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Modal verbs

1. Fill in the gaps with must or have to in the correct form. Sometimes it is possible to use either.

1. You really must work harder if you want to pass that examination. 2. Many children in Britain must wear uniform when they go to school. 3. Last night Don suddenly got ill. We had to call the doctor. 4. Ann has had to wear glasses since she was eight years old. 5. I’m afraid I can’t come tomorrow. I will have to/ must work late. 6. I’m sorry I couldn’t come yesterday. I had to work late. 7. Tom may have to go away next week. 8. We couldn’t repair the car ourselves. We had to take it to the garage. 9. When you come to London, you must come and see her. 10. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I must go now. 11. Ann was feeling ill last night. She had to leave the party early.

2. Fill in the gaps with must, mustn’t or needn’t/don’t have to.

A) 1. A: Shall I help you with your shopping? B: No, you needn’t. I can manage by myself. 2. A: You mustn’t play football inside the house. B: I’m sorry. I’ll go outside. 3. A: Do you want anything from the supermarket? B: No, you needn’t get me anything today, thank you. I’m going out myself. 4. A: You mustn’t be late for work tomorrow morning. B: I know. I’ll try to arrive early. 5. A: You must take these books out of the library. B: I know. It’s forbidden. 6. A: You must study hard to pass the exams. B: I know. I study every evening. 7. A: Shall I make an appointment for you at the dentist’s? B: No, you needn’t. I’ll do it myself next week. 8. A: Shall I collect the children from the party. B: No, you needn’t collect them. Mrs Shaw is giving them a lift home. 9. A: You mustn’t interrupt people while people are talking. B: No, it’s a very bad manner to do that. 10. A: My dog has been ill for a week. B: Oh dear! You must take him to the vet. 11. A: Shall I wash the dishes for you? B: No, you needn’t do that. I’ll do it later. 12. A: It’s Sally’s birthday on Wednesday. B: I know. I needn’t remember buy her a present.

B)‘Welcome to ‘Finest Foods’ factory. We are happy that you have come to work with us. Before you start work, I want to familiarise you with some rules and regulations. First of all, you 1) must wear the uniforms which are supplied, and you 2) must keep your hair covered at all times. You 3) must wear gloves unless you choose to, except in a few special areas. You 4) mustn’t smoke anywhere in the factory apart from the canteen, and you 5) mustn’t forget to wash your hands after breaks. You 6) needn’t stay in the factory during the breaks, but you 7) must clock in and out if you do leave the premises. You 8) mustn’t work overtime, but we do encourage our workers to do so if they wish to. Last but not least, if you have any problems, you 9) must go to your supervisor who will help you to sort them out.’

3. Rephrase the following sentences using must, mustn’t, needn’t, has to or doesn’t have to.

1. You aren’t allowed to park your car in the college car park. You mustn’t park your car in the college car park.

2. I strongly advise you to speak to your parents about your decision. You must speak to your parents about your decision.

3. It isn’t necessary for Emma to attend tomorrow’s staff meeting. Emma needn’t attend tomorrow’s staff meeting.

4. Jack is obliged to wear a suit and a tie at work. Jack has to wear a suit and a tie at work.

5. I’m sure Antonio is from Milan. Antonio must be from Milan.

6. It’s necessary for Roger to find a job soon. Roger will have to find a job soon.

7. It’s forbidden to use mobile phones inside the hospital. Mobile phones mustn’t be used inside the hospital.

8. Susan is obliged to work overtime because her boss says so. Susan has to work overtime because her boss says so.

4. Rephrase the following sentences using didn’t need to or needn’t have done. A):

1. It wasn’t necessary for him to wash the car. It wasn’t dirty. He didn’t need to wash the car.

2. It wasn’t necessary for her to buy so many oranges, but she did. She needn’t have bought so many oranges.

3. It wasn’t necessary for us to take an umbrella. It wasn’t raining. We didn’t need to take an umbrella.

4. It wasn’t necessary for us to turn on the light. It wasn’t dark. We didn’t need to turn on the light.

5. It wasn’t necessary for him to call me today, but he did. He needn’t have called me today.

6. It wasn’t necessary for you to make sandwiches for me, but you did. You needn’t have made sandwiches for me.

7. It wasn’t necessary for them to make reservations at the restaurant, but they did. They needn’t have made reservations at the restaurant.

