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Chapter 1 The difference between nuclear safety and security

Nuclear safety

Nuclear security

Nuclear safety is an achievement of appropriate service conditions, accident prevention and mitigation of their consequences, protection of workers, the population and environment from excessive danger of radiation. Nuclear safety is a prevention and response to thefts, diversions, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other harmful actions connected with a nuclear material, other radioactive substances or the related objects.

Nuclear safety is a prevention and response to thefts, diversions, unauthorized access, illegal transfer or other harmful actions connected with a nuclear material, other radioactive substances or the related objects.

Safety concerns protection of people and environment against radiating risks and safety of objects and kinds of activity which bring to radiating risks. Safety concerns risk as a result of incidents, and also other possible direct consequences of loss of control over a nuclear reactor, nuclear chain reaction, a radioactive source or any other source of radiation.

Safety concerns risk as a result of incidents, and also other possible direct consequences of loss of control over a nuclear reactor, nuclear chain reaction, a radioactive source or any other source of radiation.


Source: <http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=39655&Cr=nuclear&Cr1> 17 March 2012

Source: <http://security.wonuc.org/> 17 March 2012

here is not an exact distinction between the general safety conditions and safeties. If to speak about safety as a whole, it is necessary to tell that nuclear safety – concept wider, than nuclear safety as failures on the nuclear power plants occurring because of a natural factor, happen several times more often than acts of terrorism, thefts and other acts of man at nuclear stations. [4]

Chapter 2 h ow these two concepts cooperate

Any failure at the nuclear enterprise isn't considered, as a result only one of destroying factors: human or natural. So, we can't tell that concepts «nuclear safety» and «nuclear safety» don't cooperate.

Source: <http://www.bioprepwatch.com/us_bioterror_policy/u-s-assumes-leadership-of-g8s-non-proliferation-bodies/322874/> 17 March 2012

First, nuclear safety and safety carry out mutual control the friend over the friend. That is, watching safety, that is protection against natural influences, people automatically supervise also safety of the nuclear power plant. It is necessary to consider situations when protection against natural factors disturbs protection functioning from human influence. For example, to carry out doctrines which model a situation and an act of terrorism, and natural cataclysm, practically impossibly. Also European Union carries out "stress tests". [5]

Source: <http://www.nirs.org/> 17 March 2012

Secondly, the measures accepted in case of an emergency situation at the nuclear enterprise at influence of a natural and human factor, have mass of similarities. For example, the organized evacuation of people is in any case carried out. [6]

[made by Kolenova Tatyana and Evstigneeva Anastasia]

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