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6. Concept of a resource cycle.

The resource cycle represents set of transformations and spatial movings of the certain substance at all operational stages its person.

The resource cycle caused by anthropogenous circulation of substances, in difference from natural is not closed, at its each stage there is a loss of resources. The closed circulation of substances provides inexhaustibility of resources. The Standard of living of the population depending on consumption of resources can be characterized by means of concept of demographic factor Q.

Growth of factor Q is possible at reduction of consumption.

Tendencies and prospects of use of resources. Water resources.

Are spent for needs of the industry, an agriculture; economic-household consumption.

The reasons of lack: limitation, rapid growth of the population, development of the industry and an agriculture, prodigal use; pollution of water layers; increase of a standard of life. Non-uniformity of distribution of water is aggravated with non-uniformity of consumption. Each 10 years consumption of water is doubled. 600 ½/day on the person (in view of manufacture).

Structure of water consumption: 35 % - the industry, 33 % - power system, 18 % - drains from the reclaimed fields, 14 % - an economic-household drain.

The economic-household drain and sewage of the enterprises include 69 % of conditionally pure waters, 18 % of the polluted, 13 % cleared. The total annual drain of the rivers = 40 thousand cubic metre, 28 thousand from them leaves in the sea. Are accessible only 7 thousand cubic metre.

Prospects of use of water are connected:

1) With опреснением and with perfection of process of industrial consumption and clearing of waters. 0,05 % of water only freshened as it is dear.

2) With introduction of turnaround and is repeated-consecutive water supply at the industrial enterprises and elementary economy of water.

3) Development and development of alternative technologies with exception of use of water.

Examples: air cooling instead of water; at processing 1 ton of oil on old technology it is used from 18 up to 22 cubic metre H2O, at new 0,12 м3 H2O.

4) Use of dams increases a stock of water. Submission on a long distance.

5) Decrease in pollution as losses on pollution are equal to volume to consumption.

Fuel and energy resources.

The structure of consumption of power resources varies. Relative density of consumption of coal from 94 % up to 27 %; oil about 6 % up to 49 %; gas about 4 % up to 20 %.

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