B) 1. I ran all the way to work but I needn’t have hurried because I was the first person to arrive. 2. We didn’t need to hurry, so we stopped to have lunch on the way. 3. I went to college today, but I needn’t have gone as all the lectures were cancelled. 4. I needn’t have asked the way to Lewes, since I’d been there before. 5. I didn’t need to buy any food, so I didn’t go to the supermarket. 6. I needn’t have bought any food after all, because we had plenty at home. 7. I needn’t have packed my shorts, as it rained all week. 8. We didn’t need to pack many things, as we would only be away for one night. 9. He decided not to take his passport because it was not necessary. He didn’t need to take his passport. 10. We bought more food than necessary for the party. We needn’t have bought so much food for the party. 11. It wasn’t necessary for Gloria to iron the clothes because Sue had already done it. Gloria needn’t have ironed the clothes. 12. Jim regrets accepting the office. Jim needn’t have accepted the offer.

5. Translate into English.

1. Мені треба купити хліба. - I need to buy some bread.

2. Їм довелося викликати пожежних, щоб зняти його з даху. – They had to call the firemen to take him from off a roof.

3. Вам доведеться взяти таксі. Ви запізнюєтесь. - It will have to take a taxi. You are late.

4. Напевно, їй уже про це розповіли. – She must have already been told about it.

5. Де ви маєте зустрітися? – Where are you to meet?

6. Нам можна не квапитися. У нас достатньо часу.- We needn’t hurry. We have enough time.

7. У квартирі не можна грати у футбол. – You mustn’t play football in the apartment.

8. Почекай трішки, я мушу дочитати розділ. - Wait a bit, I must finish reading a chapter.

9. Дарма ви розказали їй про це. – You needn’t have told her about it.

10. Мені нема чого було йти до магазину. Я все купила напередодні. – I needn’t have gone to the shop. I had bought everything the day before.

11. Тобі нема чого поспішати. Вона вже пішла. – You needn’t hurry. She has already gone.

12. Тут не можна розмовляти вголос. – You mustn’t speak aloud here.

13. Даремно ти хвилювався. Усе пройшло добре. – You needn’t have worried. Everything had passed well.

14. Мені не треба було довго чекати. Він не запізнився. - I needn’t have been waiting for a long time. He was not late.

15. Коли ти приїдеш до Києва, ти повинен обов’язково відвідати мене. - When you arrive in Kyiv, you must visit me.

6. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate modal verb. Then, say what they express in each sentence.

1. A: Can I borrow you pencil, please? B: No, you mustn’t. I’m using it. 2. A: I’m bored . What shall we do? B: We could go for a walk. A: No, we couldn’t because it’s raining. 3. A: My parents told me I would be able to go to the party tonight. B: Never mind, I could go either. We could stay at home together, though. 4. A: Sir, Can I speak to you for a minute, please? B: Certainly, but later today, I’m busy now. 5. A: Excuse me? B: Yes? A: Can you tell me where the post office is, please. 6. A: Is anyone sitting on that chair? B: No, you can’t take it if you want.

7. Choose the correct answer.

1. ‘Todd was a very talented child.’ – I know. He could play the piano well when he was seven.’

2. ‘I’ve just taken a loaf out of the oven.’ – ‘Oh, that’s why I could smell fresh bread when I came home.’

3. ‘How was the test?’ – ‘Easy. All students were able to pass it.’

4. ‘What are you doing this summer?’ – ‘I hope I’ll be able to go on holiday with my friends.

5. ‘I could ride a bicycle until I was eight.’ – ‘Neither could I.’

6. ‘Was the suitcase heavy?’ – ‘Yes, but I was able to carry it by myself.’

7. ‘Can you drive?’ – ‘Yes, but I haven’t got my own car.’

8. ‘Shall we go out today?’ – ‘That a good idea.’

9. ‘Will you give me a lift to work tomorrow?’ – ‘Yes. I’ll pick up you at 8 o’clock.’

