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Ex. 2 Complete with the correct forms of the verbs

  1. If you arrive early, you (have) to wait.

  2. If you arrived early, you (have) to wait.

  3. If you had arrived early, you (have) to wait.

  4. They (help) you if they can.

  5. They (help) you if they could.

  6. They (help) you if they could have.

  7. If you drink too much you (be) sick.

  8. Unless you work hard you (not pass) your test.

  9. If you stop smoking you (live) longer.

  10. Practise hard and your English (improve).

  11. We would have gone out if it (stop) raining.

  12. If I (go) away, I would have written to you.

  13. If he (work) harder, he would have succeeded.

  14. He (not write) unless he was lonely.

  15. She would have come if you (invite) her.

  16. If you were older, you (be) wiser.

  17. Unless the greenhouse effect is mitigated, the seas (rise).

  18. If I had known you were not coming, I (not bake) a cake.

  19. If you run, you (catch) the train.

  20. If I were you, I (go) on holiday.

Ex. 3. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate auxiliary verb.

  1. If you study hard, you _______ pass the test.

  2. If I hurry, I ________catch the train.

  3. If I had a million dollars, I ______ buy a house in the mountains.

  4. If I weren't so busy, I ______ help you.

  5. If he had studied, he _______ passed the course.

  6. If I weren't so tired, I ________ be able to do more.

  7. If the weather is nice tomorrow, we _______ go for a hike.

  8. If I had the money, I _______ buy a car.

  9. If she had had the time, she _______ helped.

  10. If I had a car, I _______ take a trip to Niagara Falls.

  11. If you come to the class every day, you ______ have no trouble.

  12. If he knew my telephone number, he ______call.

  13. If I had more time, I ______go swimming every day.

  14. If I see her, I _______ let you know.

  15. If I were you, I ______ not do that.

  16. If we have a party next Saturday, I ______ call you.

  17. If he had not fallen ill, he ______ gone to the concert.

  18. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we ______ have a picnic.

Ex.4. Combine two statements into one as in the model

Model: You don't look after your car, and that's the reason it gives you so much trouble.

If you looked after your car, it wouldn't give you so much trouble.

  1. He eats so much, that's why he is fat.

  2. I can't help you to settle the matter, because it doesn't depend on me alone.

  3. The weather is so awful! We won't go to the country for the weekend.

  4. My car is out of order. I can't give you a lift.

  5. Not everybody is here, so we can't get down to business yet.

  6. They don't speak to the point. We waste too much time.

  7. I don't believe his story – I don't know all the facts.

  8. I'm ill; I'll have to put off our appointment.

  9. You let other people use your car so often; you have so much trouble with it.

Ex.5. Finish the sentences

  1. I'd be very sorry if you …

  2. I shouldn't be surprised if …

  3. I wouldn't give you so much trouble if the matter …

  4. If you gave up smoking, you …

  5. If I were you, I …

  6. It wouldn't do him any harm if he …

  7. You'd make better progress in your English if you …

  8. They might agree to out suggestion if we …

  9. It would do you a lot of good if …

  10. If I were rich, I …

Ex. 6. Read these stories.

Say what would happen if these people changed their way of living


This girl never eats as much as she would like to, but she doesn't mind it, because she wants to be in good shape. She spends more than an hour a day doing aerobic exercises. In addition she takes long walks and never goes to bed later than twelve o'clock. She doesn't smoke. She must keep in shape because of her job. She is a successful fashion model. Her job is both interesting and well paid, and she doesn't want to lose it. There's another reason, too. She's going to try her luck in an international beauty contest. So she's learning to speak English and play the piano.

What would happen if she ate as much as she wanted,

if she didn't take enough exercise,

if she went late to bed and smoked?

Could she take part in a beauty contest

if she didn't speak a foreign language,

if she didn't play a musical instrument?


This man has got a family and a job, but he may lose both in the near future. The thing is he doesn't know how to plan his daily routine, so he never has enough time to do his work well. He always puts things off for another time. That's the reason he hardly ever keeps appointments and is often late to work. So it's perfectly natural that his colleagues don't find him reliable and prefer to deal with somebody else, not him. His wife and he often quarrel. Nobody's pleased with him, and he isn't pleased with himself either, but he can't do anything about it. That's the whole trouble.

What would happen if he began to plan his daily routine?

Would it be easier for him to keep appointments and do things in time?

Would other people be more pleased with him?

Would he be more pleased with himself?

Ex. 7. Continue the chain of statements as in the model