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Контрольная работа № 2 по дисциплине «практика устной и письменной речи» для студентов 1 курса специальности « английский язык» факультета заочного отделения



Ex. 1 Insert letters.

Ter- -ced house, sa-cep-n, hamb-rg-r, c-o-kery, j-wel-ery, ch-nd-lier, f-s-i-n, rec-i-t.

Ex. 2 Give:

  1. synonyms : the number and sizes of the rooms; hard drinks; to have a bite, the

amount of money borrowed from a building society, set of furniture, cupboard; a sales slip.

  1. antonyms : overdone, soft-boiled eggs, in the front of the house, to borrow money, to rent a flat, opening time, a corded kettle.

Ex.3 Give the word according to its definition.

1 knives, folks and spoons used for eating;

2 a meal eaten in the morning;

3 large and filling meal;

4 a barrier that encloses an area such as a garden or field, usually made of

posts connected by wire rails or boards;

5 a one-storey house;

6 two-storey houses built in rows;

7 sofa that can be converted into bed;

8 money in coins or notes;

9 to reduce the price of an item;

10 the action of reducing.

Ex. 4 Give the English equivalents.

1 It’s a very popular restaurant, we should ( заказать столик).

2 Please ( угощайтесь ) to salads from the salad bar.

3 I (перекусывать ) before my parents come back.

4 I hear you are ( переезжать) to a new flat, aren’t you?

5 Some buildings have ( подвальное помещение) where things are stored.

6 Many British people have building society (банковские счета).

7 Building society make their money by borrowing it from their


8 There are many kinds of sportswear ( в продаже).

9 Most of the supermarkets (работают по системе самообслуживания)

which is enjoyed by all the customers.

10 His firm has a lot of (филиалов) in our city.

Ex.5 Choose the right word.

1 I haven’t decided yet what to have for my main ... .

a) course b) food c) helping

2 Don’t forget to buy a packet of ... . beans.

a)chilled b)frozen c) frosted

3 I’d like to eat more of this pie, but it’s very ... .

a) fatty b) fattened c)fattening

4 Can you give me the ... for this cake?

a) prescription b) ingredients c)recipe

5 They bought something … the regular price.

a) on b) from c) off d) for e) of

6 … has been put in quite recently.

a) central heating b) electric wiring c) loft

7 We bought … house as it has three bedrooms , a sitting room and a kitchen.

a) a three -bedroom b) a four-bedroom c) a five-bedroom

8 It was a room with all modern … .

a ) fitments b) additions c) conveniences

9 Beneath the window there was a dressing table with three … .

a) chest of drawers b) drawers c) stairs

10 I’d like you to show me a pair of gloves … my bag.

a) to become b) to match c) to suit d) to fit

Ex.6 Insert prepositions and post verbal adverbs where necessary.

1 We can get all kind of appetizers ... our refectory.

2 I am not the very person to help you set ... the plates!

3 Everything is so delicious and filling, I’ll die ... overeating.

4 I live the choice ... you, as you are a regular.

5 We can get all kind of appetizers ... our refectory.

6 The flat was basically … walk-in condition.

7 Terraced houses are attached … each other … a long row.

8 … the opposite wall there is a washing machine, a fridge and a small

chest of drawers … which cutlery, towels and the like are kept.

9 Clean all the carpets at first and then wipe the dust … every surface in the


10 His wife has spent a lot … money … a new beautiful beauty kit.

  1. This shirt is a bit tight … you.

  2. I live the choice ... you, as you are a regular.

Ex.7 Paraphrase using active vocabulary.

To give the waiter some money for his service; to obtain money for buying a property; the flat is on sale; to return some money as the balance of the sum paid; to drop in at a small shop selling fashionable clothes; to do the shopping; eggs cooked without a shell in boiling water.

Ex.8 Finish the sentences in English.

1 For many Americans food that is cooked at home – самая восхитительная.

2 People who go to the same pub quite often are known as регулярные


3 Table d’hote dinner consists of several dishes, выбор – ограничен и его подают за фиксированную цену.

4 Eat at pleasure,а пей в меру.

5 She liked the soup so much that она попросила добавки.

6 I know the house perfectly. It has совершенно новую кухню и гостиную

с высоким потолком.

7 The flat is situated in a фантастическое местонахождение.

8 My sister took a look inside two homes that would make идеальную

покупку на первое время.

  1. Big stores of London are сочетание старого и нового.

  2. At a Central Department Store you can find everything, что касается

одежды и продовольственных товаров.

Ex.9 Translate into English.

1 В некоторых пабах сидр доступен в бочках и в некоторых сельских

районах Англии этот напиток, а не пиво является наиболее употребительным напитком пабов.

2 Ужин уже остыл, мы должны его разогреть.

3 Откладывая каждый месяц деньги, вы сможете осуществить покупку

дома, не занимая деньги в строительных кооперативах.

4 Дом – это хорошее вложение денег.

5 А вот эта стеклянная дверь ведет на балкон, здесь просторно и

приятный вид на парк.

6 Супермаркеты всегда ярко освещены, товары разложены на


7 Благодаря большому количеству кассиров, Вам не придется стоять в


8 На рынке все стараются покупать товары по разумным ценам.

9 Уличный рынок - это то место, где можно найти много «хлама».

10 У моей подруги стандартная фигура и ей подходит любая одежда.

11 Я живу в высотном доме на окраине города далеко от центра города.

12 У меня занимает 20 минут добраться на трамвае до дома.

13 Мои друзья живут на Партизанском проспекте.

14 В этом районе находятся только многоэтажные дома.

Ex.10 Write a situation using the given words and phrases ( not less than 15 sentences):

To be skilful and experienced shopper; to make a real bargain; to buy things from catalogues; to be a gourmand; all the vogue; to do window shopping; ready-made clothes department; to do a shopping spree; shopping mall; to be in stock; to stock up; shopping for pleasure.