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II. Write curriculum vitae. Use the following headings in cv:

1. Address

2. Profile

3. Experience

4. Qualifications

5. Languages

6. Personal details

Unit 5. Language practice, translating and writing

I. Review Auxiliary verbs – be, have, do

Main points: The auxiliaries be, have, do are used in forming tenses, negatives, and questions. The auxiliary be is used in forming the continuous tenses and the passive. The auxiliary have is used in forming the perfect tenses. The auxiliary do is used in making negative and question forms from sentences that have a verb in a simple tense.

A. Use the auxiliary do to complete the sentences below.

1. I didn’t enjoy the film very much. It was far too long.

2. Where … you want to go for dinner this evening?

3. … be silly!

4. How long … it take you to drive to London last night?

5. How long … it usually take?

6. … anyone know the answer?

B. Use these auxiliaries to complete the sentences that follow.

do, don’t, has, had, hasn’t, have, have been, is, will, would have

1. John has left home. He is living in Italy now.

2. … you still work in the shop, or … you got another job now?

3. I …want to be late, so I … have to take a taxi.

4. We … waiting for hours, but he still … phoned.

5. You … met her, if you … come earlier.

And now do the same with these:

are, didn’t, does, don’t, had, haven’t, have, is, was, were, will

6. I … going to write to you, but I … have time.

7. I wish I … seen John and Mary while they … staying here.

8. … shout! You … wake the baby.

9. We … still working. We … finished yet.

10. …anyone know what time the meeting … going to start?

C. Here are some very common question forms in English. First complete the question by adding do, does, has, had, then match the questions and answers.

1 Do you know what time it is?

2 … you finished yet?

3 … anyone know where Alex is?

4 … anybody seen Maria?

5 … you think will be late?

6 … you ever been abroad?

7 … anybody know the date?

8 … you like living in England?

9 … you ever read any Shakespeare?

10 … anyone here got change for a pound?

11 … you know what time the next train leaves?

12 … anybody know where the key to this cupboard is?

A No, I’ll be another 10 minutes.

B No, I am afraid my English isn’t good enough.

C Sorry, I haven’t got a watch.

D The seventeenth, isn’t it?

E Not me. I haven’t seen it for ages.

F In about 10 minutes, I think.

G Yes, I’ve got two fifty-pence pieces.

H No, I don’t think she’s here this morning.

I Not yet. But I am going to America next year.

J Yes, but I don’t like the weather much.

K He was in the library a minute ago.

L Not, if we hurry.

II. Read and translate the text. Find more information about people, mentioned in the text and write an essay. Alexander the Great

After Alexander's untimely death, what happened to those closest to him? What of his wives and children? His mother? Ptolemy? Some managed to survive; others were not so fortunate. Alexander's empire thus ended as it began - with much death.

Olympias was protecting the legacy of her son as best she could, she waged war to assure the succession of Alexander's infant son, Alexander IV. She was killed by Cassander, Alexander's former friend, in 316.

Philip Arridaeus was Alexander's mentally deficient half-brother became king after Alexander died, although his regent Perdiccas ruled the empire. Olympias ordered the execution of her step-son on December 25, 317.

Barsine never married to Alexander. Barsine was the mother of Alexander's first child, a son named Heracles. Both were murdered by (or before) the year 309 B.C.

Roxane was the woman with whom Alexander fell in love "at sight" (according to the ancient writer Arrian of Nicomedia whose history, Anabasis of Alexander, is a key source of information regarding Alexander) was from Bactria. After her husband's death, Roxane thought the deal she made would give her son, Alexander IV, the throne when he was old enough (in 305). That agreement, however, merely insured their deaths. Cassander order the executions of both.

Statira. At Alexander's death, his Persian wife Statira (daughter of Darius III and also called Barsine) was a threat to Roxane. (She must have been expecting a child.) Consistent with the treatment of other such threats, Roxane had Statira murdered in 320.

Ptolemy. Alexander's friend not only became governor of Egypt after Alexander died, he began a dynasty of Pharaohs which lasted until Rome annexed Egypt in 31 BC. Unusual for antiquity, the Ptolemaic Empire also permitted women to rule. Cleopatra, of Julius Caesar/Marc Anthony fame, was a descendant of Ptolemy.