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Бердяева М.В., Насонова Т.Д. и др. Пособие по а...doc
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IV часть Заключительный тест по теме :

Grammar test: To be / to have.

I. Put the verb to be into the right form :

He … a student. He … a good student.

  1. His father … a doctor.

  2. My mother … not a teacher.

  3. … your sister a pupil ? – Yes, she … .

  4. They … at home now.

  5. This … my house.

  6. … they at school ? – No, they … not at school.

  7. … your father a pilot ? – Yes, he … .

  8. Nick … not a student. He … a pupil. He … at school now.

  9. These men … drivers.

  10. My friend … an engineer. He … at work.

  11. … your parents at home ? – No, they … not.

  12. I … a pupil, I … not a student.

  13. … this your book ? – This book … not mine. My book … in my bag.

  14. Michael has a brother. His brother … 20. He … a student. He … at home now.

II. Translate into English:

  1. Чья это книга ? – Это не моя книга. Это ее книга.

  2. Где твоя одежда ? – Она в шкафу.

  3. Чей это портфель ? – Это портфель моей сестры.

  4. Чья эта комната ? – Эта комната моего брата. В комнате стул и стол.

  5. Где твои книги ? – Мои книги на полке.

  6. Это его родители ? – Да, его.

  7. Чья это бумага ? – Это моя бумага. – А где моя ? – Твоя бумага в столе.

  8. Эта девочка моя сестра. Ей семь лет.

  9. Это моя машина. Машина новая. Она в гараже.

  10. Мой двоюродный брат не ученый. Он инженер.

III. Choose the correct word :

  1. There are (not, no) many cold days in early autumn.

  2. There are (not, no) hot days in this season.

  3. There is (not, no) much snow in early spring.

  4. There is (not, no) any snow in summer at all.

  5. There are (not, no) flies in winter.

  6. He (have, has) some money.

  7. My parents (has, have) a vacation in November this time.

  8. They (has, have) a small house in the mountains.

  9. We (has, have) an apartment in the center of the city.

  10. Do you (has, have) many friends in this town ?

IV. Match the two columns :

  1. There is no place like home. a)Нет правил без исключений.

  2. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. b)У каждого есть своя тайна.

  3. There’s no time like the present. c)Лучшее время – настоящее.

  4. There’s many a slip between d)Роз без шипов не бывает.

the cup and the lip.

  1. There’s no smoke without fire. e)Нет ничего лучше дома.

  2. There’s a skeleton in every closet. f)Дорогу осилит идущий.

  3. There’s no rose without a thorn. g)Не говори “гоп”, пока не перепрыгнешь.

  4. There’s no rule without an exception. h)Нет дыма без огня.

V. Insert the necessary word in each gap :

[ window, pillows, mirror, bed, chest of drawers, rug, sofa, living-room, light switch, pictures, cellar, study ]

1. Upstairs in the house there is an attic with a , a balcony and a roof. 2. There are bedrooms, bathrooms, and a . 3. Downstairs in the house there is a hall, a kitchen, a living-room, and a . 4. In the hall there is a rug, a cupboard, a mirror, a table and a telephone, a and a door. 5. In the hall there are on the wall, lamps, keys, stairs and stools. 6. In the there is a carpet, a fireplace, a rug, a sofa, a stereo, a table, a TV, a mirror and a lamp. 7. There is a near the wall. 8. There is a near the fireplace. 9. In the bedroom there is a , a , a table, a , a stool and a rug. 10. There are also curtains, a blanket, a sheet, , combs, brushes, a clock, a lamp and a vase.