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The Modal Verbs in the Future.

The modal verbs can, may, must don't have the form of the future tense. Their equivalents are used instead.

- I / we shall ('ll) have to go there.

He / she / it / you / they will ('ll) have to do it.

- I / we shall ('ll) be able to go there.

He / she / it / you / they will ('ll)be able to do it.

- I / we shall ('ll) be allowed to go there.

He / she / it / you / they will ('ll) be allowed to do it.

Grammar Exercises:

I. Change the following sentences into the future.

Example: May she pay you the money today? - Will you allow her to pay you the money today?

1. May he miss his lessons today? 2. May she not answer your question at once? 3. May I go home early today? 4. May we not do the job now? 5. May I have a week's holiday? 6. May she not eat the soup? 7. May the students use the dictionary now? 8. May I not come to the examination today? 9. May I look at your book for a moment? 10. May we not learn the poems by heart? 11. May they take the new books from the library? 12. May he not write the composition today?

II. Complete the following sentences using "be able to" or "not be able to".


When the rain stops ...

When the rain stops we'll be able to go for a walk.

1. When the classes are over ... 2. After we pass our exams ... 3. ... until we hear from him. 4. Until he comes back ... 5. If the weather is good ... 6. When she is old enough to travel ... 7. If things change for the better ... 8. Until we know for sure ... 9. As soon as we get the money ... 10. ... before Helen finishes her work. 11. ... unless we hurry. 12. ... while the parents are away.

III. Complete the following sentences using "be able to" and "have to". Translate the sentences.


I'm running a high temperature.

I'm running a high temperature so I'll have to stay at home and I won't be able to go to the University.

1. I'm afraid it's going to rain. 2. My TV set has broken down. 3. My little son has got the flu. 4. I haven't finished my term paper yet. 5. We are already twenty minutes late. 6. My parents are going to the country for the weekend. 7. We are moving to a new flat next week. 8. It's my birthday tomorrow. 9. She doesn't know my address. 10. We're run out of flour. 11. I find him difficult to deal with. 12. The car won't start.

IV. Change these sentences into the past and the future. Put them into a natural context to justify the use of the tenses. Translate your sentences.


I can swim very well.

I'll be able to swim very well next year, in two months, etc./ if you teach me, before he returns, etc.

I could swim very well when I was at school / in my childhood / when I was 10 / some years ago, etc.

1. My daughter can sing very well. 2. Everybody can do this work. 3. The Orlovs must move to another town. 4. Can you play chess? 5. Must he read all these books? 6. He can write plays of his own. 7. The boys must run to get to the station in time. 8. The girl cannot take part in the gymnastics competition. 9. They can pay the money this week. 11. She must do two foreign languages at the University. 12. He can do the work by himself.

V. Supply a) can, b) must or their equivalents. Put to before the infinitives where necessary.

a) 1. ... you play chess a little? I... when I was at school but I... now. (2nd verb neg.) 2. He has been ill for a long time. I suppose he... write this paper. (neg.) 3. I... remember her address. (neg.) I... even remember the street. (neg.) 4. You've put too much in your rucksack; you... never carry all that. 5. When I was a child I... understand adults, and now that I am an adult I... understand children. (neg., neg.) 6. Don't try to look at all the pictures in the gallery. Otherwise when you get home you... remember any of them. (neg.) 7. When I first went to England I... read English but I... speak it. (2nd verb neg.) 8. ... you... come to my place tomorrow?- Yes, I... come at 8 o'clock.

b) 1. Last term she... leave home at eight every morning. 2. He sees very badly; he... wear glasses all the time. 3. You... read this book. It's really excellent. 4. She felt ill and... leave early. 5. Bob... cook his own meals. His wife is away. 6. Doctor: I can't come now. Caller: You... come; he is terribly ill. 7. The buses were all full; I... get a taxi. 8. Tell her that she... be here by six tomorrow. I insist on it. 9. I got lost and... ask the passerby to show me the way. 10. If you want to have this book, you ... come to my place in the evening.

VI. Translate.

1. Я не смогу прийти к тебе сегодня, если мне придется остаться здесь после работы. 2. Вам тоже придется завтра рано встать? 3. Он не сможет закончить эту работу завтра. 4. Боюсь, что мне придется пропустить несколько уроков, у меня больна мама. 5. Мне придется прочитать много книг по этому предмету чтобы (быть в состоянии) сделать хороший доклад. 7. Она сможет помогать маме по дому, когда подрастет. 8. Нам придется поехать на такси. 9. Мы не сможем ответить на ваше предложение, пока не соберем всю информацию. 10. Тебе нужно будет покупать продукты завтра? 11. Смогу я сшить себе такое же платье, как ты думаешь? 12. Придется просить соседей присмотреть за ребенком.

The Modal Verbs Should / Ought to.

1. The modal verbs should and ought to have only one form which is used with reference to the present and future. In reported speech they remain unchanged. Ought is always followed by the infinitive with to.

- She ought to help him. Ought she to help him? She oughtn't to help him.

I. Should and ought have the following meanings:

1. obligation, usually mild obligation, so they are often used to give advice, make suggestion.

- It's late, you should go to bed.

- You shouldn't miss the opportunity.

- You ought to say a few words about yourself.

Should and ought may be used with different kinds of the infinitive.

a) With the simple infinitive they refer an action to the future.

b) With the continuous or simple infinitive (if the verb is not used in the continuous form) the modal verbs refer an action to the present.

- You shouldn't be sitting in the sun. Move into the shade.

- At your age you ought to be earning your living.

- You shouldn't believe him. He's a liar.

- You ought to feel some respect for your elders.

c) Should / ought to + perfect infinitive indicate that an action was not carried out.

- He looks very ill. He should have stayed at home. (Ему следовало остаться дома. Зря он не остался дома ).

- They ought to have met her at the station. (Им следовало/ нужно было встретить ее на вокзале).

d) The negative form of should / ought to + perfect infinitive indicate that an undesirable action was carried out.

- I'm sorry. I oughtn't to have said it.

- You shouldn't have done as you did.

Note 1:

Ought and should are very close in the meaning of obligation and are often interchangable. However, ought tends to express moral obligation and is not often used

in negative sentences, should is common in instructions and corrections.

2. Supposition implying strong probability.

- She's been studying very hard so she should pass her examination.

Note 2:

This meaning is usually expressed by must.

II. Remember the following examples with should and ought.

1) He ought to know it (= Уж он-то знает / Уж он-то должен знать).

2) How should I know? (= Откуда я знаю?)

3) Why should I do it (= С какой стати я буду делать это?).

4) Why shouldn't you invite him? (= Почему бы вам его не пригласить?)

Should is used for emotional colouring here.

III. Obligation may be expressed by the modal verbs must, have, should / ought.

1) must indicates obligation from the speaker's point of view; express the authority of the speaker; it is often used in public notices;

2) have to express obligation imposed by circumstances; refers to the authority of another person or obligation in general;

3) should / ought to express mild obligation, advisability; are used to give advice, to make a suggestion.

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