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В.А. Стороженко МУ по развитию навыков и умений...doc
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6. Прочитайте следующие предложения и укажите номер русского адеквата слова, подчеркнутого в английском предложении.

e.g. In the 16 century the aim of alchemists changed from the making of gold

to the making of medicines.

1) медицина 2) лекарства

1) Chemistry studies the composition of matter and the changes in composition.

1) состав 2) композиция

2) It did not take the primitive man long to accumulats a lot of information about the things around him.

1) аккумулировать 2) накопить

3) Examination of the chemical properties is often the easiest way to tell one substance from another.

1) экзамен 2) исследование

4) One of the earliest known chemical processes was the rofining of salt.

1) очистка 2) рафинирование

5) A person’s diet it what he eats and drinks.

1) диета 2) пища

6) Air is a mixture of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases.

1) смесь 2) микстура

7) In the production of milk chocolate condensed milk is added to the other ingredients.

1) продукция 2) производство

8) The cacao bean originally came to Europe from Mexico.

1) оригинально 2) первоначально

7. Перепишите следующие утверждения, переводя русские части на английский язык.

e.g. Agricola laid the /основу химического анализа/. – Agricola laid the basis of the chemical analysis.

1. The chemist regulates the temperature in order to /управлять экспериментами/. 2. The /принцип термометра/ is very simple. 3. Boyle’s law is used as the /основа абсолютной температурной шкалы/. 4. Mendeleev devoted much of his time to the /классификации элементов/. 5. Enzymes are biological catalysts that promote a great number of /биохимических реакций/. 6. When microorganisms are added to foods for fermentation purposes we are interested in /ферменты, которые микроорганизмы вырабатывают/. 7. In the 1830s Pasteur began to study the /процессы спиртового брожения/. 8. Pasteur’s first important discovery led to a rapid increase in knowledge of the /структуры химической молекулы/.

8. Быстро прочитайте следующие тексты и ответьте на предложенные после каждого текста вопросы, подбирая для этого нужные части из текста.

1. The great English physicist Michael Faraday was born in the country near London in 1791. At the age of 13 he began working for a bookseller and so came in contact with the world of books. He read many books but it was books on science that he liked to read most of all.

At this time Davy gave lectures at the Royal Institution. To some of these Faraday went. He wrote down the lectures carefully and sent them to Davy telling him of his great wish to give his life to science. When Davy saw the lectures he took Faraday into his laboratory and made him his assistant.

Faraday quickly showed great ability as an experimenter.

In 1813 Davy and his assistant went to Europe where they stayed two years. It was lucky for young Faraday – on the continent he visited the most important laboratories and met many great scientists such as Ampere, Volta and others. Europe was Faraday’s University.

After their return to England Faraday made many more experiments in chemistry and physics. He soon became lecturer and then director of the laboratory.

Faraday’s most important discoveries were in electricity. After ten years of experimenting, in August 1831, Faraday made the greatest of his discoveries – he discovered the principle of electromagnetic induction, that is the induction of electric currents and of magnetism.

Faraday died in 1867. He was one of the greatest experimenters the world has ever known. His discoveries laid the basis of modern electrical science.

  1. What helped young Faraday to come in contact with the world of books?

  2. Why is it possible to say that Europe was Faraday’s University?

  3. What is Faraday’s greatest discovery in the field of the electrical science?

2. A person’s diet is what he eats and drinks. Everyone knows that without food people can’t live. But sometimes even people who can get food become ill because they are eating too much of one kind of food and not enough of another. This is because the body has many different needs and that is why it needs a balanced diet. By a balanced diet we mean one that contains the right proportions of certain food substances. The three main kinds of these are proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

  1. What can happen to people if their diet is not balanced?

  2. What do we mean by a balanced diet?

  3. What are the main kinds of food substances?

3. The French scientist Louis Pasteur was one of the greatest modern scientists. His theory of germ life revolutionized medical science and stimulated the development of industries dependent on food preservation.

Fermentation and similar processes were described in all the textbooks of that time as purely chemical reactions. Pasteur’s researches led him to concludes that these were not chemical but living processes, caused by microscopic living organisms in the air. These “little animals” were thought to be the result of decomposition, not its cause, that is, to be examples of new life appearing from nothing. Pasteur set up the principle that all life, no matter how small, must begin from living parents.

  1. Why was it not a materialistic approach to think that microscopic living organisms (germs and bacteria) were the result of decomposition of foods?

  2. What is fermentation caused by? 3) Where were Pasteur’s discoveries applied?