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A subject area — область изучения предмета

Advanced or graduate study - программа продвинутого обучения,

аспирантура, дальнейшее обучение

to complete regular high school program — закончить обычную

школьную программу

An undergraduate student — студент старших курсов

to study for a graduate degree — учиться в аспирантуре

tuition — плата за обучение

a Bachelor's degree — степень бакалавра

a Master's degree — степень магистра

vocational school — профессионально - техническое училище

community college — двухгодичный колледж, техникум

Answer the questions:

1.What are the ways to continue in higher education in the United States? 2. What is the difference between a university and a college? 3. What must students have to enter one of the colleges in the university? 4. What are the sources of financing higher education in USA? 5. What is not funded by religious groups? 6. What does University consist of?

Focus on Guessing Meaning:

A. Read the sentences and guess the meaning of the words in italics. Write a definition, synonym, or translation for each italicized word.

1. Calculus is very difficult. I don't understand a thing. What will I do if I fail next week's test? I'll be happy if I get a 70. 70 out of 100 is not very good, but at least I'll pass the test.

Fail: _________________________________________________________

2. I'm very confused about this answer to the homework. I don't understand why my answer is wrong. Could you explain it to me?

Confused: ____________________________________________________

3. Justin is smart, but Paula is brilliant. It's rare to have a student who is so intelligent.

Brilliant: ________________________________________________________

4. What you've written doesn't make sense. I understand the meaning of the first sentence, but I don't understand the second at all. Could you explain what you are trying to say?

Make sense: ___________________________________________________

5. If you want to take the course with Professor Deevers, you should sign up now. The sign-up paper is on her door. Her course is very popular and she takes only fifty students. If you wait much longer, you probably won't be able to take it.

Sign up: _______________________________________________________

6. I hated the course and I didn't think I was going to do well, so I dropped it after two weeks. I feel much better now that I'm not taking it anymore.

Drop: ____________________________________________________________

7. I went to an academic high school. The school prepared students to go to college, but there were also typing and driving classes for students who wanted to take them.

Academic: ______________________________________________________

8. You're required to take calculus, but you don't have to take physics.

Require: _________________________________________________________

9. This math problem is complicated. I don't usually find math difficult, but this problem has several parts to it and it will take me time to find the answer.

Complicated: ___________________________________________________

10. You may think this math problem is simple because it has only one part. However, I don't think it's so easy.

Simple: ________________________________________________________

B. Write down the parts of each sentence in exercise 6A which helped you guess the meaning of the word in italics.

  1. fail: ________________________________________________________

  2. confused: ___________________________________________________

  3. brilliant:

  4. make sense:

  5. sign up:

  6. drop:

  7. academic:

  8. require:

  9. Complicated: _______________________

10. Simple:

Look at the pairs of words and phrases in the boxes. How are they different? Write the correct words in the blanks mind their meaning.

1. Failed didn't do well

a. Jennifer on the test, but she passed. The passing grade was 65 and she got a 68.

b. Louis the test. He got a 62.

2. Brilliant intelligent

a. Which word describes many university students?

b. Which word describes people like Albert Einstein?

3. Sign up register

a. You can't just sit in the class and listen to the lecture. You have to and pay for the course.

b. I went to for the study group which the other students have organized.

4. complicated difficult

“Why are there so many poor people in such a rich country?” “The reasons are________________________________________. That’s why it’s ____________ to explain.”

5. Simple easy

_________________ explanations make things______________________

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