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1. The Present Tenses (Active)

The Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense

Ex. 17. Answer the following questions according to the model:

Example: What does a driver do? – He drives. What do drivers do? – They drive.

1. What does a singer do? 2. What does a runner do? 3. What do students do? 4. What does a dancer do? 5. What do cooks do? 6. What does a painter do? 7. What do teachers do? 8. What does a typist do? 9. What do writers do? 10. What do officers do? 11. What does a football player do? 12. What does an interpreter do?

Ex. 18. Write the following sentences a) in the negative, b) in the interrogative

1. She understands the rule. 2. He usually has breakfast at 8 o’clock. 3. The lecture starts at 10.15. 4. The flowers look fresh. 5. She usually walks in the morning. 6. He has coffee in the evening. 7. She remembers them well. 8. He plays chess very well. 9. She leaves home at 10 o’clock every day. 10. Ann misses you badly. 11. They feel very cold. 12. Tom looks sick. 13. They harvest grapes in March. 14. The last boat sails at 10 p.m. 15. That train goes very fast.

Ex. 19. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite.

1. Oscar Wilde and Bernard Shaw (be) the most witty British writers. 2. Fishermen often (tell) tales about their catches. 3. Their children (go) to a private school. 4. Little Amanda (collect) all sorts of toy-pigs. 5. My father (like) a lot of milk in his tea and a few lumps of sugar. 6. Anything that he (say) (be) worth listening to. 7. We usually (spend) our holidays in Spain. 8. My English friends (live) in a nice house that (stand) on a hill that (overlook) lake Windermere, which (be) in the Lake District. 9. What this sentence (mean)? 10. I (live) in Kharkiv, which (be) my native town. 11. My brother (sing) in Italian opera. 12. My sister (have) a good appetite and she always (eat) heartily. 13. Let’s go outside. It (be) terribly hot in the house. 14. What you (see) over there? 15. In England the traffic (keep) to the left but on the Continent it (keep) to the right. 16. This map (be) the largest that we (have). 17. They often (come) to see me in my town house. 18. The twittering of birds in the trees in spring (be) a pleasant sound.

Ex. 20. Answer the questions using the Present Indefinite.

1. What time do you go to the Institute? (generally, usually) 2. What do you do on Sunday mornings? (often) 3. How do you spend your leisure time? (usually, occasionally) 4. What sort of radio programmes do you listen to? (usually, often, always) 5. How do you help your parents? (always, sometimes, usually) 6. What sort of films do you enjoy? (nearly always) 7. Where do you read for your examinations? (normally, sometimes) 8. Where do you have your meals? (usually, sometimes) 9. What do you take if you have a head­ache? (generally, usually) 10. How do you celebrate your birthday? (nearly always, occasionally)

Ex. 21. Use the right form of the verb in brackets:

1. This man (know) from his experience what it (mean). 2. Nothing (happen) by accident. 3. As man (grow) older, he (tend) to be more skeptical. 4. My mother often (tell) me that you not (leave) your problems behind you when you (go) to another place. Pain and heartache (travel) well. And indeed they (do). 5. Mrs. Lewis (own) this business, and she (run) it herself. 6. He (be) a complete mystery to me. 7. What he (do) for a living? 8. In Rome every building (tell) its own story. 9. When the weather (heat) up and you (need) to cool down, a lake, a river, a pool – is what your body and soul (need). 10. My great-grandmother is very old, but she (hear, see and understand) everything quite well. 11. I (remember) that Rosa (own) a villa on the Adriatic.

Ex. 22. Translate into English:

1. Твій друг – це людина, яка знає про тебе все, проте любить тебе. 2. За сумом приходить радість. 3. Він любить лежати на дивані і дивитися телевізор. Він лежебока (a couch potato). 4. Все залежить від того, як він бачить своє майбутнє. 5. Він ігнорує наші дзвінки, бо не хоче виконувати цю роботу. 6. Той, хто каже, що гроші не в змозі купити щастя, просто не знають, де купувати. 7. Не хвилюйтеся, ми вже тут. 8. Він бачить світ таким, якій він є. 9. Гроші не ростуть на деревах. Їх важко заробляти. 10. Цей словник пропонує точну та детальну інформацію про англійську мову. 11. Кожен день приносить нам безліч нових знань. 12. Він завжди допомагає друзям порадами та грошима. 13. У Каліфорнії іноді йде сніг, чи не так? 14. У нашій місцевості часто йдуть дощі.

