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Words and phrases to be remembered

Power engineering – энергетика

Temporary – временный

Heating plant - отопительная установка

Capacity - мощность, нагрузка, производительность; пропускная способность

Board - правление, руководство, совет, коллегия

Swift - быстрый, скорый, стремительный

Weir - лотина, запруда; водослив, дамба, перемычка

Heat and power plant – теплоэлектроцентраль

Artificial - искусственный, ненатуральный, неприродный

Mounting - установка; монтаж, сборка

Simultaneously - вместе, одновременно, совместно

Electric current - электрический ток

Staff - штат служащих; служебный персонал; личный состав; кадры; штаты


Many things are changing in our life. Art is changing, too.

The names of many well-known scientists, writers, artists and musicians are connected with Orenburg region. V.Dahl and A.Pushkin, L.Tolstoy and N.Uspensky, A.Alyabyev and T.Shevchenko visited it. I.Krylov, G.Dezhavin and S.Aksakov spent their childhood here.

A special page in the history of the cultural life of Orenburg can be devoted to the Great Patriotic War. During the war Orenburg citizens got acquainted with the best performances of the Leningrad Academy Maly Opera Theatre. They gave concerts not only in Orenburg but also all over the region. In Orsk the Symphony orchestra of the theatre performed the legendary Seventh Symphony by Shostakovich.

Today lives of many well-known writers, artists and musicians are connected with Orenburg region. We don't stop surprising at the great number of talents!

Interesting art exhibitions display the works of Orenburg artists. They also show their works abroad: O.Okuneva in India and Austria; A.Khanin in Paris. Alia Vasilchenko and Svetlana Shleyuk took part in the national exhibition "Decorative Art of Russia".

The monument to Pushkin and Dahl in the centre of Orenburg is the work of Orenburg sculptor Nadezhda Petina. It is not only a tribute to the history. It also shows the creative power and great abilities of Orenburg artists.

There are many creative unions and theatres in the city. Orenburg Drama Theatre, our Musical Theatre and Puppet Show Theatre "Pierrot" made several tours to Minsk, Ufa, Moscow, Pskov, Kazakhstan, Chelyabinsk, and Tolyatty. Tatar Drama Theatre is also popular not only in Orenburg. There are some really good theatres in other towns of the region, too - in Orsk, Buguruslan.

Many people throughout the world enjoyed performances of Orenburg Academic Russian Folk Chorus.

Life of the famous musician Mstislav Rostropovich is closely connected with our region. He has visited Orenburg several times.

Symphony concerts and Jazz festivals in organization of which the People's Artist of Russia Yuri Saulsky takes part is a return to the best musical traditions. Folk music festivals "Orenburg Downy Shawl" have become real musical events which attract attention of the citizens.

The main aim is to preserve art and the creative experience and not to break the bridge between the past and the future.

Books by Orenburg writes both young and experienced are published.

Two social, political, literary and artistic almanacs "Gostiny Dvor" and "Bashnya" are published now in Orenburg. They gather around themselves not only writers but also scientists and historians who are interested in studying the local lore.

At the end of the year the Region Prize for achievements in art and literature is awarded. There are a lot of talents in Orenburg worth getting it.

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