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History of greenbacks, Mitchell.doc
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In need. Five million dollars were required to carry it along

until new means of securing funds could be devised. As

the two-year treasury notes were selling at a discount of 2

to 2 per cent., they were not directly available. But the

banks agreed to advance the amount required for sixty days

and take 6 per cent, treasury notes as collateral security. 5

Two points in this review of the operations of the secre-

tary of the treasury from March to July are of significance:

1. When hostilities opened the federal government was

receiving less than a quarter of its revenue from taxation ;

for the remaining three-quarters it was depending upon hand-

to-mouth borrowing. 6 From March 7, 1861, when Mr. Chase

was installed, to July 1, there had been an addition of $14,-

412,529.40 to the public debt. 7

1 Senate Executive Document No. 2, 37th Cong., 1st Sess., p. 11.

* Cf. Applet/on 1 * Annual Cyclopaedia, 1861, p. 297.

3 Senate Executive Document No. 2, p. 11, 37th Cong., 1st Sess.

* Of this sum $1,710,650 was sold for coin, and $873,900 was paid to creditors.

Ibid., pp. 60-62.

5 Cf. American Annual Cyclopaedia, 1861, p. 297 ; and Hunt's Merchants' Maga-

zine, Vol. XLVII, p. 505.

6 From April to Jane, 1861, the receipts from customs, sales of public land, and

miscellaneous sources, were $5,800,000, from loans $17,600,000. Report of the Secretary

of the Treasury, December, 1861, p. 30.

? Senate Executive Document No. 2, p. 18, 37th Cong., 1st. Sess.


2. Mr. Chase had of his own accord inaugurated the

policy of issuing interest-bearing treasury notes running one

or two years, in preference to long-time bonds, whenever

they would fetch a higher price, disregarding the fact that

such a course exposed the treasury to the danger of being

called upon to redeem its notes while hard pressed for funds

to meet current demands. 1



Such was the situation when Congress convened in extra

session July 4. Emphasizing the need of extraordinary

measures, President Lincoln's message recommended that

"at least 400,000 men and $400,000,000" be placed "at

the control of the government." 2 The financial program

of the administration was outlined in a report submitted by

Secretary Chase. 3

It was estimated that the government would require $320,-

000,000 To meet the expenditures of the coming twelve

months. Of this sum the secretary thought that "not less than

$80,000,000 should be provided by taxation, and that $240,-

000,000 should be sought through loans." The $80,000,-

000 Would defray the expenses of a peace footing, estimated

at $66,000,000, the interest on the public debt, $9,000,000,

and provide an annual sinking fund of $5,000,000. By

revising the Morrill tariff, Chase thought the customs could

be made to yield a revenue of $57,000,000. An additional

$3,000,000 from sales of public lands would leave $20,000,-

000 of the $80,000,000 to be raised by direct tax or by inter-

nal duties as Congress might decide.

To secure $240,000,000 by borrowing new loans to the

1 Mr. James Gallatin, president of the Gallatin Bank of New York, advised

strongly against this policy. See his Two Letters to the Hon. S. P. Chase, etc., New

York, 1861.

2 Lincoln's Complete Works, ed. NICOLAT AND HAY, Vol. II, p. 60.

3 Senate Executive Document No. 2, 37th Cong., 1st Sess.


full amount would be necessary ; for the $21,393,450 which

the secretary still had authority to borrow under existing

laws ' was available only when creditors were willing to

accept payment in 6 per cent, treasury notes at par, which,

Mr. Chase admitted, was " not to be expected." He sug-

gested (1) a national loan of $100,000,000 in 7.3 per cent,

treasury notes, running three years ; (2) a loan of like amount

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