Ex. 23. Read the following proverbs and sayings and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

1. A stitch in time saves nine. 2. A liar is not believed when he speaks the truth. 3. A good wife makes a good husband. 4. A man is known by the company he keeps. 5. A lawyer never goes to law himself. 6. A civil question deserves a civil answer. 7. Time heals all wounds. 8. It takes three generations to make a gentleman. 9. He calls a goose a swan. 10. The more a man knows the more modest he is. 11. An apple a day keeps wrinkles away. 12. Big fish eat little fish. 13. He laughs best who laughs last. 14. He who laughs last, laughs longest.

Ex. 24. Use the right form of the verb in brackets:

1. Human relationships (be) never static. They (change) from day to day, because they are highly complex and also because people (be) changeable. And life (intrude). Problems (intrude) and (create) tensions.

2. Whenever my mother (face) difficulties, she always (say) to me, “Vanny, life (take) care of itself and a lot of other things as well. And it usually (take) a turn for the best. So let things (work) themselves out in their own time.” That (be) always her philosophy, I think.

3. Power is the most potent of weapons, probably more so than money. Power, not money, (talk). Money (be) only important when you (be) truly poor, when you need it for a roof over your head, for food and clothes. Once you have those essentials and go beyond them, money (be) simply a tool to work with. And not ever (let) anyone persuade you that power (corrupt). It not always (do) so, only when those with power (do) anything to hold on to that power. Sometimes it can even be ennobling.

Ex. 25. Translate into English:

1. Сонце встає на Сході. 2. Цукор розчиняється у воді. 3. Мідь проводить електрику краще, ніж інші метали. 4. Наш пароплав відпливає наступного вівторка. 5. Цієї зими дуже багато снігу. 6. О котрій годині у вас закінчуються заняття? 7. Чому ти пропускаєш семінари? Скоро сесія. 8. Чому зі мною завжди трапляються якісь пригоди? 9. Вам подобається цей куточок країни? 10. У Каліфорнії не буває снігу. А у нас часто йдуть дощі взимку. Погода іноді підносить нам несподіванки. 11. Мудрість приходить з віком. 12. Всьому є пояснення. Нічого не буває без причини. 13. Ніхто на землі не досконалий. 14. Клієнт завжди правий. 15. Коли кішці добре, вона мурчить, а собака махає хвостом. 16. Коли температура підвищується, вологість спадає.

The Present Progressive

Ex. 26. Continue in the negative.

Example: Mother is talking on the phone. (sleep) She isn’t sleeping.

1. John is standing.(lie down) … . 2. Father is shaving. (wash) … . 3. The boys are playing. (fight) … . 4. The teacher is speaking. (read) … . 5. I am eating. (drink) … . 6. Mary is running. (walk) … . 7. They are speaking. (shout) … .

Ex. 27. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

Example: Are you drawing? (write a story)

No, I’m not. I’m writing a story.

1. Is he writing a letter? (watch television). 2. Are you reading Byron’s poems? (learn them by heart). 3. Is Dad smoking in his study? (read a newspaper). 4. Are they listening to the radio? (talk with a friend). 5. Are you hurrying to work? (go home). 6. Is Joan playing the piano? (listen to a concert). 7. Are you working at your essay? (write a film script). 8. Is she washing up? (cook).

Ex. 28. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

Example: Is Mother very busy just now? (type a report)

Yes, she is. She is typing a report.

1. Is Jerry very busy just now? (study). 2. Are the students very busy just now? (read). 3. Is Susan very busy just now? (have breakfast). 4. Are the Greens very busy just now? (shop). 5. Is Miss Black very busy just now? (sew). 6. Is Jane very busy just now? (wash up). 7. Is Henry very busy just now? (skate). 8. Are the girls very busy just now? (rehearse).

Ex. 29. Answer the questions using the words in brackets.

Example: What are you doing? (daydream) I’m daydreaming.