10. ‘Where is Collin?’ – ‘I’m not sure. He could be in the study.

8. Fill in the gaps with can, can’t, could, couldn’t or be able in the correct form.

1. I had my hands full, so I couldn’t open the door. 2. When I was young, I could stand on my head. 3. Although he felt ill, he was able to finish all his paperwork. 4. Tony is clever. He can speak three languages. 5. I couldn’t afford that bag. It’s too expensive. 6. Although it was dark, he was able to find his way through the woods. 7. I heard his voice calling me, but I couldn’t see him. 8. We’re busy tonight, so we won’t be able to come to the party. 9. When I entered the house, I could smell meat roasting. 10. I can drive a car. I learned when I was eighteen. 11. I can’t understand Martin. I’ve never been able to understand him. 12. I used to be able to run very fast but now I can’t do it. 13. Ask Ann about your problem. She will be able to help you. 14. I haven’t been able to sleep recently. 15. I can’t sing now, but I could very well when I was young. 16. Did they find your house? – Yes. It took them a long way but they were able to find it. 17. He had hurt his leg, so he couldn’t walk very well. 18. They won the match, though it wasn’t easy but they were able win it. 19. She wasn’t at home when I phoned her but I was able to contact her at her office. 20. I looked very carefully and I was able to see a figure in the distance.

9. Translate into English.

1. Ви можете говорити якимись іноземними мовами? - Can you speak any foreign languages?

2. Боюсь, я не зможу прийти на твою вечірку в суботу. - I am afraid, I will not be able to come to your party on Saturday.

3. Я не міг спати останнім часом добре. - I could not sleep well lately.

4. Можливо, Том не зможе прийти завтра. – Tom may not be able to come tomorrow.

5. Я не вмію зараз кататися на ковзанах, але я вміла дуже добре в дитинстві. - I can not skate now, but I could skate very well in childhood.

6. Чи умовили вони його прийти? – Так. Це було важко, але вони змогли умовити його. Did they persuade him to come? - Yes. It was difficult, but they were able to persuade him.

7. Моя бабуся любила музику і вміла дуже добре грати на піаніно. - My grandmother loved music and could play the piano very well.

8. Хлопчик упав у річку, але, на щастя, ми змогли врятувати його. - The boy had fallen into the river, but fortunately we were able to rescue him.

9. На острові можна знайти кілька видів грибів. - Few sorts of mushrooms can be found on the island.

10. Собаку не можна впускати в дім. - A dog can not be admitted into a house.

11. Я могла би помити посуд після обіду, але мені зателефонувала подружка. - I could have washed up after dinner, but a girl-friend called me.

12. Ми не змогли розв’язати задачу. - We could not solve the task.

13. Як ти міг залишити її одну? Вона могла б заблукати. - How could you leave her alone? She could have lost the way.

14. Із мого вікна я міг бачити тільки двір. - Through my window I could see a yard only.

15. Ніхто не міг зробити для нього більше, ніж ви. - Nobody could do for him more than you.

10. Make sentences with may or might. (The first five sentences are in present.)

E.g. Do you know if Ann likes ice-cream? – I’m not sure. She may/might like ice-cream.

1. Do you know if they are married? – I’m not sure. They may/might be married.

2. Do you know if she wants to go? – I’m not sure. She may/might want to go.

3. Do you know if he’s telling the truth? – I’m not sure. He may/might tell the truth.

4. Do you know if he has a car? – I’m not sure. He may/might have a car.

5. Do you know if Jack is in his office? - I’m not sure. He may/might be in his office.

6. Do you know if he was serious? I’m not sure. He might have been serious.

7. Do you know if they were looking for the key? I’m not sure. They might have been looking for the key.

8. Do you know if she was ill? I’m not sure. She might have been ill.

9. Do you know if she told anybody? I’m not sure. She might have told somebody.

10. Do you know if they came to the meeting? I’m not sure. They might have come to the meeting.

11. Rephrase the following sentences in as many ways as possible.

1. Perhaps Laura has left the phone off the hook. Laura may / might / could have left the phone off the hook.

2. Surgeons are obliged to scrub their hands before operating on patients. - Surgeons must scrub their hands before operating on patients.

