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13. The rise of u.S. Imperialism

By the late 1800’s, Am. were looking for new places as markets for their goods and sources of raw materials.

Motives to build pressure for expansion overseas:

1. business leaders wanted overseas markets.

2.national prestige required the United States to join the great European nations and Japan as imperial powers.

3.religious leaders supported efforts to spread Christianity to foreign people

4.the US seemed to be falling behind in the race for empire.

At the century’s end, the United States began to send American forces to Hawaii, Cuba, the Philippines, and East Asia.

During the early 20th century, the United States began to acquire territories overseas.

People who opposed US expansion made a polit. cartoon from the early 20th century portrays Uncle Sam – a symbol of Am. as a school teacher lecturing the various people placed under his care. 1898-annexed Hawaii, 1899- Philippines and Guana (from Spain), but Am. were not good administrators- 1902 Am.troops left Cuba, 1907-Philippines-limited self-government and independence in 1946. In 1959 Hawaii became a state, as did Alaska.

14. The progressives

The growth of industry and cities created problems. In the 1890s, progressivism arose as a political movement. From the 1890s to the 1910s, progressive efforts affected local, state, and national politics. Progressive reformers sought to remedy the problems created by industrialization and urbanization.

They also wanted to democratize electoral procedures, protect working people, and bridge the gap between social classes. Progressives turned to government to achieve their goals. Progressivism included both Democrats and Republicans.

The social settlement movement (1890s) became a force for progressive reform at the local level, such as Hull House(kind of charity and educational center), founded by Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr (labor reform, public education, and immigrants’ rights). Similar settlement houses offered social services to the urban poor, especially immigrants, provided nurseries, adult education classes, and recreational opportunities for children and adults. When progressives began to work for reform at the national level, their major goal was government regulation of business.

Theodore Roosevelt became president in 1901 when McKinley was assassinated. Roosevelt’s administration fought for the rights of workers and small businesses and for the conservation of natural resources. His active foreign policy led to the construction of the Panama Canal and to his winning the 1906 Nobel Peace Prize for his role in ending the Russo-Japanese War. He said regulation-the only way to solve the problems caused by big business.

Progressivism reached its peak during Wilson’s first term as the president. Wilson supported the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, which created a centralized banking system to act as a lender of last resort. 1913 – Wilson signed Underwood Tariff (reduce taxes on import goods).

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