain settled there in prehistoric times, when Britain was joined to the continent. They came there over dry land.

Later (after 3000 ВС1) the Iberians and the Apline tribes lived on the British Isles. Those peoples probably formed the basis of the present-day population of the country.

In different periods of the history of the country it was occupied by different invaders. Soon after 700 ВС Britain was invaded by the Celts [kelts], who are supposed to have come from Central Europe and settled in Britain. From 55 ВС the Celts were subject to the conquest and occupation of the Romans, later (in the 5th century) of the Germanic tribes (the Jutes, the Saxons and the Angles), then of the Danes and of the Normans. Thus the English nation was formed of all those peoples.

Traditionally Britain gave a lot of emigrants to the rest of the world. During the period from 1836 till 1936 about 11 million people left the British Isles. This mass emigration especially in the 19th century was a movement of ruined peasants, and the unemployed. The people hoped to find new opportunities and happiness on new territories. The migrants went mainly to North America (the USA, Canada), Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, to other lands in Asia and Africa. They settled there, spreading the economic, political and cultural influence of Great Britain, as well as the English language, which became the state language of many countries.

Mass emigration from Great Britain stopped during and after World War I, when many countries had to limit immigration. After the 1950s and in the 1960s many people entered Britain especially from the West Indies, Asia and Africa and settled permanently in the country. They made an important contribution to the development of the economy and the public services. British monopolies took great profits from the exploitation of cheap migrant labour

Today there are also groups of Americans, Australians, Chinese and various European communities living in Britain. In the last generation British society has therefore become more multiracial as people from almost all parts of the world have made a permanent home in the country.


The dominant language of this nation is English. It was formed only in the 14th century. It is mainly a marriage of Anglo-Saxon and Norman-French, while the Celtic languages are used in Wales, the Highlands of Scotland, the Isle of Man and in Ireland. Wales is officially bilingual, 20 per cent of the population speak Welsh (a form of British Celtic).

In 1990 the population of the United Kingdom was over 57 million people. The English make up over 4/5 (four fifth) of the total population of the country. The proportion of the Scotsmen, Welshmen and Irishmen is about 15 per cent. This group includes foreigners too. The inhabitants of Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland have preserved their culture, originality and to a certain degree their languages (in Wales and Scotland), but practically all speak English.

The UK is one of the most densely populated countries. As a whole it has a population density of about 233 people to the square kilometre. The most highly populated regions are the industrial districts — from 1000 to over 4000 people per square kilometre. In proportion of urban population Britain probably holds the first place in the world. Over 90 per cent of its population live in towns. There are 91 towns in Britain.

Rural population of Great Britain differs from the traditional villages situated in other countries. They are located not far from towns and inhabited by farm workers, clergymen, teachers, shopkeepers, old-age people. Lately a lot of townsmen have moved to villages, where houses are cheaper. Farmers do not live in such places. The farmers live in isolated farms.

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