1. Why is Father making such a terrible noise? (teach the dog to bark). 2. What are you doing with the scissors? (cut out a dress). 3. Where are you hurrying to? (run to catch my bus). 4. What are you doing in this shop? (buy a mink coat). 5. Why are you leaving so soon? (go to the University). 6. Why is she playing the violin so late? (rehearse for a concert). 7. Why are the children listening so attentively? (listen to a favourite fairy tale). 8. What is George doing in the kitchen? (bake an apple pie).

Ex. 30. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Oh, darling, pay no attention to Mr. White! He (lie) to you. 2. “I (starve), and my feet (kill) me. I (want) to have a rest,” complained Grandma. 3. “Watch the road!” cried the policeman. “Something (happen) there.” 4. – You (kid)? – No, I not (joke), sir. I’m dead serious.5. Now, children, we (go) to the most wonderful place in the world. 6. You (think) of selling this house? I not (think) it’s the right time to do it. 7. We still can’t understand what he (talk) about. 8. She (show) the latest collection of new designs tonight. 9. Today in this country we (face) a lot of problems. 10. – Why you (cry), Nicky? – Can’t you see I (cut) onions? 11. – Listen, you and Eric (come) for Sunday’s barbecue? 12. – You (feel) better, darling? – Yes, I (do) fine, thank you. 13. – Have you put the kettle on to boil? – It (whistle) already. 14. All the talk tonight is about the house which he (renovate). 15. We not (get) younger. 16. Make the tea, Jess, the kettle (screech) its head off. 17. Now clear off, I (read). 18. Hello, is that me you (look for)?

Ex. 31. Use the right form of the verb in brackets.

1. My aunt often (talk) to herself. Look, Grandpa (talk) to himself. 2. I never (drink) anything with my meals. What you (drink)? – Tonic water. 3. The days (get) longer from January to June. The days (get) longer now. 4. We (go) out a lot in summer. We (go) out on Saturday. 5. – What’s that terrible noise? – My neighbour (drill) the wall. He (do) it every weekend. 6. I wonder if Kate is on a diet. She (get) thinner and thinner. 7. My house plans (grow) very slowly. 8. She can’t come to the phone right now. She (wash) her hair. She (wash) it twice a week. 9. Many people (go) to church on Sundays. Hey, people! Where you (go)? 10. Unemployment (rise) at alarming rate. Prices (rise) after economic crises. 11. Don’t disturb him, he (work). 12. Your husband ever work at the weekend? 13. Come in, I not (sleep). 14. He always (come) at the wrong moments. 15. She constantly (talk)!

Ex. 32. Translate the following sentences into English concentrating on the use of the Present Simple and the Present Progressive:

1. Дощ тільки-но починається. 2. Хлопці! Припиняйте цю огидну гру, у яку граєте. 3. У них зараз другий сніданок. У них є проблема і вони обговорюють її за столом. 4. – На Джулії новий капелюшок. Він так личить їй! – Так! Капелюшок так змінює жінку. 5. Я думаю про тебе. Я гадаю, що ти чудо, дівчина моєї мрії. 6. Він так багато вчиться. Іспити наближуються. 7. Я знаю, що ти відчуваєш зараз, всі ми відчуваємо те саме. 8. – Дивись, наш сусід знову бігає ранками. – На мій погляд, він встановлює новий рекорд. Він виглядає виснаженим. 9. Які це в тебе парфуми (to wear perfume)? Вони чудові! 10. – Твоя англійська стає все краще і краще. – Так, я займаюся з ранку до ночі. 11. Ти завжди тут п’єш каву? Кожного разу, як я приходжу до кафе перекусити, я зустрічаю тут тебе. 12. Не маю уявлення, про що вони спілкуються. 13. Я дуже сумую за нею, трохи не кожної хвилини думаю про неї і, навіть, гадаю, що чую її голос. 14. У всіх номерах готелю є ванні кімнати. 15. Ти такий нудний! Невже ти старієш? 16. До речі, що тут відбувається? 17. Я сама не розумію, чому я плачу. 18. Може налити тобі води? У тебе все ще тремтять руки. 18. Їх фірма працює над новим проектом. – Це новина так новина! 19. Ти будеш з нами завтра грати у футбол? 20. Як вам це подобається? 21. Не кажіть так голосно! Я і так чую вас добре. 22. Коли б ми до вас не прийшли, ви завжди працюєте! 23. Мій брат завтра летить до Парижу.

