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The House of Lords

The House of Lord is the upper chamber of the British Parliament but it is less powerful. It's the oldest part of the Parliament. It appeared seven hundred years ago as King's Counsel consisting of lords and barons.

Nowadays is a partly hereditary upper chamber:

Lords Spiritual – 26 (высшее духовенство) — 2 of them are archbishops (Archbishop of Canterbury (“Primate of All England”) and Archbishop of York) and 24 bishops

Lords Temporal – 92 hereditary peers (they sit in the House of Lords during their lifetime and transmit their title to the elder son) and over 500 life peers and peeresses ( those who were given a title as a reward for important public service [Harold Macmillan (prime-minister) established life peers in 1958 and also introduced women to the Lords (foe example Margaret Thatcher)].

The children of Life peers do not inherit the title. New life peers are created by the Monarch on the advice of Prime-minister.

About 30 Law Lords who sit as the highest Court of Appeal.

By custom the Royal Dukes (members of the royal family) do not attend the sittings of the House. The quorum – 3 Lords for a general or procedural vote; 30 lord for the vote of legislation

Those Lords who attend the sittings very rarely are called backwoodsmen.

The monarch belongs to the house of lords.

The State Opening Speech (Maiden speech).

The presiding officer in the House of Lords used to be the Lord Chancellor (from the Middle Ages until 2006)

wool-sack -

The Lord Chancellor

  • legislative (the Speaker of H of Lords) – больше не является

  • executive (the head of ...)

  • judicial responsibilities (the president of Law Lords)

  • administration of justice

The Presiding officer

  • the Lord Speaker (since 2006)

  • less powerful ….

The Lord Speaker

  • the mouthpiece

  • “My Lords”

  • cannot determine who takes the floor

  • the House disciplines Lords

The Speaker

  • “Mr/Madam Speaker”

  • catching the Speaker's eye

  • the Speaker discipline MPs

Limited Power of the Lords

  • no control over financial matters (since 1911)

  • no right to reject legislation passed by the Commons (since 1949)

  • no right to veto [vitou] legislation (can only delay a bill for a year)

  • don't use their right to introduce a bill (by tradition)

Traditionally the Lords hadn't been receiving salaries but since … special money compensation was introduced to them to get them interested in attending sessions.

The House of Lords is a conservative Chamber: (nicknames: the best club in London; the House of obstruction; the gilded chamber)

The supporters claim that the Lords …

Reforms of the Lords:

In 1992 there was a reform – the right of hereditary peers to sit was abolished – a compromise was reached – allowed 92 of them to remain in the Chamber as temporary members (were elected).

Since then debates have been going on the 2nd stage of reform – the main point of conflict is the composition of the Lords (fully appointed chamber or fully elected or smth in between).

The Lords and The Commons have failed to come to agreement (the Lords support an all-appointed chamber; the commons – results of the voting varies.)

The Work of Parliament

It is divided into sessions. Every session begins in late October or early November and lasts 39 weeks up to August. The traditional ceremony of the opening – the State opening speech – a very beautiful and pompous ceremony – the Queen makes her speech from the thrown. In her speech she announces the programme of parliament.

Нестерова — изучить работу парламента (a routine working day in Parliament)

The Law making process

A proposed law (a bill) goes through several stages in order to become an act of Parliament.

1 stage – a bill is drafted

the draft receives approval of the Cabinet.

A bill can be introduced:

  • a government bill (most of the bills are) – by the leading party

  • an Opposition bills

  • a private member's bill (individual MP's)

Putting forward a bill is not encouraged. Opposition bills can be debated during 20 days and only 10 days for private member's bills.

2 stage – the 1st reading (a publication of the proposal)

3 stage – the 2nd reading (a debate on the principles of the bill – some members can support the bill, some against). If the House is unanimous in favour of the bill (rarely) the bill goes further; if there is disagreement the speaker calls for a division and a voting takes place. The members pass into the division lobbies (there are two division lobbies and the member chooses the door depending on the choice – two doors “Aye” door 9to the right of the speaker) or “No” door (to the left). Party whips stand outside the doors showing by their presence the way parties are supposed to vote for. Mps who ignore the recommendations (policy) of their party risk their career.

The lords are more free to vote depending on their own view rather than their party's.

The bill passes the next stage.

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