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5.4 Найдите в тексте слова со сходным значением.

  1. Goods - commodities

  2. well-known - noted

  3. not to interfere – to keep hands off

  4. main - key

  5. to come into equilibrium - to come into balance

  6. ratio - proportion

  7. whole - total

  8. to go up – to increase

  9. usual - conventional

5.5 Составьте фразы из слов в колонках a и b.

A. 1) to amass B. a. demand

2) to find b. the trend

3) market c. a fortune

4) business d. economist

5) economic e. a job

6) to increase f. failure

7) to reverse g. thinking

8) full h. price

9) influential i. Employment

1) c

2) e

3) h

4) f

5) g

6) a

7) b

8) i

9) d

5.6 Дайте развернутые ответы на вопросы в письменной форме.

  1. What is the “Keynesian Revolution”?

The suggestion that government abandon laissez faire in favor of an active role in economic stabilization was regarded as revolutionary in the 1930s. Since then, however, the ideas advanced by the “Keynesian Revolution” have become part of conventional wisdom.

  1. Are Keynes’ ideas applicable to your country’s present economic situation?

Yes, they are. Whenever a nation appears to be entering into a period of recession or inflation, economists and others immediately think of steps the government might take to reverse the trend.


6.1 Подберите правильный перевод к словам и фразам.

  1. comparative advantage a) обмен

  2. tariff (n) b) получать, приобретать

  3. obtain (v) c) специализировать(ся)

  4. free trade d) сравнительное преимущество

  5. exchange (n) e) промышленная держава

  6. specialize (v) f) протекционизм

  7. industrial power g) пошлина

  8. protection (n) h) свободная торговля

1) d)

2) g)

3) b)

4) h)

5) a)

6) c)

7) e)

8) f)

6.2 Прочитайте текст и найдите ответы на вопросы.

  1. What jobs did D.Ricardo do in his career?

He wrote works in economics and served in Parliament’s House of Commons.

  1. What ideas made him especially famous in international economics?

Ricardo is especially famous in international economics for demonstrating the advantages of free trade.

  1. What countries did he use in his explanation of comparative advantage?

In his explanation of comparative advantage he used England and Portugal.

  1. When did England adopt a policy of free trade?

In the 1840s England adopted a policy of free trade.

6.3 Прочитайте текст и выберите правильный вариант ответа.

  1. D.Ricardo made a fortune

    1. on the London Stock Exchange;

    2. in the Parliament’s House of Commons;

    3. serving the British government.

  2. Ricardo developed the principle of

    1. competitive advantage;

    2. conspicuous consumption;

    3. comparative advantage.

  3. Ricardo argued that it is more profitable for Portugal

    1. to produce both wine and cloth;

    2. to specialize in the production of cloth;

    3. to specialize in the production of wine and import English cloth.

  4. The policy of free trade led to 70 years of

    1. economic recession;

    2. economic growth;

    3. stagnation.