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APPENDICES (Я студент университета).docx
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Verbal technique

Speakers should be able to express themselves clearly and confidently paying careful attention to effective use of language and rhetorical devices such as metaphor and analogy. The intelligent use of phrase and considered deployment of language will be rewarded.


Although cultural differences will result in a wide variety of styles, which the Judges will recognise, the essential aim of the Speakers should be to develop a rapport with the audience.

Questions (Ability to deal with questions concisely and effectively) Evidence of anticipation of questions will be rewarded.

The Speaker should not try to monopolise the question period to avoid answering further questions.

The Speaker should be able to understand and deal confidently with questions, answering them succinctly and relevantly.

The Judges may penalise Speakers where they believe a question has been staged.

General Effectiveness (Ability to communicate thought and emotion and to achieve the overall objectives of the speech)

It is important that the speech holds the audience's attention and that it is clearly structured. Good Speakers will build an appropriate relationship with the audience. The effective use of humour and/or emotion should be rewarded.

A natural style that is not over prepared or rehearsed should be rewarded, as should spontaneous comments that are relevant to the situation.


Marks will be allocated as follows:

Substance 40

Points Style and Technique 30

Points Questions 10

Points General Effectiveness 20 Points

TOTAL 100 Points

(Retrieved from www.esu.org)


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