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Unit 5 EDUCATION_MAY_2012.doc
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2.6 Review

Task 1. Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct space in the passage below.










nursery school



break up





When children are two or three years old, they sometimes go to a (a) __________, where they learn simple games and songs. Their first real school is called a (b) __________ school. In Britain children start this school at the age of five. The (c) __________ year in Britain begins in September and is divided into three (d) __________ . Schools (e) __________ for the summer holiday in July, (f) __________ education begins at the age of about eleven, and most schools at this level are (g) __________, which mean boys and girls study together in the same classes. In Britain education is (h) __________ from five to 16 years of age, but many children choose to remain at school for another two or three years after 16 to take higher exams. Most children go to (i) __________ schools, which are maintained by the government or local education authorities, but some children go to (j) __________ schools, which can be very expensive. University courses normally last three years and then students (k) __________, which means they receive their (l) __________. At university, teaching is by (m) __________ (an individual lesson between a teacher and one or two students), (n) __________ (a class of students discussing a subject with a teacher), (o) __________ (when a teacher gives a prepared talk to a number of students) and of course private study. Most people who receive a university place are given a (p) __________ by the government to help pay their (g) __________ and living expenses.

Task 2*. Five people are speaking about their learning experiences. Complete each space with a suitable word. The first letter of each space is given.

a) I've just finished university, although I'll have to go back for my ____graduation____ ceremony in October. So now I'm the proud possessor of a d_______________ in Modern Languages. At last I can get down to earning some money and paying back my l_______________ from the government. My friend is luckier than me in this respect - she's off to the States. She has a s_______________ to study at Yale University.

b) I was known as a rather naughty, mischievous pupil, and I often used to get s_______________ out of the lesson or put in d_______________ after school. Little did the school know, however, that Dad was actually paying me to have extra Maths lessons at home with a private t_______________. And it paid off, for in my Maths exam, I surprised everyone by getting the top m_______________ in the class.

c) I left school without any q_______________, and with no real job p_______________. But then I started doing e_______________ classes at the local f_______________ education college. And now I'm a mechanic, and delighted with my job!

d) My problem was exams. I was never any good at them. Classwork fine, exams no go. For my A levels I r_______________ solidly for three months, but despite all this preparation, I got disappointing g_______________ :D for Physics, E for Chemistry, and E for Biology. The school suggested that 1 r_______________ the exams, but to be honest, I didn't fancy all that studying all over again. But I did win a p_______________ at Sports Day, for the Senior Boys Long Jump.

e) When I was 28, I decided I wanted to go back into education, as I was getting more and more interested in English literature. One option was to become a m_______________ student at a university, but I couldn't afford this full-time commitment. So in the end I signed up for a с_______________ course, or 'distance learning', as it's called. I sent my essays and a_______________ to a tutor by post and also communicated with her by e-mail. I had to study English literature from 1300 to the present day, but I chose to s_______________ in the twentieth-century novel.

Task 3. Explain the difference between:

  1. to sit an exam and to set an exam

  2. to take an exam and to pass an exam

  3. compulsory and voluntary

  4. to educate and to bring up

  5. a pupil and a student

Task 4*. Complete the spaces by finding one word which fits in all three sentences.


  1. When we had finished acting, the teacher gave us all a ____mark____ out of ten.

  2. Rita has only been in the office for three months, but already she has really made her ____mark____ .

  3. The teacher told Jeremy off for making a ____mark____ on Emma's notebook.


  1. We are very pleased with Susan's effort – she _______________ herself very well to the task in hand.

  2. Incidentally, the comment I have just made to Smith _______________ equally to everybody in this room.

  3. I really hope my sister _______________ for that new job; she'd be so good at it.


  1. I've virtually _______________ any ambition I ever had of becoming a teacher.

  2. I _______________ out of college after one term and went travelling around the world instead.

  3. On police advice, Mr Bortello has _______________ the charges he brought against his neighbours.


  1. Mr Ross, our old history teacher _______________ his classes with a rod of iron!

  2. The judge _______________ that Newton had acted in self-defence, and instructed the jury to find him 'not guilty'.

  3. Police have not _______________ out the possibility of murder in this case.


  1. The entire workforce at Holman Avionics downed tools today, in _______________ of two sacked colleagues.

  2. I'll come along to your speech, if you like, and give you some moral

  3. If you need help, put your hand up and I or Mrs Kent, the _______________ teacher will come to you.

Task 5. Translate the following from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the unit.

    1. Для того чтобы получить место в университете необходимо вложить много сил в подготовку к вступительным экзаменам. Школьники начинают заранее посещать подготовительные курсы. Однако, само-мотивация также очень важна – ни один учитель не поможет вам сдать экзамены, если вы не сможете правильно организовать свое время и не начнете интенсивно готовиться. Нужно осознать, что подготовка к экзаменам – это тяжелая работа и придется пожертвовать остальными вещами, такими как общение с друзьями, например.

    2. Когда я была студенткой, мы с подругой обычно созванивались поздно вечером накануне экзамена. Поскольку нам удавалось разобраться в разных вопросах, мы могли помочь друг другу. Большинство людей считает, что занятия в паре с кем-то только отвлекают, потому что вы больше разговариваете, чем работаете. Но я уверена, что одна голова – хорошо, а две – лучше! Вместо того чтобы просто зазубривать материал, вы можете еще раз просмотреть свои конспекты и докопаться до сути вместе. Это также может оказаться полезным, потому что мы бессознательно запоминаем то, что стараемся объяснить другим людям.

    3. Для того чтобы улучшить свое произношение и избавиться от русского акцента Макс работал в лингафонном кабинете часами напролет. Поначалу его знание лексики тоже были ограниченными. Он очень медленно продвигался вперед, поскольку ему было невероятно трудно учить длинные тексты. Поэтому ему приходилось сидеть ночами по пять дней подряд чтобы подготовиться к обыкновенной проверочной работе. Но потом он сумел придумать очень удачные приемы для запоминания и стал использовать мнемоники и рифмовки, которые помогали ему в заучивании лексики. Он также заметил, что гораздо эффективнее заниматься небольшими получасовыми периодами, делая между ними короткие перерывы, нежели сидеть по пять часов, не поднимаясь из-за стола. Таким образом со временем его упорная работа оправдала себя – он с легкостью и блестяще сдал летние экзамены.

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