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Words to remember

acute anxiety [ә’kju:t æη’zaiәti] – острое беспокойство, тревога;

adorable offsprings [ә’dɔ:rәbl ɔfspriη] – прелестные отпрыски;

alienation [eiliә’neiʃn] – отдаление, отчуждение;

allowance [ә’lauәns] – содержание, пособие;

to cherish [‘tʃeriʃ] – нежно любить;

to claim [kleim] – претендовать, требовать;

to cope with [koup wið] – справиться, совладать;

to crave for [kreiv fɔ] – страстно желать чего-либо;

сrestfallen [krestfɔ:lәn] – упавший духом, унылый;

custody [‘kʌstәdi] – попечение;

despair [di’speә] – отчаяние, безысходность;

dispirited [dispirited] – унылый, удрученный;

embrace [im’breis] – объятие;

to entile to [in’taitl tә] – давать право на;

extended family [ik’stendid fæmli] – большая семья;

fabulous phenomenon [fæbjulәs fә’nɔminәn] – невероятное явление;

flirtatious [flә:’tei ʃәs] – кокетливый, любящий пофлиртовать;

fulsome [‘fulsәm] – неискренний;

genius creation [dƺi:niәs kri’eiʃn] – гениальное создание;

to groan [tә grәun] – тяжело вздыхать, охать;

hostility [hɔstiliti] – враждебность;

hug [hʌg] – крепкое объятие;

immortal [i’mɔtl] – вечный, бессмертный;

to moan [tә mәun] – жаловаться;

nuclear family [nju:kliә fæmli] – малая, нуклеарная семья;

prodigal son [prɔdigl sʌn] – блудный сын;

sibling [sibliη] – единокровный брат или сестра;

tax relief [tæks ri’li:f] – освобождение от уплаты налога.


1. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following phrases.

  1. Близкие родственники;

  2. на мой взгляд;

  3. четкое определение;

  4. настоящий шедевр;

  5. сохранять свою сущность (значение);

  6. привыкать;

  7. поддерживаться законом;

  8. разделять общие интересы;

  9. предложенные требования;

  10. удовлетворять, соответствовать;

  11. быть всегда готовым;

  12. волновать (возбуждать) лучшие чувства;

  13. хотелось бы заметить.

2. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a family?

2. Why is the family one of the nature’s masterpieces?

3. What things can spoil the nature’s masterpiece?

4. What problems does a happy family face?

5. Why will the family remain in one’s heart for ever?

3. Do you agree or not? Comment on the following statements.

1. A dictionary gives an exact definition of a family phenomenon?

2. A family constantly changes preserving its essence.

3. A marriage has become a common thing nowadays?

4. Too much perfection can’t spoil the family.

5. Every masterpiece is born in pain.

6. Family ties never stir best feelings in people.

7. There are times in one’s life when everything seems to be going badly.

4. What do you think? Give a reason for your opinion.

1. The family is immortal.

2. There is no exact definition what a family is.

3. Mothers of all times and nations resemble each other.

4. Young people today are to understand that a marriage is a very serious step.

5. 70 % of all murders are products of the broken families.

6. The parents should be constructive.

7. When everything seems to be going badly you always turn to your parents for advice and understanding.

5. Comment on the following quotations.

1. «To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there». Barbara Bush.

2. «Many men can make a fortune, but very few can build a Family». J.C. Bryan.

3. «The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I passed at home in the bosom of my family». Thomas Jefferson.

4. «There are secrets in all families» George Farquhar.