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Кузнецова Л. И. Методические указания.doc
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I. Match these parts to make conditional sentences.

1I, 2A, 3D, 4F, 5B, 6H, 7G, 8C, 9E

UNIT 10.


2. J. B. Priestly hated baths. He said that if he had the choice he would prefer to stay dirty.

3. A man said he was delighted that someone had stolen his wife’s credit card. He was sure the thief would spend less money than his wife.

4. After meeting the film star, Clark Gable, Howard Hughes said Gable had such big ears he looked like a taxi with both doors open.

5. President Ulysses S. Grant said that he knew only two tunes. One of them was Yankee Doodle and the other was not.

UNIT 11.

A. Read and translate the text in writing. Underline could have structures in the text.

Austria-Hungary could have refrained from offering Serbia an unacceptable ultimatum. Russia could have abstained during the outbreak of WWI from mobilizing hastily… France could have been more aggressive in restraining its Russian ally rather than issuing the Russians a “blank check.”  As well, Britain could have been more assertive … Indeed, the so-called Fisher Thesis may have given the Germans a tad too much credit …


A hundred years ago I could have ridden a horse, but I couldn’t have flown in an airplane.

A hundred years ago I could have listened to Beethoven, but I couldn’t have listened to The Beetles.

A hundred years ago I could have played chess, but I couldn’t have played computer games.

A hundred years ago I could have read Shakespeare, but I couldn’t have read Ernest Hemingway.

A hundred years ago I could have learned English, but I couldn’t have gone to the cinema.

A hundred years ago I could have traveled by train, but I couldn’t have watched television.

C. Complete these sentences using was able and could: 1. was able 2 could. 3. was able

UNIT 12.

The words in the box are used to join sentences and link ideas. Put them in the text.

1. therefore, 2. besides, 3. therefore, 4. for that reason, 5. what’s more as the result


  1. D.Willis Collins Cobuild Student’s Grammar. Harper Collins Publishers, 2003, 2007.

  1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History

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