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6. Explain the meaning of the words and word combinations in bold type.

Once you have sent your covering letter and resume to a company and survived the weeding out process, your resume typically gets passed along to the hiring manager.

So why do companies conduct phone interviews? Phone interviews give the company a chance to get a feel for your skill-set, interests, desired compensation etc., and see if there is a match between their needs and your strengths. If there is enough common ground, then the phone interviews are almost always followed-up by an in-person interview. Phone interviews are generally conducted in two steps. The first step is with a recruiter in Human Resources. The second step is a technical interview, usually with one of the people you would be working with. Technical phone interviews are usually only conducted for people living outside the geographical region. This is done because the company wants to have some level of confidence in your technical abilities before they decided to spend the money to fly you in for an in-person interview.

Practice in reading

7. Scan the title of the following text and try to figure out its contents.

8. Read the first sentences of paragraphs and say what questions (problems) are going to be discussed in the text. Résumé writing rules

Résumé is a vital part of the employment process. Although a resume should give a lot of information about you, it is necessary to determine only the most important facts about you. The employer’s task is to find suitable candidates with the background that meets the company’s needs. Your task is to demonstrate in your resume that you have what they are looking for. The challenge is to directly address the concerns of the hiring authorities, to get into the hiring person’s head. There are five primary resume sections:

  • Heading – consists of your full name and mailing address with full postal code, phone number, fax number and E-mail address; Introduction – sets the tone of your resume and connects your field of knowledge or work with the needs of your prospective employer. It answers the main questions: What do you want to do? How can you contribute to the company you want to work for?

  • Experience – you begin with your most recent position and then move backwards. You should highlight your professional career and experience, qualifications and achievements. Mention the name of the organization, its location, dates of employment, positions you held.

  • Education – is often the primary selling point. You may want to include: GPA, extracurricular activities, scholarships, awards, internships, special theses, research projects, publications and presentations.

  • Miscellaneous – interests, hobbies, volunteer work, recognitions, licenses, languages, membership in professional associations.

References may be considered an additional section of your resume. References are a necessary instrument to help you to be promoted to the marketplace. The majority of employers check references. So you should treat this portion of the job search seriously.

When writing your résumé, remember: it is a self-advertisement! Words are power. Lighten up your resume and let it sing and dance a bit, and entertain the reader. By displaying a personality, you display emotion. Emotion sells more than anything else!

You must include a cover (= covering) letter when sending your résumé to anyone. A cover letter should do more than state «Here is my application and résumé». A well-written cover letter reveals important communication skills. Cover letter should be brief, energetic, and interesting. A good cover letter answers the following questions:

  1. Why are you writing to me and why should I consider you as a candidate?

  2. What qualifications do you have that I could benefit from?

  3. What else are you prepared to do to sell yourself?

And remember: a cover letter is more informal than a résumé. Be motivating. Demonstrate specific problem-solving skills. Do not lie or exaggerate. Do not mention salary expectations.

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