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Unit 5 EDUCATION_MAY_2012.doc
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4. Revision.

Task 1. Make up lists of active vocabulary units you could use answering each of these questions. Write the final topic using questions from this task as a plan. Get ready to present your topic in class.

  1. Do you think you got a good education at school? Was there a high standard of education at your school? Do you agree that the quality of education is slipping? Does our government really care about education? What would you like to change about the education system of Russia?

  2. What kind of education did you have in your home – did your family teach you a lot? When does education begin? What do you think of single-sex education? Share your recollections about school years.

  3. How important do you think education is? Do you think nowadays too many people want to get higher education? Do you believe it is essential to have a degree to be a success in your career? What would the world be like if everyone had access to a good education?

  4. Do you like studying at university? Have you ever regretted that you have chosen linguistics to be your future profession? Is it hard to be a student of the linguistic department? What do you find most effort-consuming? What kind of year was your first year at university?

  5. Would you like to work in education? Does a teacher’s job looks attractive to you in any way? What qualifications and personal qualities must a really good teacher have?

  6. What do you think of the idea of all education being online? What possible disadvantages can you see?

  7. What do you think of the idea of lifelong education? Do you believe education never really stops? If you had enough free time what field would you like to broaden your knowledge in?

  8. What do you think Mark Twain meant when he said, “Never let school interfere with your education”? Do you agree that school only instructs us, but the real education we get is beyond the school walls?

1 Degrees are graded first, second and third. You can get two kinds of seconds - a 2:1 and a 2:2. A 2:1 is better than a 2:2.

2 Tricks that help you remember something, for example: 'i' after 'e' except after 'c' is a mnemonic for English spelling (e.g. friend, but receive)

3 borderline = a borderline pass in an exam is when you only just pass, a borderline fail is when you fail but only by a point or two.

4 cramming = trying to revise a lot just before an exam


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