Ex. 33. Use the right form of the verb in brackets.

1. I can’t understand what he (talk) about. 2. Oh, darling, pay no attention to Mr. White! He (lie) to you. 3. Family life (change) rapidly. 4. You (think) of selling this house? I not (think) it’s the right time to do it. 5. These days many people (complain) that life is too tough. 6. You (look) strange, Teddy. What’s the matter? 7. She (feel) dead guilty. Forgive her. 8. – Why you (cry), Laura? – Can’t you see I (cut) onions? 9. You (look) very healthy at the moment. 10. And so… I (understand) this correctly? 11. I only (agree) to this ridiculous decision of yours because there is no other way out. 12. We not (get) younger. 13. He always (come) up with new ideas. 14. They’ve moved to their London house. They (buy) new furniture. 15. Sally put down the telephone. – It was Dan. He (stay) at the club tonight. He’s too tired to drive home. 16. By the way, Arthur (do) quite nicely in the used-car business.

Ex. 34. Put the verb into the correct form, the Present continuous or the Present Simple.

Example: I’m planting (plant) a cherry-tree. Will you help me?

How does she keep her children in line (she/keep)?

He doesn’t feel well (not/feel). He hasn’t been well for quite a time.

1. These things … (not/belong) to my parents. 2. Look! He … (come). I … (want) to speak to him. 3. This stream … (flow) to the lake at the bottom of the valley. 4. Today the river … (flow) much faster than usual. 5. … (it/ever/rain) on Madeira? 6. They usually … (grow) vegetables in their garden but this year they … (not/grow) any. 7. – Can you ride bicycle? – No, but I … (learn). My brother … (teach) me. 8. You can borrow my dictionary. I … (not/need) it at the moment. 9. I usually … (enjoy) music but I … (not/enjoy) this record very much. 10. I … (not/believe) this man’s story. 11. My brother … (live) in Cardiff. He has always lived in Wales. 12. Where … (your sister/live)?

Ex. 35. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite and the Present Continuous.

1. Mr. Smith (teach) us at present. He (substitute) for Mr. Reese, who (be) our regular teacher. 2. “I (go) to visit Peter tonight. He (leave) tomorrow morning.” – “He (come) back the same day?” – “I (not/know).” 3. John often (stay) at a hotel when he (come) to town, but tonight he (stay) with us. 4. “The fourth class always (meet) on the 3-d floor, but our class (meet) on the 4-th floor. However, since they (paint) our regular classroom now, we (go) to meet in the club-room today. 5. “Nick (leave) today.” – “What train he (take) for his journey?” – He (catch) the 5.50 train. 6. The mechanic (repair) my car today. So I must go to work by the underground. 7. “You (write) him tonight?” – “Yes, I always (write) him on his birthday. You (want) to send any message?” – “Certainly.” 8. John (say) he (leave) for Chicago on the fifteenth. 9. I (go) to the seaside on my holiday. 10. My brother (come) to see me next week. 11. Whenever I (call) at the Smith’s house, they (play) cards. I really think they (play) every night. 12. Jack (make) at least ten spelling errors in every lesson.

Ex. 36. Translate into English using the Present Indefinite or the Present Continuous.

1. Де Тед? – Він у саду. – Що він там робить? 2. Брат ніколи мені не простить, якщо я дозволю тобі піти. 3. Я не маю уявлення, про що говорите. 4. Але вони ще нічого не зробили. Як ви гадаєте, чого вони чекають? 5. – Що люди говорять про мене тут? – запитала вона. 6. Їх фірма працює над новим автомобілем. Це цікава новина. 7. Ти знаєш, як він любить автомобілі? 8. Кожного разу, коли ви зустрічаєте слово, якого не знаєте, дивіться його в словнику. 9. До речі, що тут відбувається? 10. – А що робить мати Сенді в Японії? – Вона там з жіночою делегацією. 11. Я не знаю, чому вона плаче. 12. Давай я наллю тобі води. У тебе тремтять руки. 13. Ти пам’ятаєш Джеймса? Він зараз працює на нове видавництво, і справи в нього йдуть гарно.14. – Як ти себе почуваєш? Чому не їси суп? – Відчепись! Я не хочу.15. Я все ще не розумію вас! 16. Чоловіки гадають, що жінка за кермом – небезпека на дорозі.

