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  1. Look through the text again and complete the following sentences:

  1. Adventure is necessary to keep us... and...

  2. One of the objects of travel is...

  3. The most valuable to the traveller is...

  4. Those who wish to tavel have at their disposal...

  5. Most of travellers prefer to...

  6. If you want to see the country-side...

  7. Hiking is nice because...

  8. When hiking you need...

  9. The great joy for the traveller is...

  10. Besides the delight of travel the traveller has...

  1. Describe your feelings during one of your journeys by train. Say what you saw while travelling and what impressed you most.

You may use the following:


1. to get acquainted – познакомиться.

2. splendid – великолепный, роскошный.

3. a waste of time – потеря времени

4. to discover (v) – открывать.

5. real life – настоящая жизнь.

6. to change (v) – менять(ся).

7. excitement – возбуждение, волнение.

8. to feel (to be excited) – чувствовать возбуждение, быть возбужденным.

9. to be bored – надоесть.

10. full of adventures – полный приключений.

11. to pass by – проходить, проезжать (мимо).

12. a company – компания, общество.

13. companion (n) – спутник, попутчик.

14. at a great (high, low) speed – с огромной (высокой, низкой) скоростью.

15. a wonderful sight – замечательный вид (зрелище).

  1. Do you know anything about British railways? If not, let's read the following text and you'll get much interesting information about it. Travelling On British Railways

An English train is different from continental. It is smaller and there are fewer sleeping-cars. Almost in all carriages each compartment has its own door which is opened only from the outside.

The train consists of an engine, first and second class carriages, a sleeping-car, a dining car, a guards van, a luggage van and a mail van.

When a traveller comes to the railway station to take a train, he goes to the station platform, passes the ticket office, the Train Department Board, the Information counter and the Destination notice. As a rule, on British railways you need a platform ticket to get to the station platform. You show the ticket to the ticket collector at the ticket barrier and go to the platform.

On the station platform the traveller gets into a carriage, finds a vacant seat (back or face to the engine), puts his luggage on the rack above his head and sits down. Sometimes the porter takes his luggage to the carriage, finds a place for him and puts the bags on the rack. Some people reserve seats in advance at a Travel Agency. If they have much luggage they go to the Parcels Office, fill in a luggage-in-advance form stating the number of their ticket and the bags. The railway company collects the luggage at home and delivers it to the address stated in the form.

A traveller on the British railway usually keeps his ticket to the end of the travel as he is to give it to the ticket collector at the place of his destination. The railway fares are rather high and the price depends on the distance and the class of the carriage you travel.

If you are going not very far and coming back on the same day you may buy a cheap day return ticket which costs less than a return ticket.

 These words and expressions will help you to understand the text better:

  1. Train Departure Board – расписание поездов.

  2. Information counter - справочное бюро.

  3. Destination notice – информация о прибытии поездов.

  4. ticket barrier – пропускной контроль.

  5. parcels office – багажное отделение.

  6. luggage-in-advance form – заказ на предварительную отправку багажа.

  7. railway fare – плата за проезд.

  8. day-return ticket – билет в оба конца со скидкой, действительный в течение суток (двух)- в субботу и в воскресенье).

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