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2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. counsel

g. a barrister or group of barristers engaged in conducting cases in court and advising on legal matters

2. the Bench

d. a)  a judge or magistrate sitting in court in a judicial capacity; b)  judges or magistrates collectively

3. verdict

b. information etc that gives reason for believing something; proof (e.g. in a law case)

4. guilty

a. the decision of a jury at the end of a trial

5. prosecution

c. a)  the institution and conduct of legal proceedings against a person; b)  the proceedings brought in the name of the Crown to put an accused on trial

6. accomplice

h. a person who helps another in committing a crime

7. witness

e. someone who sees an event and reports what happened

8. evidence

f. responsible for an offence or misdeed

Grammar 4 Revision of the Active Voice

1. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences.

1. Computers are becoming more and more efficient.

2. Paul was talking to Tina when I saw him.

3. ‘What are you thinking about?’ ‘This time next week I will be sunbathing on the beach.’

4. We went to Austria last winter.

5. The bank had closed by the time I got there.

6. I have been learning Italian for three years now.

7. ‘Have you finished decorating your flat yet?’ ‘No, but I will have finished by Friday.’

8. Mary is flying to Singapore at 3.00 tomorrow morning.

9. ‘Have you just moved here?’ ‘No. I will have been living here for two years next month.’

10. ‘I felt tired.’ ‘How could you be tired? You hadn’t done a thing all day’.

11. ‘Will you be going to the market today?’ ‘Yes. Shall I buy you something?’

12. ‘John doesn’t study hard.’ ‘I think he won’t pass his entrance exams.’

13. ‘How long have you known Jane?’ ‘Since we went to school.’

14. ‘We’ve asked Ann to our housewarming party.’ – ‘I am not sure if she will come. She is preparing for her exam.’

15. ‘Can you give Steve a message for me?’ ‘Certainly I will be seeing him at work, later on today.’

16. Will you call me back as soon as you get back?

17. I was listening to the radio when the doorbell rang.

18. ‘You’ve been working hard all day.’ ‘Yes. At 3 o’clock, I will have been studying for six hours.’

19. I fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.

20. ‘Bill has an exam tomorrow, doesn’t he?’ In fact, at this time tomorrow, he will be taking the exam.’

21. The shop had sold all the books when I came there.

22. Charles Dickens wrote lots of novels.

23. By 11 o’clock, they will have been arguing for four hours.’

24. Mr Brown had been teaching for thirty years when he retired.

25. She will call him in case he forgets.

26. I’m not sure when he will visit us.

27. Mike started studying law 2 years ago.

28. ‘Shall we go for a walk?’ ‘I can’t go until the mother arrives.’

29. Look at the boy. It is going to climb that tree.

30. ‘Where is the book?’ ‘I gave it to Helen. I was sure you had finished reading it.’

2. Translate into English.

1. Він подякував мені за те, що я підтримав його у суперечці. - He thanked me for I had supported him in a dispute.

2. Вона загубила ключі та стоїть і чекає, коли прийдуть її батьки. - She has lost the keys and is standing and expecting, when her parents will come.

3. Не встигли ми вийти, як почули постріл. - Hardly we had left as we heard a shot.

4. Вона постійно дивиться на мене. Мені це не подобається. She is constantly looking at me. I don’t like it.

5. За все своє життя я не зустрічала такого благородного чоловіка. - I have not met such a noble man for all my life

6. Було холодно, так як сонце ще не встало. - It was cold, as the sun hadn’t risen yet.

7. Коли ми зустріли його, він стояв і дивився на будинок, в якому він виріс. - When we met him, he was standing and looking at the house in which he had grown up.

8. Усі ляжуть спати до того, як він повернеться. Вони звичайно рано лягають спати. Everybody will have gone to bed before he returns. They usually go to bed early.

9. Я вирішив цю проблему після того, як попрацював над нею декілька годин. - I solved this problem after I had been working at it for a few hours.