Ex. 37. Explain why the present Continuous is not used in the following sentences despite the fact that the action in them take place at the moment of speaking.

1. The phone’s ringing. Who’s it for, I wonder? 2. You talk as if your son were a little boy. 3. Your scheme sounds full of holes to me. 4. There was a burst of laughter and music. Rose said wistfully: ”They have a good time, don’t they?” 5. The whole thing must be done right away. That leaves us only one alternative. 6. What’s this? Sam, do you hear that? 7. What’s the matter now? Why do you talk to me like that? 8. I am sorry I apologize. 9. “I feel a bit shaken.” “You surprise me. I’ve never seen you like that.” 10. “Do you think there may be some mistakes here?” “Why do you ask me?” 11. In a minute or two he began to sigh. ”He sighs like a turtle,” Meg thought. 12. “She has gone away.” “Oh, that tells me everything.”

The Present Perfect

Ex. 38. Read and translate the following sentences. Explain the use of the Present Perfect.

1. We live in the life that we have created. 2. Miss Lazy has hardly done any work this week. 3. I’ve said all I wanted to say on the matter. 4. Alan and Chloe are both down with the flu. Thank God I haven’t caught it from them. 5. I think you’ve made a good choice. 6. Rick, I’ve just told you that we don’t have a future together. 7. The country has made enormous progress this year. The Prime Minister has done so much good. 8. I’ve studied the last faxes from Geneva and I’ve come to the decision. 9. You are my mother. I love you very much. And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for me. 10. Wait, you haven’t read the details. 11. You have become very dear for me, and in such a short time. I’ve fallen in love with you, Mary. 12. Have you ever seen a ghost? 13. We’ve run out of sugar. Ask Mrs. Helpful to lend us some. 14. We have had some successes in tennis lately.

Ex. 39. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1.They (be) political rivals for more than 30 years and still are. 2. New York house (be) his main home for the last forty years. 3. I (miss) you terribly! Where you (be) all the time? 4. It (be) a long way, I really feel tired. 5. I always (like) being near water, and for as long as I can remember. 6. Frank wants to fly. He (do) this so many times that he is beginning to think it really (happen). 7. Life (be) very kind to me. 8. I not (see) fireflies since I (be) a kid. 9. I (notice) something strange in her lately. 10. We believe you (be) very busy since you (arrive) in New York. 11. Melanie (know) the Hills for donkey’s years. 12. After all, Nigel always (be) a bit of a know-it-all. 13. It is quiet in the apartment now that everybody (leave) it. 14. It’s strange that they are friends, they never (share) the same interests. 15. “I think you had better leave,” he said icily. “Before I really lose my temper. I just (have) enough of you.” 16. I always (want) to look clever, but now at the age of twenty I have to admit that I look like a person who never even (hear) of Jung or Updike. 17. We (see) each other fairly steadily for the past year, and when David (ask) me to marry him, last week, there (seem) no reason to say “no”. I (be) very lonely for a very long time. And so (have) David, ever since his wife (die) seven years ago.

Ex. 40. Translate the questions and answers.

Example: Коли ти в останнє бачив Гану? – Я не бачив її з травня.

When did you last see Ann? – I haven’t seen her since May.

1. Коли в останнє шов дощ? – Дощу не було цілу вічність. 2. Коли вони провідували вас в останнє? – Вони не приходили до нас з червня. 3. Коли ти в останній раз грав у теніс? – Я вже давно не грав у теніс. 4. Коли ти в останнє їла кокос? – Я ніколи не їла кокосу. 5. Коли ти в останнє водив машину? – Я не водив машину вже пів року. 6. Коли ти в останній раз був у Канаді? – Я ніколи не їздив до Канади. 7. Коли вона писала тобі в останнє? – Вона не писала з минулого літа.

Ex. 41. Translate into English.

