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Контрольная работа № 2 по дисциплине «практика устной и письменной речи» для студентов 1 курса специальности « английский язык» факультета заочного отделения



Ex. 1.Insert letters.

Ca-liflo-er, resta-rant, dep-sit-r, bal-str-de, pef-m-ry, b-rg-in, su-d, c-n-e-t-o-ery.

Ex. 2 Give:

a) synonyms: saucepan; fresh eggs; oats; wall unit; accommodation; fashion; shop- assistant.

b) antonyms: soft drink; underdone; to be hungry; a corded kettle; selling price; retail price; to be in stock.

Ex.3 Give the word according to its definition.

1 a long roll split lengthways with a hot sausage inside;

2 a small amount of food or drink taken at the start of a meal to stimulate the appetite;

3 knives, folks and spoons used for eating;

4 the space inside the roof;

5 two-storey houses built singly;

6 a thing sold at a low price;

7 a written statement confirming that smth has been paid for or received;

8 a large self-service shop selling food and house-hold goods;

9 products which are made from milk;

10 a cash register or drawer for money;

Ex. 4 Give the English equivalents.

1 It’s a very popular restaurant, we should ( заказать столик).

2 Please ( угощайтесь ) to salads from the salad bar.

3 The overwhelming majority of these (жилищ) are two-story houses with a small enclosed garden at the front and the back.

  1. Mr. White has been (искать подходящую квартиру) for a long time.

  2. It’s an extremely (просторная квартира) with plenty of storage.

  3. She used to live ( на окраине города) all her life ( в своем собственном


  1. When I came to Helen she was still in (ночная рубашка) and

(домашние тапочки).

  1. Cotton velvet clothes are ( в моде) now.

  2. We have a big (крытый торговый центр) not for from our place.

  3. We ( отоварились) and went home quite happy.

Ex.5 Choose the right word.

1 Some ..... add pepper and garlic at the end.

a) cooks b)cookers c) cookery

2 She never has a penny. She spends money like ...... .

a) juice b) wine c) water

3 The nearest pub is commonly referred to as “the local” and people who go there often are known as ...... .

a) customers b) customs c) regulars

4 The most popular pub beer is ..... , which is draught, has no gas in it.

a) dark b) sweet c) bitter

  1. Some rooms don’t have curtains at the windows, they have … instead.

a) wallpaper b) blinds c) glass

6 The agent will publish details of the house in the form of … .

a) newspaper b) journals c) leaflets

7 The flat has two big bedrooms, has contemporary … throughout and is well maintained.

a) decorating b) laminate flooring c) décor

8 At a chemists’ you may buy not only medicine but also … and toilet supplies.

a) household articles b) garments c) cosmetics d) make up

9 We’ve hardly any milk. You should go to the ….

a) butcher’s b) dairy shop c) baker’s

d) grocer’s

10 I haven’t decided yet what to have for my main ..... .

a) course b) food c) helping d) portion

Ex.6 Insert prepositions and post verbal adverbs where necessary.

1 The dinner is already cold; we must warm it .... .

2 Eat ... pleasure, drink ... measure.

3 What would you like to start ... , Nick?

4 If you have finished eating I’ll clear ... the plates and bring the next


5 Keep an eye ... the milk or it might boil ... and make a mess on the


  1. A young couple is looking … a self- contained flat … its own entrance,

one bedroom, one living –room and a kitchen.

7 I don’t care … a ranch type, I prefer a two-storey home.

8 This house just came … the market.

9 A building society charges them an interest rate … the amount borrowed.

10 A lot of people prefer to do their shopping … telephone.

11 The quality is excellent … the price.

12 Are berries … season now?

Ex.7 Paraphrase using active vocabulary.

I will pay for you; eggs cooked without a shell in boiling water; with a large garden at the back; to be very close to the city; a long flat surface over which goods are sold or served; a person who sells cut flowers; the arrangement of a display in a shop window; to collect stocks of smth.

Ex.8 Finish the sentences in English.

1 She liked the dessert so much that она попросила добавки.

2 You forgot to put the milk in the fridge, а сейчас оно скисло.

3 Take a slice of bread from the bread plate by hand, don’t натыкать хлеб на вилку.

4 Don’t talk with your mouth full, сначала прожуй и затем говори.

5 As there are no stairs, many older people dream of going to live in a

одноэтажном доме, когда они выходят на пенсию.

6 It’s a very solid house. It’s built с черепичной крышей.

7 Here you may buy not only лекарства, но также косметику и

туалетные принадлежности.

  1. Most of the food stores, called supermarkets, работают по системе


9 I’m also постоянный покупатель в овощном магазине.

10 There are different departments including галантерею, конц. товары, фаянсовую посуду, хозтовары и даже продукты.

Ex.9 Translate into English.

1 Слишком много поваров испортят бульон.

2 Ешь вволю, а пей в меру!

3 Она очень переборчива в еде.

4 Катя стала внимательно проверять сколько калорий она употребляет с каждым приемом пищи.

5 Не разговаривайте с полным ртом! Вначале прожуйте, затем проглотите.

6 Мои друзья живут на Партизанском проспекте.

7 В этом районе находятся только многоэтажные дома.

8 Эта блузка слишком широка тебе.

9 Я хочу купить туфли в тон своему новому костюму.

10 Вы уверены, что в этом месяце на товары будут скидки?

11 Этот магазин торгует овощами.

12 Сходи в булочную и купи немного хлеба.

13 Каждый платит сам за себя.

14 Для многих американцев еда, приготовленная дома- самая восхитительная.

Ex.10 Write a situation using the given words and phrases ( not less than 15 sentences):

To sell a house, an estate agent, an estate agency, to charge for one’s services, to publish the details of the house, a giveaway leaflet, a prospective buyer, the asking price, the selling price, to get a mortgage, to buy a house.