3. Do you mind if I open the window? – May/ might I open the window?

4. It wasn’t necessary for Peter to wash the dog, so he didn’t. – Peter needn’t have washed the dog.

5. Emily managed to reach the top shelf, even though she didn’t have a ladder. - Emily could/was able managed to reach the top shelf.

6. It’s forbidden to copy files without the manager’s permission. – You mustn’t copy files without the manager’s permission.

7. Why don’t we spend the evening at home? - Shall we spend the evening at home?

8. I’m certain Patrick misunderstood my instructions. – Patrick must have misunderstood my instructions.

9. I’m sure Helen didn’t know about her surprise party. - Helen can’t have known about her surprise party.

10. I’m sure she lost the case. – She must have lost the case.

11. Perhaps she will phone us sometime today. - She may phone us sometime today.

12. I don’t think the Rogers have been living here long. - The Rogers mightn’t have been living here long.

13. I’m sure James won’t be seeing the boss tomorrow. - James mustn’t/can’t be seeing the boss tomorrow.

14. Perhaps he is feeling ill. - He must be feeling ill.

15. I’m sure Alan wasn’t driving carelessly. - Alan can’t have been driving carelessly.

16. Perhaps he had left before you called. - He may have left before you called.

17. I’m certain she’s considering your offer. – She must be considering your offer.

18. Perhaps they rented the flat. - They may have rented the flat.

12. Rephrase the sentences using must or can’t.

1. I’m sure she has gone on holiday. - She must have gone on holiday.

2. I’m certain he doesn’t know the secret. - He can’t know the secret.

3. I’m certain Mike hasn’t got a car. - Mike can’t have got a car.

4. I’m sure Susan has paid the phone bill. - Susan must have paid the phone bill.

5. I’m sure they don’t live here. - They can’t live here.

6. I’m sure they left the country. - They must have left the country.

7. I’m certain Marie sent you a birthday card. - Marie must have sent you a birthday card.

8. I’m certain he didn’t call me. - He can’t have called me.

9. I’m sure he has been keeping secrets from me. - He must have been keeping secrets from me. 10. I’m certain she is looking for a new job. - She must be looking for a new job.