1.– Скільки грошей ти витратила на цьому тижні? – Я ще не підраховувала. 2. Лікар тільки-но телефонував і сказав, що в Насті народилася дитина, хлопчик. 3. – Хто це приймає душ у такий час? – Це Петро, він сьогодні не пішов на роботу. 4. Джон не палить вже десять років. 5. Цього року ми відклали не дуже багато грошей. 6. – Це буде велика вечірка? Скільки людей ви запросили? – Ми ще не склали список. 7. Це саме те, що я завжди хотіла. 8. Не дивуйся, врешті-решт вона завжди була скритна. 9. Ми ніколи не забудемо про те, що ви для нас зробили. 10. Ніколи в житті не бачила такого безладдя! 11. Я говорив тобі останнім часом як сильно я тебе кохаю? 12. – Як давно ви вже в Англії і що ви встигли подивитися? Ми тільки-но приїхали і бачили Лондон із вікна автобуса. 13. За останній час їх стосунки значно покращилися.

Ex. 42. Fill in the gaps with since or for.

1. I haven’t met my classmates _ five years. 2. Grandma has had a headache _ the weather changed. 3. They have been in this business _ twenty years. 4. It hasn’t Rained _ a month. 5. Andrew has been very busy _ the conference began. 6. We’ve had the same director _ twelve years. 7. He hasn’t spoken _ his dog died. 8. My relatives haven’t visited me _ quite a long time. 9. Nothing special has happened _ yesterday. 10. I have passed all my exams _ the last six days. 11. They have been up _ early morning. 12. Margie has been unwell _ she came back from the North. 13. Nick has had a beard _ he was forty. 14. Mr. Stone has been our family doctor _ ages.

Ex. 43. Answer the following questions.

1. Have you ever pretended to be ill to get off work or school? 2. Have you ever cheated in an exam? 3. Have you ever ridden a camel or an elephant? 4. Have you ever read your brother’s, sister’s or friend’s letter which was lying around the house? 5. Have you ever hidden any of your earnings from the tax inspector? 6. Have you ever taken anything home with you from the hotel? 7. Have you ever travelled without a ticket on public transport? 8. Have you ever told lies and invented stories about yourself to impress other people? 9. Have you ever met any people who could speak Swahili? 10. Have you answered all the questions honestly?

Ex. 44. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Indefinite and the Present Perfect

1. Look! They (stop). 2. I (want) to see you. I (not/see) you for ages! 3. “What (be) your name?” – “My name (be) always Cote.” 4. “You (read) this book?” – “Yes.” – “What you (think) of it?” 5. I (not/be) to a zoo before. It (be) a nice feeling to go somewhere you never (be) before. 6. “You (know) Nick?” – “Yes.” – “How long you (know) him?” – “I (know) him for 10 years.” 7. There (be) a lot of things I (want) to do for a long time and I (not/do) them. 8. You (realize) we (know) each other for quite a period of time now? And this (be) the first occasion you (ask) me to come with you. 9. “You (know) the girl who just (leave) the shop?” – “Yes, that (be) Bella York.” – “She (be) a customer of yours?” – “Not, exactly. She (be) here several times, but she never (buy) anything.” 10. Come in, I (be) awake since sun-up. 11. I (not/see) your pictures for a long time. Can I look round? 12. It’ll be good to see him again. How long he (be) away? It (seem) ages. 13. I (know) you nearly all my life, but I never (see) you so excited about anything.

Ex. 45. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the use of tenses in them.

1. As long as I’ve known you, which is a good ten years now, you’ve been a workaholic, to use a nasty word. 2. That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve heard you say in all the years I’ve known you. 3. I have really tried to help her since I have been at Fairley. 4. Help me! I’ve been ever so worried while you’ve been away. 5. The baby hasn’t cried at all since I’ve been home from St. Mary’s Hospital. 6. I must say, you’ve made my life easier since you’ve been in Town Street. I don’t have to do so much cooking these days. 7. But since I’ve been back in London I haven’t had time to come over to Jardine’s. 8. My mother is complaining that she has seen nothing of me since I have been in London. 9. We have been friends for many years and we have always shared the same interests.

Ex. 46. Translate into English using the Present Perfect Tense.