10. Дощ йде кожного дня з тих пір, як ми приїхали. - It has been raining every day since we arrived.

11. Я саме снідав, коли зайшов мій друг і сказав, що вже все зробив. - I was just having breakfast when my friend called and said, that he hd already done everything.

12. Я працював вже кілька годин, коли ти зателефонував мені.- I had been working for a few hours, when you called me.

13. Не приходь до мене завтра о восьмій. Я буду готуватися до тесту. – Don’t come to me tomorrow at eight. I will be preparing for the test.

14. Що ти робиш сьогодні ввечері? – Я їду у відрядження. - What are you doing tonight? - I am going to a business trip.

15. Коли ти повернешся, я вже підготую свою доповідь, бо працюватиму вже кілька годин. When you return, I will have already prepared the lecture, because I will have been working for a few hours.

3. Put the verbs in brackets into a correct tense.

1. A: I 1) am thinking of going to that new Chinese restaurant in the centre to celebrate my birthday. 2) Have you been there yet? B: No, I 3) haven’t been, but people 4) say that the food is fantastic. A: Would you like to go there next weekend? B: Yes, that’s a great idea. I 5) am writing in my diary now.

2. John 1) left the house in a rush this morning. As he 2) was driving to work suddenly he 3) remembered that he 4) had been asked to speak at a conference. He 5) looked at his watch and 6) saw that it was nearly time for the conference to begin.

3. Last March Sam 1) decided that he 2) had had enough of working in a bank and that he 3) would ride around the world on a bicycle. He 4) left England two weeks later with his bike, a rucksack and a tent. He 5) has been away for six months now, and no one 6) knows whether he 7) will return or not.

4. Jan and Paul 1) are arguing in the next room at the moment. It 2) seems that Paul 3) came in late last night after he 4) had promised Jan that he 5) would be home in time for dinner. By the time he 6) got home, Jan 7) had given his dinner to the dog and 8) had been waiting by the window for two hours!

5. A: 1) Are you going on holiday to Germany this year? B: No, we 2) go there every year, so we want a change this year. A: Where 3) are you planning to go instead? B: Well, we 4) are told that Greece is a beautiful country so we 5) have already booked a two-week holiday on Corfu.

6. Susan 1) has been studying law part time for six years and she 2) is getting her diploma next month. Since she 3) has been working in the same company for over ten years she 4) feels that she 5) needs a change, so she 6) is planning to open her own advisory office. She 7) is starting looking for an office next week, and she 8) hopes she 9) will have found something in a good location and at a reasonable price by the end of the month. Her tutors 10) tell her that she 11) is very smart and they 12) assure her that she 13) will make a success.

7. Jim 1) was walking along the High Street when he 2) noticed someone behind him. Actually, he 3) had been following him since he 4) got off the bus. Jim 5) stopped at a shop window. The man 6) came closer to him, Jim 7) had the feeling he 8) had seen him before, so he 9) went up to him and 10) asked: ‘Don’t I know you? Why 11) are you following me?’ The man 13) smiled and 14) said, ‘Smile! You 15) are on Candid Camera!’

8. Julie 1) always wanted to be famous, ever since she was young. She 2) had been taken acting classes for years and last week someone 3) offered her a part in an advertisement. They only 4) need her voice, though, because it’s going to be on the radio. At least her career 5) starts.

9. Tom 1) had been saving up to go to France for months, and yesterday when he 2) counted his savings he 3) realised he had enough. Unfortunately as he 4) was driving to the travel agent’s he 5) remembered that he 6) had not paid his rent for two months so he 7) turned round and 8) drove back home.

10. Next month I 1) will visit my friend who 2) lives in Brazil. The flight from London 3) takes about fifteen hours and I 4) have never been on the plane before. I 5) feel quite nervous about the journey but my friend 6) is keeping telling me that there 7) is nothing to worry about.