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The Legislative Branch

Parliament dates back to the 13th century – is an ancient institution. There was short (2 weeks) and long (18 years) Parliament in English history. Since 1911 every Parliament has been limited to a 5-year term. Parliament is supreme legislative boy in the country – its legislative power is unlimited – there is no other institutions in the UK similar to the US Supreme Court that can abolish the law if it considers it contradicting the country's constitution. The British Parliament can pass any law and there is no institution strong enough to abolish it.

The functions of Parliament:

  • to make laws (to legislate bills, to make bills lawful) – legislative function

  • to enforce laws – judicial function

  • to collect taxes (to raise money through taxation

  • to question and examine government policy and administration

  • to debate important political issues

The British Parliament is bicameral – it is compose of two chambers (Houses – The House of Lords and The House of Commons).

The Houses of Parliament

The Palace of Westminster (The house of Commons – the northern???? part)

The two chambers work in different places but the debating chamber – the shape is rectangle (одинаковая у обеих палат). У большинства других стран форма - semicircular

The Throne

The Speaker's chair

The arrangement of seats is of great significance (the debates are face to face).

The first two rows of seats are called front benches – occupied by the leading members of oppositional parties (front-benches)

Bach-benches – rank-and-file MPs.

There are no cross benches.

The House of Commons is an elective chamber with (648 MPs)

Though the House of Commons is the lower chamber, it plays a major role in law making – the centre of real political power and activity. Most of its members are professional politicians, lawyers, economists. The majority is made up of the party which has won the general election. The party with the next largest number of seats forms the official opposition. The Leader of opposition is an official post.

The speaker presides at the House. (the presiding officer) He is elected by the house at the beginning of each Parliament to preside over it and to enforce the rules of order. There is a tradition to elect the speaker – to drag the speaker on the way to his seat.

The Speaker cannot debate or vote (he can only when the number of votes is equal).

The order of speakers is not established in advance – the Speaker elects the person to speak - “to catch the Speaker's eye”. This tradition gives the Speaker enormous powers.

MPs are paid salaries. The House has 370 seats for MPs – there are no seats for all MPs, so the presence of all members is not necessary except special occasions.

The Nether House = The House of Commons.

To enter the House = to become an MP.

The Chief Whip of the Government -

The Chief Whip of the opposition -

The Table of the House – between the two opposite sides of seats.

Dispatch boxes near the Mace (a symbol of the Speaker's authority).

The House of Commons meets 5 days a week at 2-30 pm.

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