1. Вони побудували новий будинок. Ти бачив його? 2. Ти показав матусі свою картину? – Ні, вона ще не готова. 3. Я дивився цей фільм. А ти? – Так. Дуже цікавий. 4. Батько тільки-но повернувся з моря. 5. Візьми ці журнали. Я вже прочитав їх. 6. Ви були коли-небудь у Греції? – Так, дуже красива країна! 7. Ми ще не зробили достатньо експериментів, щоб підводити підсумки. 8. Вона ще не перекладала такі складні статті. 9. Я ще не був у деканаті сьогодні. 10. Я не можу нічого розповісти про цю людину, тому що ніколи її не бачив. 11. Я дзвонив йому сьогодні вже три рази. 12. Вони багато працювали цього тижня. 13. Мені завжди подобалося готувати. Мати навчила мене смачно готувати. 14. Всі ці роки, що я тебе знаю, ти завжди був моєю правою рукою. 15. Ми друзі зі шкільних років. 16. Вони ще не призначили точну дату майбутньої конференції. 17. Ми не друзі, але завжди були в добрих відносинах. 18. Вони одружені дуже давно і всі ці роки були щасливі. 19. Девід у лікарні з тих пір, як попав в аварію. 20. В останні роки в нас було багато втрат, і весь цей час ти нам допомагав, Чарльз (to be helpful).

The Present Perfect Progressive

Ex. 47. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the tenses in them.

1. – Can I let you in on a little secret? – Why not? You’ve been telling me your secrets since you were eight. 2. There’s something I've been meaning to ask you. 3. A fine rain has been falling steadily since six o’clock and there is a dark mist on the river. 4. “Are you thinking of selling off one of the hotels?” “I have been toying with the idea,” Meredith admitted. 5. She is filling the case with the papers she has been working on all day. 6. Was it gout again? Has it been bothering you lately, Bruce? 7. Blair has been working for days to make this Christmas Day a very special one. 8. Is there someone you’ve been seeing? 9. For generations, Transamerica has been helping people plan for a comfortable career. 10. In my eyes you can see all the love that I’ve been feeling. 11. Let’s talk about that fatigue, the attacks you've been having. When did the first one occur? 12. Her mind is still on her mother who has been seeing psychiatrist for the past few weeks. 13. British Rail has been wanting to close this line down for years on the grounds that it doesn’t pay its way. 14. We’ve been hearing this warped reasoning for so long about so many things that it has become received wisdom. 15. What’s been going on? Why haven’t you been answering my letters?

Ex.48. Put the verb in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I (work) on this problem for two months. 2 She (sleep) all this time? 3. You (talk) this nonsense all day long. 4. “Any news about your latest project?” – “I just (tell) about it.” 5. He says he (not/feel) well for the past week. 6. You are red all over. How long you (lie) in the sun today? 7. I (try) to get you all day, George! 8. I(not/sleep) well for months. 9. We (see) each other regularly since the party at Helen’s. 10. “Jack isn’t working now.” – “He (not/work) for years.”

Ex. 49. Use the right form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Good gracious, Kit, whatever you (do)? You seem to have all the paint on yourself that there is in the world. 2. I (think) about you all day, Emma. 3. What you (do) since we last (meet)? 4. – You look hot. – Yes, I (play) tennis. 5. I (work) in a bookshop now. I (work) here for about six weeks. 6. I (do) so for thirty years and I’m not going to change my ways. 7. She (have) toothache since she (get) up this morning. 8. How long you (know) Susan? 9. We (write) invitation cards all morning. We (write) eleven already. And we still not (finish) them all. 11. I (keep) a watch on the road for the last few days, trying to catch a glimpse of you as you passed. 12. And now, gentlemen, I want to know what (go on) here and how long it (go on). 13. He (chase) this girl for half a year but she wouldn’t even look at him. 14. They (think) a lot about this situation these past few days, since they (be) home. 15. There’s something I (want) to ask for the last couple of hours.

Ex 50. Translate into English.

1. Ти давно чекаєш на мене? 2. Ви знову побилися? 3. Як давно у вас болить нога? 4. Він працює вже три години. 5. Я вивчаю іспанську з вересня. 6. Ганна шукає роботу шість місяців. 7. Мій брат пале десять років. 8. Вони працюють у Манчестері з 1-го березня. 9. Який глибокий сніг! Скільки ж часу він йшов? 10. У тебе червоні очі. Ти плакала? 11. З якого віку ти граєш у шахи? 12. Як давно ви живите у цьому місті?

Ex. 51. Complete the sentences in A with B by using the right tense of the given hints.