11. I’m sure David didn’t go to the office. - David can’t have gone to the office.

12. I’m certain he is working in the library. - He must be working in the library.

13. I’m sure John didn’t stay late at the office. - John can’t have stayed late at the office.

14. I’m certain he hasn’t arrived yet. - He can’t have arrived yet.

15. I’m sure she was writing her course paper. - She must have been writing her course paper.

16. I’m certain you have been planning the project. - You must have been planning the project.

17 I’m sure Paul didn’t file the complaint. - Paul can’t have filed the complaint.

18. I’m sure they haven’t finished writing the composition.- They must have finished writing the composition.

19. I’m certain you told her everything. - You must have told her everything.

20. I’m sure they are hiding somewhere. - They must be hiding somewhere.

13. Rephrase the following sentences, as in the example.

1. It’s likely that she has forgotten about the meeting. She may/might/could have forgotten about the meeting.

2. Perhaps he will be home soon. - He may be home soon.

3. Perhaps we won’t stay in a hotel. - We can’t stay in a hotel.

4. It’s possible she has been delayed in traffic. – She may have been delayed in traffic.

5. It’s likely they have gone to the cinema. - They may have gone to the cinema.

6. Perhaps they are asleep already. – They may be asleep already.

7. It’s likely he hasn’t been promoted. - He can’t have been promoted.

8. It’s possible she called while we were out. – She may have called while we were out.

9. It’s likely we’ll go shopping this afternoon. – We may go shopping this afternoon.

10. Perhaps he is outside. - He may be outside.

11. It’s possible they didn’t receive our message. - They can’t have received our message.

12. Perhaps she is visiting a friend. - She may be visiting a friend.

14. Fill in can, can’t, must , mustn’t, needn’t or have to in the correct form.

1. A: Is Jason at work today? B: He can’t be. His car isn’t at the car park. 2. A: I can’t do my German homework. B: I’ll help you. I can speak German. 3. A: I’m going to watch TV. B: All right, but you mustn’t stay up late. 4. A: We will have to book a taxi to take us to the airport. B: I’ll do it now. 5. A: I didn’t know Rachel was in the choir. B: Oh yes. She can sing beautifully. 6. A: Must I cook dinner tonight? B: No, you needn’t. We are going to the restaurant. 7. A: Has Tom bought a car yet? B: He can’t have. I saw him on the bus yesterday. 8. A: She must be very rich. B: Yes. She’s got a huge house and an expensive car. 9. A: I did the washing-up for you. B: Oh, you needn’t have. But it was very kind of you. 10. A: Would you like to come to my party on Saturday? B: I’d like to, but my Mum says I must visit my grandparents.

15. Translate into English.

1. У цю годину його завжди можна побачити в читальному залі. At this o'clock he always can be seen in a reading-room.

2. Можна, я почекаю на вас? – Так. - Can I wait for you? - Yes.

3. А зараз, діти, можете піти погратися до садку. - Now, children, you may go to play to the garden.

4. На жаль, жити тут неможливо. - Unfortunately, you can’t live here.

5. Можна мені взяти вашу газету на хвилинку? – Пробачте, я читаю її зараз. - May I take your newspaper for a minute? - I am sorry, I am reading it now.

6. Можливо, ми чули цього співака по радіо. - We may have heard this singer on the radio.

7. У диктанті багато помилок. Ви б могли бути більш уважними. – There are many mistakes in the dictation. You could have been more attentive.

8. Можна вийти на хвилинку? – Так. / Ні. May I go out for a minute? - Yes. / No.

9. Вона, можливо, чекала від вас похвали. - She may have been expecting the praise from you.

10. Ти могла залишити сумку в кафе. - You could leave a bag in the cafe.

11. Вона може знати його адресу. - She may know his address.

12. Можливо, він подумав, що ви хочете взяти в нього інтерв’ю, а він цього не любить. He may have thought that you wanted to take an interview at him, and he it does not like it.

13. Його може і не бути зараз удома. - He might not be at home now.

14. Книга може бути вже і розпродана. - A book might have been sold out.

15. Можливо, вони це зараз обговорюють. - They may be discussing it now.

16. Не може бути, щоб він забув свою обіцянку. – He can’t have forgotten the promise.

17. Він точно забув свою обіцянку. – He must have forgotten the promise.

18. Вона не могла запізнитися на потяг учора. - She could not miss the train yesterday.

19. Можливо, вона вже поїхала. - She may have left.

20. Напевно, їй вже про все розказали. – She must have already told everything about.

21. Не може бути, щоб їй про все розказали. - She can’t have already told everything about.

22. Напевно, вони розмовляли про це, коли ви ввійшли.- They must be speaking about it, when you entered.

23. Невже діти все ще грають надворі? – Can the children be still playing outside?

24. Можливо, вона буде жити в цьому місті після того, як закінчить університет. - She may live in this city after she graduate from the university.

25. Не може бути, щоб ти не чув про це раніше. - You can’t have heard about it before.

16. Fill in shall or will.

1. Shall I help you with the washing-up? 2. Shall we have pizza for dinner tonight? 3. Will you carry this for me, please? 4. What shall we buy for Bob’s birthday? 5. Will you answer the phone, please? 6. Where shall we sit in the classroom? 7. Will you take the rubbish out for me? 8. Shall Shall Will we have a barbecue next weekend?

17. Read the situation and complete the sentences with should / shouldn’t, ought to /oughtn’t to and the correct form of the infinitive.

1. Your friend didn’t see a film on TV last night. You saw it and it was very good. You should have seen the film. 2. Liz bought an expensive jacket yesterday and now she hasn’t got enough money for the rest of the week. She shouldn’t have bought such an expensive jacket. 3. Your sister eats a lot of junk food which is bad for her health. You oughtn’t to eat so much junk food. 4. Mr Jackson had a stiff back. He lifted some heavy boxes and now his back is worse. He shouldn’t have lifted those heavy boxes. 5. Tony always drives too fast. Yesterday, he was arrested for speeding. He ought to have been driving more slowly. 6. Sally is clumsy. She is always breaking things. She should be more careful. 7. Paul didn’t do his homework. The teacher punished him. He should have done his homework. 8. Amy borrowed her brother’s car without asking. He was very angry. She oughtn’t to have borrowed his car without asking.

