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Words to remember

to be accompanied [tә bi ә'kʌmpәnid] – сопровождаться;

anew training [ә'nju: treiniη] – переподготовка;

assistant professors [ә'sistәnt prәfәsә] – доцент;

to be awarded [tә bi ә'wɔ:did] – быть присвоенным, награжденным;

branch [bra:n tʃ] – филиал;

civil engineering ['sivil 'endƺi'niәriη] – строительный;

comprises [kәm'praiz] – состоять из;

dean [di:n] – декан;

department [di'pa:tment] – отделение, кафедра;

at one’s disposal [әt wʌnz dispouzәl] – в чьем-либо распоряжении;

to be elected [tә bi i'lektid] – быть избранным;

extra-mural [ekstrә mju:әrәl] – заочный;

to be founded [tә bi faundid] – быть основанным;

law [lɔ:] – юридический;

line [laiәn] – направление;

lyceum [lai'si:әm] – лицей;

masters of science [ma:stә әf saiәns] – кандидат наук;

mining [mainiη] – горный;

power engineering [pauә 'endƺi'niәriη] – энергетический;

to provide with [tә prɔvaid wið] – обеспечивать;

public ties [pʌblik taiz] – связи с общественностью;

research work [risә: tʃ wә:k] – научно-исследовательская работа;

status [steitәs] – статус;

teaching staff [ti: tʃiη sta:f] – преподавательский состав


1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following phrases.

  1. Быть филиалом;

  2. классический университет;

  3. престижная высшая школа;

  4. заочное отделение;

  5. социальные вопросы;

  6. повышение квалификации;

  7. обеспечивать книгами и журналами;

  8. удобные лекционные залы;

  9. изучение будущей специальности;

  10. подготавливать квалифицированных специалистов;

  11. за годы своего существования;

  12. глава университета;

  13. гуманитарно-технический колледж;

  14. занимать несколько зданий;

  15. современное оборудование;

  16. тесное сотрудничество;

  17. сопровождаться практической подготовкой.

2. Answer the following questions.

    1. When was The Chita State University founded?

    2. Is the Chita State University a classical university?

    3. Who is the head of the university? Do you know his name?

    4. Does the rector have special people to help him to control the work of the university? What are they?

    5. How many institutes does the Chita State University consist of? What are they?

    6. What does every institute include?

    7. How many students and teachers are there in the university?

    8. What can you say about the teachers’ staff? Is it an experienced one?

    9. What are the students provided with?

    10. Is there a museum in the university? Where is it situated?

    11. How is the study of the first-year students organized?

    12. What branches of industry does the university train specialists for?

    13. Can you name some new specialities that are opened every year?

    14. How many specialists did the Chita State University train during the years of its existence?

3. Imagine that you and your friend have met after the year of study at the university. Ask each other as many questions as possible to discuss your university, your study and teachers, your new friends. You may use the following phrases to express your emotions.

  • Certainly (certainly not);

  • I think so;

  • I’m afraid not;

  • I quite agree with you;

  • on the contrary;

  • far from it;

  • excuse me, but you are mistaken;

  • I see;

  • I mean to say that…;

  • back to;

  • let’s drop the subject;

  • let me see;

  • don’t get upset about it;

  • let’s hope for the best

  • good for you.