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Анг (Тест к Аккредитации).docx
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1)Определите основную идею текста.

 School psychology promotes students’ academic progress, social behaviour and personal happiness testing, discovering and developing their educational, vocational, and psychological potentialities.


 Psychological testing using tests to quantify students’ psychological behaviour, abilities, and problems, counseling is quite a different means of psychological influence on students’ attainment.


 Nowadays there are three types of psychological tests applied by school psychology which can identify students’ abilities and potentialities, their level of academic accomplishment and even diagnose mental disorders.


 School psychology is a very useful science as it helps students to overcome various psychological barriers and develops their inner world in order to facilitate their future life in a society.

2)Определите основную идею текста.

 As maladjustment is a mental illness maladjusted children are to be paid special attention to by psychologists, psychiatrists and teachers to help them with their studies and social adjustment.


 Psychologists, psychiatrists and teachers facilitate maladjusted children’s learning skills and academic progress level by applying educational and psychological diagnostic tests.


 There are different types of maladjusted children, autistic children being a separate part of them due to autism is a severe mental disease preventing children from communication.


 Maladjusted children represent a great problem for parents, psychologists, psychiatrists and teachers as they are difficult to deal with and their behaviour is practically uncontrollable.

3)Определите основную идею текста.

 Special education demands special educational approaches, methods and means of education as it is designated for mentally and physically disabled students.


 Special education is the education of students with special needs in a way that addresses the students' individual differences and needs.


 Gifted education differs from special education as it is based on quite different principles, teaching techniques and educational programs.


 Education of students with special needs is aimed rather at teaching such students vital skills necessary for their future life in society.