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2.2. Exercises 2.doc
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178 Mixed combinations peg chapter 38

Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs.

1 I don't care . . . the expense; I want the party to be a real success.

2 I can't account . . . the disappearance of the pictures; they were all there yesterday.

3 If passports were done ... ... (abolished), travel would be much simpler.

4 You will have to allow . . . some extra expenses on the train.

5 They set . . . on their camping trip with great enthusiasm.

6 When you have thought . . . what I have said, you will understand.

7 He doesn't care . . . continental cookery. He thinks it's too rich.

8 The car pulled . . . beside me and the driver asked me the way to Piccadilly.

9 You can throw . . . the packet; it's empty.

10 They set . . . at six and reached their destination before dark.

11 The doctor thinks he'll pull . . . now. His temperature has gone down.

12 I don't know how she manages to care . . . ten children without help.

13 My children are picking . . . English very quickly but I find it more difficult.

14 She fainted but they brought her . . . by throwing cold water on her face.

15 The teacher pointed . . . several mistakes that the student had not corrected.

16 You need capital before you can set . . . on your own in any kind of business.

17 He suddenly threw . . . his job and went to Australia.

18 Don't make up your mind at once; talk it . . . with your lawyer first.

19 The room needs doing ... ; it's very shabby.

20 The factory will have to close down if production is not stepped

21 His final argument brought me . . . to his point of view.

22 We must get the roof mended before the wet weather sets . . . .

23 I don't like the look of these men hanging . . . outside my gate.

24 He picked . . . all the biggest ones for himself.

25 You must carry . . . the instructions on the packet exactly.

26 After the music had died . . . there was a storm of applause.

27 The mob burnt . . . several important buildings in the riots.

28 The wearing of national costume has largely died . . . in Europe.

29 These children are very polite; they have obviously been well brought....

30 She carried . . . with her work in spite of all interruptions.

31 You can stay . . . till your father comes home and then you must go to bed.

32 When the rebellion had died . . . things quickly returned to normal.

33 I'll pick you . . . at your office and take you straight to the station.

34 Several new records were set . . . at the last Olympic Games.

35 He advises me to hang ... ,.. (keep) those pictures as they will be valuable one day.

36 At the committee meeting the question of repairs to the roof was brought....

179 Mixed combinations peg chapter 38

Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs.

1 Blow . . . the candles on the cake before you cut it.

2 He used to be very shy but he has grown . . . . . . it now.

3 A number of oil tankers have been laid . . . recently. Too many of them had been built.

4 Don't let him order you . . . like that; he's not your employer.

5 I can pay . . . the money you lent me after I've been to the bank.

6 Applications for the job must be sent . . . before next Wednesday.

7 The fireworks factory was practically wiped . . . by the explosion.

8 We must keep on working; it's too soon to sit .... (relax)

9 The terrorists blew . . . the railway line.

10 He wanted to ask her to marry him but he was too shy to do it at once. He led... ...it by saying he often felt lonely.

11 I had to send . . . an electrician to mend the switch.

12 After nursing the whole family when they had 'flu she was completely worn....

13 My nephew wants to be an explorer when he grows ....

14 The house stood . . . in the dull street because of its red door.

15 After the owner's death the business was wound . . . and the shop sold.

16 The little girl couldn't blow . . . the balloon.

17 Children's clothes have to be strong to stand ... ... hard wear.

18 As soon as the decorators have finished work in my new house, I'm move . . . .

19 He was laid . . . for six weeks with two broken legs. g

20 The idea has gradually grown . . . that the State should look after every citizen from the cradle to the grave.

21 They always lay . . . a large supply of tinned food in winter in case they are snowed up.

22 You can't move into this flat till I move . ...

23 He thinks I broke his window and threatens to pay me . . . for it.

24 I asked the hotel to send . . . any letters which came after I had gone.

25 BBC stands . . . British Broadcasting Corporation.

26 The inscription on the tombstone had been worn . . . by the weather and could scarcely be read.

27 He's going to turn this old building . . . a block of flats.

28 My shoes wear . . . very quickly since I started walking to the office.

29 I'll start laying . . . my new garden next spring.

30 On a touring holiday you can move . . . to a new place every day if you want to.

31 The lifeboat is standing . . . in case it is necessary to take off the crew of the damaged ship.

32 Don't sit . . . for me. I shall probably be back very late.

33 Contact lenses may feel uncomfortable at first but this feeling soon wears....

34 She was the only one to stand ... ... me. No one else said anything in my Defence.

35 He was sent . . . from the university for drug-pushing.

36 The strike was called . . . when the management agreed to the strikers' demands.

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