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3.2. Прочтите следующие слова вслух, обращая внимание на их произношение.

1. foreign [`fכrιn] Bachelor [`bæt∫ələ]

technical [`teknιkl] knowledge [`nכlιdჳ]

ski [`skι] engineering [,endჳι`nιərιŋ]

mechanical [mι`kænιkl]

2. education [,edju`keι∫n] – educational [,edju`keι∫nl]

science [`saιəns] – scientific [,saιən’tιfιk]

specialist [`spe∫əlιst] – specialize [`spe∫əlaιz]

study [`stΛdι] – student [`stju:dənt]

3.3. Выберите правильный ответ.

1. NSTU was founded …

a) in 1945.

b) in 1950.

c) in 1953.

2. NSTU gained the status of a university …

a) in 1985.

b) in 1992.

c) in 1993.

3. There are …

a) 8 faculties in NSTU.

b) 11 faculties in NSTU.

c) 15 faculties in NSTU.

4. NSTU has its own …

a) hostels.

b) bank.

c) airport.

5. Students … study at NSTU.

a) from Russia

b) from China

c) from Russia and other countries

3.4. Прочитайте текст, скажите, правильны ли ваши ответы на задание упр. 3.3. Novosibirsk State Technical University

NSTU is one of the top ten universities in Russia. It is not only a great educational but also a scientific center of Siberia and the Far East.

To start with let’s mention some facts from the history of NSTU. It was founded in 1953 and got the name of Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering. The same year it opened the doors of two faculties to school leavers of Russia. The name of Professor Georgy Lyshchinsky, the rector of the institute from 1955 till 1990, is well-known not only in Novosibirsk. He did a lot for the development of high level of education and science at the institute. In 1992 the institute gained the status of a university.

At present NSTU trains specialists at 11 faculties: Radio Engineering, Power Engineering, Physical Engineering, Aircraft, Business, Electromechanical Engineering, Humanities and others.

So today more than 22 000 students from Russia and such foreign states as China and Korea, African countries and Republics of the former Soviet Union study at our university. The number of academic staff is nearly 1000.

Tuition period lasts up to 6 years and depends on the qualification: Bachelor of Science – 4 years, Engineer – 5 years, Master of Science – 6 years.

NSTU trains students on a full-time and a part-time basis. It also offers distance training.

The first- and second-year students obtain knowledge in fundamental subjects. From the third year students take part in scientific work and specialize in some field.

Now some words about international activity of NSTU. It has international relations with 12 universities of Korea, China, Great Britain and the USA. NSTU also participates in joint educational and scientific projects.

The university has its own campus. There are 8 teaching blocks, 7 hostels, a hospital, two sports centers, a swimming pool and a ski center.

High level of education is provided by well-equipped research labs, multi-media classes, rich libraries, computerized information resource centers.

It is also necessary to say a few words about foreign language study at our university. The students study English, German or French for at least one year. At some faculties such as Business, Physical Engineering, Humanities students are offered two or more years of foreign language studies. The best students can take an extra course in the language for three years more. Those who want to study English as a second language can attend paid courses, organized by Foreign Languages Department of Technical Faculties.

In conclusion we can say that NSTU graduates are mainly highly-qualified specialists and some of them are brilliant scientists known in many countries.