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1. Make up 2-3 questions on the text for your group-mates to answer.

2. Translate the story using the information from the text.

1. Наши друзья из Кембриджского Университета пригласили нас провести каникулы в Англии.

2. Они сказали, что мы будем путешествовать по железной дороге.

3. Прежде чем заказать билеты заранее, мы просмотрели расписание поездов.

4. Мы решили, что купим билеты не на прямой, а на обычный поезд и сделаем пересадку в Ланкастере.

5. Когда мы прибыли на вокзал, чтобы сесть на поезд, мы купили входной билет на платформу.

6. На платформе я впервые увидел английские поезда и понял, что они отличаются от поездов на континенте.

7. Они были меньше по размеру и у них было меньше спальных вагонов.

8. У нас было много багажа, поэтому мы отправились в багаж­ное отделение и сделали заказ на его предварительную отправку.

9. Мы заполнили специальный бланк (form), где указали номер нашего билета и багажа.

10. Нам сказали, что железнодорожная компания доставит наш багаж по адресу, указанному в заказном бланке.

11. Наконец, мы сели в вагон, нашли свои места, поставили свои сумки на полки, которые были у нас над головой и стали ждать отправления поезда.

12. Прежде чем поезд тронулся, нас предупредили, о том, чтобы мы сохранили свой билет до конца поездки и, по прибытии в пункт назначения сдали его билетному контролеру.

  1. Discuss the following situations:

  • You leave the train at the station to buy something to eat and read. While your back's turned, the train moves out with all your luggage in it; say what happens next.

  • You are coming out of the train with lots of luggage you find no one  on the platform to meet you.

  • You had booked a lower berth but on entering the compartment found it occupied by an elderly woman.

  • Your train passed the station where you were to get off without stopping.

  1. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of travelling by train.

  2. Finish the following stories in written form:

1. A married couple and their two children are standing on the railway platform. The train has just come into the station. It is not a steam train, it is an electric train. The family are going to London. The train leaves in a few minutes.

There is a bridge over the railway lines. When people want to go from one platform to the other they cross by this bridge.

Suddenly, attracted by a white fluffy dog, little Mary starts running for the bridge. Before her parents can do or say anything, she...


2. Among the passengers who had just landed there was a stout pleasant-looking gentleman with a big brown suitcase. Following the notice TO THE CUSTOMS he briskly entered the Customs shed where the officer gave him a printed notice warning the passengers that they should declare to the Customs officer the quantities of tobacco, cigars, cigarettes and alcoholic drinks they had with them. The gentleman smiled reading the warning, and produced his brown suit-case. The latter did not arouse any suspicion. The officer chalked it off hand told the stout gentleman where his passport would be examined. The gentleman passed on searching his pockets for his papers. But alas, he could not find them. Probably they were in the suitcase. He placed the suit-case on a bench and tried to open it. But it would not open. In despair the gentleman broke the lock but when he did open the suit-case and looked into it his face turned pale because what he saw...

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