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Анг (Тест к Аккредитации).docx
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4)Определите основную идею текста.

 As a learning disability is a mental and social problem it should be diagnosed and treated both by personal psychiatrists and teachers.


 The learning-disabled are mentally retarded people requiring special attention from teachers and doctors because of their disruptive behaviour.


 Neurology as the scientific study of nerves and their diseases in addition to social adjustments are to help the learning-disabled.


 Although a learning disability doesn’t indicate subnormal intelligence it affects children’s ability to read, write, or calculate unless it is recognized.

5)Определите основную идею текста.

 The aim of preservice education is to prepare theoretically and practically experienced specialists.


 Preservice education consisting of four separate stages, each stage is inseparably connected with the previous one.


 Preservice education is included in colleges of education in England and the United States of America.


 The main advantage of preservice education is the opportunity of getting valuable practical experience.

1)Тема: Оформление делового письма Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.


 Blanc Apt. 406 Geneva, Switzerland


 10 September 2008


 Registrar’s Office State University Littleton, SD 55555


 Dear Registrar:


 I am a student of microbiology in Geneva, Switzerland. I would like to apply for entrance to your university. Would you please send me an application form and information on your university.


 Yours truly,


 Renee Martin

2)Тема: Оформление делового письма Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке.


 NORP Freeport High School Freeport, VT 66622


 October 24, 2002


 Ms Iva Stravinsky Attorney-at-Law 200 Center Street Freeport, VT 66622


 Dear Ms Stravinsky:


 Thank you for the wonderful lecture on «Proposed Changes in the Financing of Medicare». The membership and I appreciate your contribution to our club.


 Yours truly,


 Henry Purcell President