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Penalties Against the Fixed Rules

There was no need to waste time in preliminary admonitions. Miss Dove’s rules were as fixed as the signs of the zodiac. And they were known. The penalties for infractions of the rules were also known. If a child introduced a foreign object — a pencil, let, let us say, or a wad of paper, or a lock of hair — into his mouth, he was required to wash out his mouth with yellow laundry soap. If his posture was incorrect he had to go and sit for a while upon a stool without a back-rest. If a page in his notebook was untidy, he had to rewrite it. If he emitted an uncovered cough, he was expected to rise immediately and fling open a window, no matter how cold the weather, so that a blast of fresh air could protect his fellows from the contamination of his germs. Again if he felt obliged to disturb the class routine by leaving the room for a drink of water (Miss Dove loftily ignored any other necessity) he did so to an accompaniment of dead silence. Miss Dove would look at him - that was all - following his departure and greeting his return with her perfectly expressionless gaze and the whole class would sit idle and motionless, until he was back in the fold again. It was easier —even if one had eaten salt fish for breakfast — to remain and suffer.

Do the following exercises

1.Explain the bold-faced words and expressions.


Consider the penalties which are described in the extract.

Do you think they will have a positive effect?

Which of them would you use in class if any at all?

Do you know any others?

Do you think punishment in general should be used in teaching?

These are examples of what would be considered bad behaviour in British schools.

Decide if each example is very serious/ serious/ minor/unimportant.

  1. Running in the corridor

  2. Fighting in the classroom

  3. Being rude to a teacher

  4. Throwing paper across the classroom in a lesson

  5. Smoking in the school toilets

  6. Stealing from other pupils

  7. Cheating in an examination

  8. Looking out of the window in a lesson

  9. Forgetting to hand in your homework

  10. Bullying a younger pupil

  11. Breaking a window playing football in the playground

These are the most common punishments in British schools:

  1. Lines: Writing out the same sentence many times. E.g. I must not be late

  2. Detention: Having to stay after school for extra studying

  3. Report: Having to carry a card on which your teachers report on your work and/or behaviour after every lesson

d) Community service: Doing an agreed number of hours work in school for the benefit of others, e.g. picking up litter, cleaning

e) Exclusion: Not being allowed in school for a few days or weeks. Pupils are not usually re-admitted until parents have been interviewed

f) Expulsion: Sent away from school permanently. Pupils then have to find another school to accept them. Their bad record goes with them.

Which punishment would you give for each offence?


Discuss the problem of punishment in pairs. One of the pair will insist that punishment should be abolished and never used in class; the other will defend the opposite point of view. Consider the following and expand on the items where possible.

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