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Health Insurance act (без изменений).docx
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§ 37. Conditions of contract for financing medical treatment

The following conditions shall be agreed upon in a contract for financing medical treatment:

1)         the term of the contract;

2)         the amount of obligations of insured persons assumed by the health insurance fund during a specific period of time and the total amount of obligations, and, if necessary, amounts for each of the medical professions established by the Minister of Social Affairs or amounts calculated on any other basis;

3)         the price payable for the provision of the health service, taking into consideration the reference price and limit provided for in the list of health services;

4)         the minimum volume of health services provided;

5)         a list of health care professionals who provide health services for which the payment obligation is assumed by the health insurance fund, and the procedure for giving notice of amendment of the list and for co-ordinating the amendments with the health insurance fund;

6)         the number of hours in a period of time during which the health care provider is required to provide health services to insured persons;

7)         the term during which the health care provider is required to submit information to the health insurance fund concerning the assumption of obligations to pay for health services provided to insured persons;

8)         cases where assumption of the payment obligation of an insured person is contingent upon prior written approval from the health insurance fund;

9)         cases where the parties have the right unilaterally to terminate or amend the contract or to suspend performance of the contract in part or in full;

10)       the frequency with which information is to be submitted to the health insurance fund concerning waiting lists and the services provided, and the composition of the information to be submitted;

11)       the procedure and term for giving notice of health services provided to insured persons outside the waiting list;

12)       the scope of the reporting obligation of the health care provider and the obligation to submit information concerning insured persons, and the composition of the information to be submitted;

13)       the indicators of the quality and efficacy of the health services;

14)       the liability of the parties upon violation of the contract;

15)       other conditions necessary for ensuring the efficient and purposeful use of health insurance funds.


§ 38. Waiting list

(1)        A waiting list is a part of a database maintained by a health care provider which contains information concerning insured persons who are waiting for a regular health service benefit and which serves as the basis for the assumption of payment obligations by the health insurance fund.

(2)        The health insurance fund shall enter into contracts for financing medical treatment only with health care providers who maintain waiting lists pursuant to clause 56 (1) 4) of the Health Services Organisation Act and enable entry into contracts for provision of health service through the health information system.

(20.12.07 entered into force 1.09.08 - RT I 2008, 3, 22)

 (3)       The maximum length of a waiting list shall be approved by the supervisory board of the health insurance fund. Any extension of the maximum length of a waiting list does not apply to insured persons who have already been entered in the waiting list.

(4)        The length of a waiting list may differ from one regional unit of the health insurance fund to another but shall not exceed the maximum length of the waiting list.

(5)        Only insured persons who, upon their entry in a waiting list, have a proven medical need for a health service may be entered in the waiting list. An insured person who no longer has a proven medical need for a health service shall be deleted from the waiting list immediately. The health insurance fund has the right to examine waiting lists at any time or to demand that a waiting list be submitted for examination.

(6)        An insured person has the right to obtain a health service outside the waiting list on the condition that this does not prejudice the opportunities of the insured persons in the waiting list to obtain the health service.