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19. Continue the list of questions that you may be asked in the interview.

20. Restore the middle stage of the job interview.

A. ...

B. The basic is that manager must know and understand primary principles of management and apply them while managing the resources.

A ...

B. But directing is only one of the management task.

A ...

B. However, much of manager’s time and effort will go toward managing the work of others, effectively dealing with manager’s employees on a personal and professional level, and making decisions.

A. ...

B. Of course. Controlling helps to ensure that you are attaining your objectives. The control process begins with establishing performance standards, continues with assessing actual performance, and then involves making a comparison between performance standards and actual performance.

A. ...

B. Note, managers don’t work in a vacuum. They are responsible for various individuals inside and outside the company. The most important ones include manager’s boss, employees, guests, other professionals, and himself.

21. Role play

Imagine that you are going to apply the position of a manager of sales department of jsc Gefest:

Study your Role Card and be ready to the interview.



You are the personal manager, your company is looking for a creative, energetic manager and you are going to run an interview with an applicant to this position.

You are eager to get the position of a manager, you’ve got enough experience as a supervisor of a sales department. Try to answer the questions of an interview and impress your employer

Unit VIII: information technologies and business media

It is the information age – a time when knowledge is power. Today, more than ever, businesses are using information (and information technology) to gain and sustain a competitive advantage. You'll never find a successful business whose slogan is "What you don't know can't hurt you". Businesses understand that what they don't know can become an Achilles' heel and a source of advantage for the competition, thus information gives enterprises a competitive edge.

Whether your major is marketing, finance, accounting, human resource management, or any of the many other specializations in a business program, you're preparing to enter the business world as a knowledge worker. Simply put, a knowledge worker works with and produces information as a product. And this product is the most saleable merchandise on today's market. So, there is no way of escaping new technologies in your future work.

Vocabulary practice

1. Branch (n) – отрасль, подразделение

2. Communication media (n) – средствa коммуникации

3. Gain (v) – добиваться, выгадывать

4. Interception (n) – перехват, прослушивание

5. Knowledge worker (n) – высококвалифицированный специалист в сфере анализа и обработки информации

6. Major (n) – з.д. (U.S.) специализация

7. Mall (n) – крупный торговый комплекс

8. Process (v) – обрабатывать; перерабатывать

9. Priority (n) – преимущество, приоритет

10. Search engine (n) – поисковая система

11. Stock transaction (n) – фондовая сделка

12. Survey (n) – обследование; наблюдение

13. Susceptible (adj.) – восприимчивый, чувствительный

14. Sustain (v) – поддерживать, обеспечивать

15. Telecommuting – дистанционное присутствие (на рабочем месте с помощью домашнего ПК)

16. Vulnerable (adj.) – уязвимый

17. Wireless (adj.) – беспроводный

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