18. Translate into English.

1. Гаряче. Відчинити вікно? – It is hot. Shall I open the window?

2. Вам треба більше ходити пішки. - You should walk more.

3. Повторіть це ще раз. – Will you repeat it again?

4. Вам зробити каву? - Shall I make coffee for you?

4. Нам треба більш піклуватися про довкілля. - We ought to care about environment more.

5. Вам слід проконсультуватися з вашим адвокатом. – You should consult with your lawyer.

6. Не треба було тобі заперечувати.- I shouldn’t have denied.

7. Підемо кудись пообідаємо сьогодні? - Shall we go anywhere to dine today?

8. Вам слід було прийти раніше. – You should have come earlier?

9. Ви повинні були повернути книгу минулого тижня. Чому ви не зробили це? - You should have returned the book last week. Why did not you do it?

10. Ви б не допомогли мені? – Так, звісно. - Would you help me? - Yes, certainly.

11. Чим я можу допомогти вам? - What can I do for you?

19. Rephrase the following sentences using the modal verbs or their equivalents.

1. You had better book your flight early. - You should book your flight early.

2. Would you like me to draw the curtains for you? – Shall I draw the curtains for you?

3. Why don’t we go to a Japanese restaurant for a change? - Shall we go to a Japanese restaurant for a change?

4. I strongly advise you to see a lawyer as soon as possible. – You must see a lawyer as soon as possible.

5. Can you call Greg for me, please? - Will you call Greg for me, please?

6. You ought to have checked the battery before you left. - You should have checked the battery before you left.

7. Everybody is obliged to pay taxes. - Everybody must pay taxes.

8. You don’t need to go to the market today. - You needn’t go to the market today.

9. It wasn’t necessary for Betty to call a taxi because I gave her a lift. - Betty needn’t have called a taxi because I gave her a lift.

10. They managed to get to the theatre in time, despite the heavy traffic. - They could get to the theatre in time.

11. You aren’t allowed to keep pets in the building. - You mustn’t keep pets in the building.

12. Do you mind if I take the rest of the day off. - May I take the rest of the day off?

13. I advise you to buy this book. – You should buy this book.

14. It isn’t necessary for him to take the exam again. – He needn’t take the exam again.

15. I’m sure Terry isn’t here. - Terry can’t be here.

16. You are not allowed to eat and drink in the classrooms. - You mustn’t eat and drink in the classrooms.

17. We are obliged to clock in and out every day. - We must clock in and out every day.

18. I’m sure the boys weren’t upset with the results. - The boys can’t have been upset with the results.

19. Would you like me to do anything to help? – Shall I help you?

20. Perhaps we will go for a picnic on Sunday afternoon. - We may go for a picnic on Sunday afternoon.

21. Sam managed to reach the top of the mountain after climbing for several hours. - Sam was able to reach the top of the mountain after climbing for several hours.

20. How about throwing a party on the birthday? – Would you throw a party on the birthday?

20. Choose the correct answer.

1. You mustn’t be late for work.

2. Jim has to lose some weight. His doctor said so.

3. I needn’t go to the bank today. I have enough money.

4. I didn’t deliver the parcel, because I couldn’t find the house.

5. I must clean the house today. It’s dirty.

6. I didn’t need to feed the dog. My brother did it.

7. I can’t open the window. It’s stuck.

8. I could swim when I was I child.

9. Can I borrow your umbrella?

10. Tom is very gifted. He can speak French, German and Italian.

11. You need to study hard for your exam.

12. Tom isn’t at work, so he must be at the library.

13. Shall we have dinner at a restaurant?

14. Sorry. I’ve broken the cup. – You should be more careful.

15. Where’s your father. – He might be in the garage.

16. What time shall I pick you up from work?

17. We ought to phone Ann. It’s her birthday today.

18. No reporters were allowed to approach the scene of the accident.

19. May I help you, Madam?

20. It’s five o’clock. I ought to be here by now.