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2.3. Образуйте как можно больше словосочетаний, используя слова в колонках а и в.


air problem

nature protection

water pollution

health nature

breathing chemical

ecological fume



2.4. Образуйте различные сочетания, используя глаголы в колонке а и существительные в колонке в.



to spoil

a lake

to smell

a river

to look


to hurt


to hear

a fine

to show


to find


to control

a garbage can

to throw


to pay

a gas mask

to pollute

a flower

to punish


to go






to jail


2.5. Сопоставьте слова в колонке а с их определениями в колонке в по образцу:

3. garbbage can b. a special can for garbage



1. litter

a. garbage on the ground or in the street

2. jail

b. a special can for garbage

3. garbage can

c. everything that a person can see

4. view

d. sickness

5. fine

e. to manage or to stop

6. litterbug

f. money people pay as punishment

7. disease

g. a place people stay as punishment

8. control

h. a person who throws litter

9. pollute

i. to make air, water or land too dirty and dangerous for people to use it

2.6. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Are there any ecological problems in your city (town)?

2. What are they?

3. Is pollution dangerous to people’s health?

4. Do people in your city (town) throw litter on the streets?

2.7. Прочитайте первую часть текста, обращая внимание на глаголы в Present Continuous. Выпишите 4-5 предложений.

Pollution Is Spoiling the Air You Breathe

Pollution is hanging like a brown cloud over New York today. Dirt and smoke are coming from cars and factories. Pollution is spoiling the air we breathe, and it’s harming our health. New York has a big problem these days. The city has dirty air. The air smells bad, and it looks ugly. Pollution is a health problem, too, because it’s hurting people’s lungs.

2.8. Выписанные предложения с глаголами в Present Continuous переделайте в

а) отрицательные;

в) вопросительные.

2.9. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту, используя Present Continuous или Present Simple.

1. What is hanging like a brown cloud over New York today?

2. Where are the dirt and smoke coming from?

3. What is pollution doing to our air and to our health?

4. Is pollution harming our health?

5. What problem does New York have?

6. How does the air smell and look?

7. Why is pollution a health problem?

8. Does the city have dirty air?

2.10. Прочитайте 2-ю часть текста, обращая внимание на нижеследующие глаголы, которые, как правило, не используются в Present Continuous и заменяются на Present Simple.

to like

– нравиться

to hate

– ненавидеть

to hear

– слышать

to know

– знать

to see

– видеть

to believe

– полагать

to want

– хотеть

to understand

– понимать

to feel

– чувствовать

to smell

– чувствовать запах, нюхать,


to have

– иметь (кроме устойчивых

словосочетаний, например: to have

lunch, to have a good time)

to think

– думать

Например: He has a car.

но: He is having lunch now.

Например: What do you think of the new film?

но: What are you thinking about?

This man thinks that pollution is dangerous. He doesn't like the air, so he isn't breathing it. He's wearing a gas mask. He's smelling a flower, and it smells good, but he doesn't know it. He's touching the flower with his mask, and the flower feels soft, but he doesn't know it. He's listening for birds, but he doesn't hear any. He's looking for beauty, but he doesn't see any. He believes that pollution is coming between us and the beauty of nature. He's trying to show his ideas with the gas mask. He wants people to work together now and to make the air cleaner soon.