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кр сведения по грамматике с упр для ТС(ЮС).docx
160.09 Кб

1. Open the brackets:

  • 1. If I lend you $1,000 when you (repay) me?

  • 2. She will be absolutely furious if she (know) about it.

  • 3. If I were sent to prison you (visit) me?

  • 4. If you wash my car I (give) you $10.

  • 5. If she (arrive) five minutes earlier she would have got a ticket.

  • 6. I (keep) a dog if I could afford it.

  • 7. If he (come) late I won’t open him.

  • 8. If you (speak) more slowly she might have understood you.

  • 9. You could get a job easily if you (have) a degree.

  • 10. Unless you put on the kettle I (not be able) to make the tea.

2. Complete the sentences, using the correct forms of the verb:

  • 1. If you leave the door open...

  • 2. If I had a car...

  • 3. If she has any sense...

  • 4. I would have sent for the doctor if...

  • 5. Try on the green dress if...

  • 6. Unless the weather improves...

  • 7. If your mother saw you...

  • 8. She might have passed the exam if...

  • 9. Your hair would look better if...

  • 10. If they hadn’t turned the radio...

3. Put questions to the following sentences according to the pattern:


If it is sunny on Sunday we’ll go to the country. But what’ll we do if it is rainy?

  • 1. If they get a lift they won’t be late.

  • 2. If Moscow airport is clear of fog we’ll land there.

  • 3. If I pass all my exams successfully I’ll try to enter the university this year.

  • 4. Tell your parents the truth. I’m sure they’ll believe you.

  • 5. Your parachute will open in five seconds.

  • 6. If the baby is a boy we’ll call him Alexander.

4. Change the sentences, using if-clauses according to the pattern:


She is very shy, that’s why she doesn’t enjoy going out. If she were not so shy she would enjoy going out.

  • 1. Italian people speak very quickly. Perhaps that’s why I can’t understand them.

  • 2. I haven’t a map so 1 can’t direct you.

  • 3. She doesn’t work overtime, so she doesn’t earn as much as I do.

  • 4. You are very thin, perhaps that’s why you feel the cold so much.

  • 5. She smokes too much, perhaps that’s why she can’t get rid of her cough.

  • 6. I don’t know his telephone number, so I can’t ring him up.

5. Choose between should or would in the spaces in the following sentences:

1. I wish you__tell me what she said in her letter.

2. __you like some more biscuits? - Yes, please, though I__(negative) eat them really as I’m on the diet.

3. I suggested that they__have a shower and a hot breakfast.

4. The car__(negative) move so we had to ring for a taxi.

5. If I were you I__tell them the truth.

6. It is essential that you__be able to see the stage.

7. He proposed that ladies__be allowed to join the club.

8. I hoped he__be pleased when he saw the lost dog.

9. Little children__(negative) be left alone in a house.

10. __you mind opening the door?

6. Translate into English:

1. Мы бы были очень рады, если бы вы смогли прийти к нам завтра.

2. Я бы остался дома, если бы я знал, что кто-нибудь принесет мне все необходимые книги. (Но я не знал!)

3. Если ты успешно сдашь свой экзамен, мы устроим праздник.

4. Я предложил, чтобы мы поехали отдыхать вместе.

5. Он сказал, что хотел бы, чтобы я не уходила из дома так часто.

6. На твоем месте я бы не стал спорить с начальником.

7. Если бы я знал, что вы в Санкт-Петербурге (а я не знал!), я зашел бы к вам.

8. Они бы сами прочли эту книгу, если бы они знали английский язык достаточно хорошо.

9. Не могли бы вы перестать курить; мне нехорошо.

10. Важно, чтобы он поверил вам.