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23. The Reagan administration –

favored a hawkish approach to the Cold War, especially in the Third World arena of superpower competition. The administration financed training of mujahadeens and other insurgent groups under Osama bin Laden control. The Reagan administration also supplied funds and weapons to heavily militarily-influenced governments in El Salvador and Honduras, and to a lesser extent in Guatemala. In 1982 the CIA, with assistance from the Argentine national intelligence agency, organized and financed right-wing paramilitaries in Nicaragua, known as the Contras. In 1985 Reagan authorized the sale of arms in Iran in an unsuccessful effort to free U.S. hostages in Lebanon. In Afghanistan, Reagan massively stepped up military and humanitarian aid for mujahadeen fighters against the Soviet proxy government there

U.S. allies Saudi Arabia and Pakistan also provided the rebels with significant assistance. Reagan also continued American support for the autocratic Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos, an anti-Communist.

24. Clinton administration.

Clinton's terms in office will be remembered in some quarters for the nation's largely domestic focus during the period.

The years 1994-2000: technology driven "new economy," and relatively high increases in real output, low inflation rates, and a drop in unemployment to below 5%. Clinton raised taxes to their highest level in history. During the 1990’s the nat. debt doubled. A 2 % reduction of nat. debt was achieved in 2000 due to the “borrowing” of a trillion dollars from The Social Security Trust Fund. The 90’s –“dot-com” industries. 1994 the Internet project was opened. Localized conflicts such as those in Haiti and the Balkans prompted President Clinton to send in U.S. troops as peacekeepers.

Although the economy was strong in the mid-1990s, two phenomena were troubling many Americans. Corporations were resorting more and more to a process known as downsizing: trimming the work force to cut costs despite the hardships this inflicted on workers. And in many industries the gap b\n the annual compensations of corporate executives and common laborers became enormous. Even the majority of Americans who enjoy material comfort worry about a perceived decline in the quality of life, in the strength of the family, in neighborliness and civility.

25. The George w. Bush administration.

Though his election had been the focus of intense controversy, George W. Bush was sworn in as President on January 20, 2001. The first eight months of his term in office were relatively uneventful, unemployment and business failures rising substantially.

The year 2001 was plagued by a nine-month recession.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked four airliners and flew two of them into the World Trade Center towers in New York City and another into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, the fourth plane crashed in southern Pennsylvania. President Bush declared that Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda terrorist network were the culprits and announced a "war on terror." Bush Doctrine “make no distinction b/n the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them.” The immediate military response was an invasion of Afghanistan, targeting al Qaeda and the Taliban government that supported and sheltered them. The U.S. was joined by a coalition which included forces from more than a dozen countries, and was successful in removing the Taliban from power, although fighting continues between the coalition and Afghans of various factions. Also the Bush Doctrine contains ideas which may have far reaching and dangerous consequences as: 1. The policy of pre-emptive war - pre-emptive attack is intended to weaken or damage an enemy, for example by destroying their weapons before they can do any harm. 2. Unilateralism - the process of acting, reaching a decision unilaterally. US have the right to act unilaterally. 3. Strength beyond Challenge - the policy that “ US has and intends to keep military strengths beyond challenge” indicating the US intends to take actions as necessary to continue its status as the world’s sole military power. War in Iraq: - “ axis of evil”(+Iran, North Korea). Bush planning invasion of Iraq, on the ground that Sadam Hussein supported terrorism. The UN security council didn’t approve this invasion. March 20, 2003war began. The Democratic Congress demands to withdraw the US troops from Iraq and let the Iraqis decide what to do with their country. Now in Iraq civil war.

27. The government of the United States is a federal republic of 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and many insular areas. The federal government of the United States, the world's sole remaining superpower, is generally considered among the most powerful in the world. The federal government consists of executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

Legislative branch: the House of Representatives (the "Lower House", 435 members, each of whom is elected by a congressional district and serves a two-year term) and the Senate (the "Upper House",100 members, a six-year term). The Senate also has sole power to confirm cabinet members and other key government officers.Only the Senate can approve treaties negotiated and submitted by the president.

Both Houses of Congress meet in the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

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