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Words and word combinations

to sur­pass – перевищувати

brass – латунь (жовта мідь)

cupro-niekelмельхіор, міднонікелевий сплав

tin (Sn) = stannum – олово

sheetironлистове залізо

tin is not subject to attack на олово не впливають

respectively – відповідно

subject to hard wear – які зазнають серйозного зношування

(Part II) lead, solder, zink

Lead (Pb) is now a very expensive metal. At one time it was widely used for roofing and for water piping because of its softness and resistance to corrosion, but copper and iron have taken its place. Lead is a gray malleable metal which melts at 327°C, which is low for a metal. Lead is still used for roofing and for making waste pipes and sink traps because it is easily bent into shape; storage battery (accumulator) plates; cable sheaths; storage tanks for sulphuric acid; lead shot; solder; screens to stop harmful radiation from radioactive substances. Other lead alloy is type metal (lead + tin + bismuth (Bi) + cadmium (Сd)). Lead monoxide is used for making glass that is brilliant and sparking, i.e. decorative tableware.

Solder (33% tin + 67% lead) has lower melting point than either tin or lead and therefore is used for making repairs.

Zink is a moderately hard grey metal which acquires a protective coating of zink oxide on its surface.

Its colour is yellow when hot and white when cold. It can be turned on a lathe and pressed into shape. Zink oxide is used in paints because it is non-poisonous and is not discoloured by hydrogen sulphide. It has a soothing effect upon the skin and is used in ointments and lotions. It is added to rubber for making racing motor tyres.

Zink is used in the making of dry batteries and in the process of galvanizing. In this, iron is dipped into molten zink, which forms a protective layer on its surface. Galvanized iron is used in sheets for roofing and also for buckets and dustbins.

Words and word combinations

solder – припой

piping – трубопровід

malleable – ковкий

sink trapsтут: дренажні труби

cable sheathsтут: захисний кожух

sulphuric acid – сірчана кислота

shotтут: дріб

type metal – гарт (типографський сплав)

tablewareстолове приладдя (ложки, виделки і т. п.)

for making repairsдля ремонту

hydrogen sulphide – сульфід водню

an ointmentмазь

to turn on – тут: обточувати

to press into shape – пресувати по формі


I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents 1- 5 (Part I), 6 – 10 (Part II).


corrosion resistant qualities


electrical apparatus


coated with tin


weak acids


parts of machinery


expensive metal


easily bent into shape


lower melting point


a protective coating


dry batteries

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