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2.2. Exercises 2.doc
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187 Combinations with out peg chapter 38

Fill the spaces in the following sentences by inserting a verb + out combination.

1 There were three of us in the original partnership, but Charles . . . . . . so there are only two of us now.

2 You are not paid to criticize. All you need do is to... ...my orders.

3 When war ... ... prices usually go up.

4 There's an advertisement in today's paper that might interest

Robert. I'll... it... and send it to him.

5 The fog is so thick that I don't know where we are. I'll have to try and . . . . . . by asking


6 In a bus: 'Have my seat. I'm... ...at the next stop.'

7 The arrangement of marriages by parents is a custom that has ... ... nearly everywhere.

8 The article is too long. Could you . . . . . . the last two paragraphs?

9 I can't ... ... who it is. He is too far away.

10 He volunteered to march in the demonstration but when the day came he ... ... and said that he was not well enough to go.

11 Don't ... ... (get rid of/discard) that old chair. We could repair it.

12 Which picture do you think is the best? ~ It is hard to... ...the best. They are all so good.

13 Why do you think they have such a high fence round this nuclear power station? ~ I think they want to . . . people ....

14 He was ... ...of the windows and didn't see me coming into the room.

15 . . . . . .! Here's the boss!

16 There was a threat of a gas and electricity strike and in no time the shops selling candles were ... ... .

17 We... ...of milk on Sunday and I had to get some from the milk machine.

18 Write in pencil. Then if you make a mistake you can easily . . . it.

19 As we passed Marble Arch he ...... the place where the gallows used to stand.

20 I'll . . . you . . .,' said my host, and he accompanied me to the front door.

21 We thought that he was an expert on Proust but it... ... that he had never even heard of him.

22 They . . . . . . at nine and arrived at twelve.

23 He was quite ... ... when he got no marks at all for his essay and he hasn't forgiven the lecturer yet.

24 I'm leaving this flat. lam... ... tomorrow and the new tenants are moving in the next day.

25 Nothing can ever . . . . . . the memory of that terrible experience.

26 I'll give you the general plan and you can . . . . . . the details,' the director said to his assistant.

27 We haven't invited them to the party. If they ... ... about it they will be furious.

28 ... ... the light when you leave the room.

29 Children usually grow out of their clothes before they . . . them . . .

30 The wind . . . . . . the first match and he had to strike another.

31 Can I speak to Mr Pitt? ~ I'm afraid he has just ... ....

32 My clothes are all getting too tight. I'll have to . . . them ....

33 There are only two of us on this desert island. We mustn't ... ... (quarrel)

34 This bottle has been very tightly corked. The cork won't ... ... .

35 ... ...for pickpockets!

36 He... ...in any crowd because he is so much taller than the average man.

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