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Health Insurance act (без изменений).docx
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§ 11. Duration of insurance cover of persons considered equal to insured persons

(1)        The insurance cover of a person specified in subsection 5 (4) of this Act commences as of the making of an entry on commencement of the insurance cover in the health insurance database. The documents necessary for the person to be entered in the health insurance database shall be submitted to the health insurance fund by the person himself of herself or his or her legal representative or, upon agreement with his or her employer, by the employer.

(2)        The documents necessary for a person specified in clause 5 (4) 3) of this Act to be entered in the health insurance database shall be submitted by the Social Insurance Board and, in the cases provided by law, by the Chancellery of the Riigikogu.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.08.2004 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)

(3)        The documents necessary for a person studying in Estonia specified in clause 5 (4) 5) of this Act to be entered in the health insurance database shall be submitted by the Ministry of Education and Research. A person studying in a foreign state specified in clause 5 (4) 5) is obligated to submit the documents necessary for insurance cover to commence by himself or herself.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.08.2004 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)

(4)        The insurance cover of the persons specified in clauses 5 (4) 1)–4) of this Act terminates if the person no longer meets the conditions provided for in the relevant clause of subsection 5 (4), taking account of the specifications provided for in § 12 of this Act.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.08.2004 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)

(5)        A submitter of documents specified in subsection (2) or (3) of this section is required to notify the health insurance fund of termination of the insurance cover of a person specified in clause 5 (4) 3) or 5) of this Act within ten calendar days.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.08.2004 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)


§ 12. Specifications concerning duration of insurance cover of persons considered equal to insured persons

(1)        The insurance cover of a person declared permanently incapacitated for work terminates three months after termination of his or her permanent incapacity for work.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.08.2004 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)

(11)      The insurance cover of a person specified in clause 5 (4) 1) of this Act terminates three months after the estimated date of delivery as determined by a doctor.

(28.06.2004 entered into force 01.08.2004 - RT I 2004, 56, 400)

(2)        The insurance cover of a person specified in clause 5 (4) 5) of this Act terminates three months after his or her graduation from the educational institution. If a student acquiring general secondary education as specified in clause 5 (4) 5) of this Act reaches 24 years of age within three consecutive academic years after commencement of acquisition of the general secondary education, his or her insurance cover terminates three months after his or her graduation from the educational institution.

(24.11.05 entered into force 1.01.06 - RT I 2005, 65, 498)

(21)      If a student of at least 19 years of age acquiring general secondary education as specified in clause 5 (4) 5) of this Act is expelled from the educational institution before graduation within three consecutive academic years after commencement of acquisition of the general secondary education, his or her insurance cover terminates one month after the expulsion. If a student of at least 19 years of age acquiring vocational education as specified in clause 5 (4) 5) of this Act fails to graduate from the educational institution within the standard period of study prescribed for completion of the curriculum (except for medical reasons) or is expelled from the educational institution before graduation, his or her insurance cover terminates one month thereafter. If a student specified in clause 5 (4) 5) of this Act fails to graduate from the educational institution within one year after the end of the standard period of study prescribed for completion of the curriculum (except for medical reasons) or is expelled from the educational institution before graduation, his or her insurance cover terminates one month thereafter.

(24.11.05 entered into force 1.01.06 - RT I 2005, 65, 498)

(3)        Insurance cover is suspended for any period of academic leave. The conditions under which insurance cover is not suspended for a period of academic leave shall be established by a regulation of the Minister of Social Affairs. After expiry of a period of suspension, insurance cover resumes without a waiting period.