A. 1. Why are your eyes red? 2. The kitchen smells of fresh fruit. 3. Why is the computer switched on? 4. You both look upset. 5. Ben, why are your jeans torn? 6. My clothes are all on the bed. 7. Your hands are in flour. 8. Why have you all fallen silent? 9. My fingers are sticky. 10. Little Nancy’s face is in something brown. 11. Why is your room in such a mess? 12. There are empty bottles and glasses and packets all over the place. 13. Mary, your hands are so cold!

B. a). celebrate something; b). look for the passport; c). eat a Mars bar; d). talk about me again? e). eat honey; f). bake a pie? g). my daughter, try on; h). play football; i). quarrel again; j). look for the programme; k). make a fruit salad; l). watch television for hours; m). clean the snow off the doorstep

Ex. 52. Translate into English.

1. Ми слухали тебе дуже уважно протягом двох годин, і зараз ми переконані, що ти кажеш правду. 2. Останнім часом ти зустрічаєшся з ким-небудь? 3. Ти можеш розповісти мені все. Ти довіряла мені всі свої таємниці з тих пір, як навчилася розмовляти. 4. Ми мешкаємо поряд з родиною Петренко двадцять років. І завжди ми були добрими сусідами. 5. “Я берегла цю обручку багато років і тепер віддаю її тобі. Бережи тебе Господь!” – сказала мені бабуся. 6. Не можу передати, що відчували твої батьки, поки тебе не було. 7. – Давно ми не зустрічали (to see) цю дівчину. – Так, ми не бачили її з тих пір, як повернулися з Парижу. 8. Мій син збирає машинки з трьох років. 9. Я зранку готую, сподіваюсь, обід усім сподобається. 10. Усе своє життя я працюю як раб, щоб мої діти одержали гарну освіту. 11. – Як довго ти носиш ці окуляри? – Вони вже у мене два роки. 12. Є дещо, про що я давно хочу тебе спитати.

Ex. 53. Complete the sentences with your own words using the Present Perfect and

the Present Progressive.

1. _ since eight o’clock this morning.

Examples: I have been sitting in class since eight o’clock this morning.

I have had three classes since eight o’clock this morning.

2. _ since I came to _. 7. _ since the beginning of this century.

3. _ since (year). 8. _ since _.

4. _ since (month). 9. _ for (number of years).

5. _ since (day). 10. _ for a long time.

6. _ since _ o’clock this morning 11. _ for several months.

afternoon / evening. 12. _ for the last ten minutes.

Ex. 54. Translate into English.

1. Коли падає зірка, треба загадати бажання. 2. – Дивись, падає зірка. – Ти загадала бажання? – Так. 3. Мода в наш час постійно змінюється. 4. – Мій друг працює в компанії, що виробляє комп’ютери. Давно він там працює? – Він там із часу заснування фірми. 5. Настав вересень. Багато людей готуються до зими. 6. У наш час все більше жінок водять машини. Жінки дуже змінився за останні роки (over the years). 7. Леся знову посварилася зі своїм хлопцем, тому що він постійно дзвонить їй запівніч. 8. У нас був не дуже продуктивний тиждень. Ми практично нічого не зробили. Ми марнуємо час. Яка прикрість! 9. Поліція працює, але вона поки що не знайшла можливого мотиву злочину. 10. Я так стомилася від цього шуму. Сусіди вже тиждень свердлять стіни. 11. – У будинку пахне фарбою. – Так, ми вже місяць ремонтуємо квартиру. Кімнати закінчили, але кухню ще не починали фарбувати. 12. Мої родичі збираються купити невеликий будиночок у сільській місцевості. Вони планують і говорять про це вже два роки, але поки що не знайшли вдалого варіанту. 13. Скільки я її знаю, вона завжди була такою перебірливою. 14. Вже дуже багато років моєму дідусю належить невеличкий шматок землі. Він завжди захоплювався садівництвом і перетворив свою землю у чудовий сад. 15. З дитинства він має таке тонке почуття гумору.

Ex. 55. Answer the questions.

1. Have you made any change in your life recently? What have you been doing since that change took place?

2. Choose a person that you know whose life-stile has changed. What change took place in this person’s life? What was his or her life like before? What has he or she been doing since the change took place?

3. Do you have a particular hobby? Have you ever had one? How long have you been interested in this? How did you become interested in it? Why do you enjoy it? Why are hobbies important to people? What are some typical hobbies that people in this country enjoy?