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Makes Three.doc
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It helps; it really does.

Tom grunted and shook as Bill contracted rhythmically around his hard cock. They’d been going at it for hours and after the first three times their need for each other had only gotten worse. He gripped Bill’s hips tighter and pulled his twin back onto his dick with short, strong strokes. The raven haired teen fisted large portions of the comforter as he gasped at every lunge backwards.

They’d stopped talking after the second mutual orgasm; reduced to grunts and groans as Tom took Bill from behind. It was one of his favorite positions even though Bill didn’t like it because they couldn’t see each other. Apparently that hadn’t mattered after the singer had rode his dick and blissed himself out. Tom had been too enthralled to climax and flipped him over onto his stomach and pushed back in fluidly.

Bill hadn’t fought him and now Tom felt white hot with lust. They’d been in his position for almost fifteen minutes before he began to feel the telltale tightening of an impending orgasm. “Shit,” he managed to get out as he tossed his locks out of his face. Tom leaned forward and licked at a bead of sweat that made its way down Bill’s arched back and reached down to gently caress his twin’s dick.

He knew the soft touches would wreck Bill more than full on sensation; true to form Tom had to grit his teeth against the pressure on his cock. He took the head of Bill’s dick in his hand and squeezed the tip; Tom grunted in surprise as Bill screamed hoarsely and shoved himself onto Tom’s forward thrust and came explosively.

Tom shuddered and with a cry came inside his brother. He felt like the whole world had dropped out from beneath him and momentarily forgot to breathe as he emptied himself. When Tom came to he was still inside of Bill, and they both moaned at his removal. It took two tries before the guitarist could find his voice. “Holy shit,” he said breathlessly as he collapsed onto the bed. Bill was still on his knees with his eyes closed and the comforter wrapped around his hands. “I don’t know if I can move.”

Bill laughed breathlessly before he finally fell back onto the bed. “Oh my god, that was amazing. Ugh, I needed that so badly.”

“Me too; my fingers are still tingling,” Tom said as he winced and moved his hair from behind his back. He settled against the cool covers and stared at the ceiling. “Are you okay?”

“More than okay; god, what was wrong with us?”

“If that’s wrong, I don’t want to be right.”          

“So fucking cheesy.” Bill grinned as he looked at Tom.

“You’ve got that ‘just fucked’ look.”

“Really? You’d think I was just fucked,” Bill sad after he barked a laugh. Tom managed to pull himself up and move closer to his twin. The singer held his arms out and Tom fell into them with relief. He closed his eyes as Bill pressed small kisses to his temple as Tom wrapped his arms around his thin waist. “Promise we’ll always be like this.”

“Always? You don’t know what you’re asking. Old and wrinkled sex isn’t attractive, I don’t care what Grandma says.”

“Stupid. You know what I mean.”

“Forever, Bill. Just like I said.”


Tom opened his eyes and looked to the side of the bed. Bill wasn’t there and it was really his fault. He’d said forever and totally forgot his promise. Tom sat up and wiped the sweat from his brow as he kicked his covers off; suddenly the frigid temperature the air conditioning was on seemed to be as effective as blowing on your skin. The residual arousal faded as the melancholy sank in. He took a deep breath and resigned himself to no sleep for the rest of the night.


Tom looked up and smiled wearily as Bill walked in. He had his hair in a low pony tail and looked irritated as he glanced around the living room. “What’s wrong?”

“I can’t find a pair of shoes. I thought I had all my shoes packed in the same box. I just unpacked that box and my silver cowboy boots weren’t in there. Shit!” he said as he turned around in a circle.

“Maybe you left them at Mom’s,” Tom said carefully as he tried to calm his twin down.

“Fuck! They go with my fucking outfit. Why would I have left them? That doesn’t make any damn sense.” Bill threw his hands up and choked back a sob. Tom sighed and stood up. This had gone on long enough.

“Bill, calm down,” he said as he came over and put his hands on his little brother’s shoulders. “It’s going to be okay, okay?”

Bill clenched his jaw and forced himself to take a deep breath. “Yeah, you’re right.” He sighed and let his head fall back briefly. “I just…”

Tom nodded understandingly and rubbed his hands up and down Bill’s arms. He knew Bill didn’t like not knowing where his stuff was, Tom was the same way. “You want me to help you?” he asked with a smile.

Bill shook his head and patted Tom’s hand before he moved away. “No, I’ll find it. Thanks, Tom,” he said as he walked out of the room.

Tom bit his lip and jogged after his twin; he made it just as Bill put his foot on the first step. “Bill?”

“Yeah?” He turned around expectantly.

“You know, I can still help you with things, you know that right?”

Bill blinked and nodded slowly. “In theory.”

“In theory? What does that mean?” Tom scratched his head and tried to keep the irritation out of his body language.

“I don’t really want to talk about this right now. I want to find my shoes.”

Tom rolled his eyes and walked back to the living room and plopped down on the couch. He looked around for the remote and swore.

They didn’t have a television.

Fuck that, Tom would go insane without something. How did he manage not to know that? Packing; that’s right, how time flies when you do something horribly tedious. He hadn’t had much energy to do anything beyond eat a few meals with Bill and fall into bed.

Tom sighed and rubbed his face briefly. He hated when Bill was in a pissy mood. It ruined his mood and the wonderful snooze that had started to take over. He had to admit, the couch was comfortable. No one could deny Bill had good taste, but did everything have to be leather? Served him right, if Tom had been around to pick out furniture then he could’ve had a say.

He got up and stretched and relished the way his joints popped. Tom felt like shopping. He walked down the hall and jogged up the stairs; at his door he looked back and saw Bill’s closed door. Tom debated on whether or not to ask Bill if he wanted to go but then he shook his head. He’d let him stew.


“Yeah, come over. Dinner sounds good; especially if you’re going to pick it up.” Bill smiled into the phone as he wedged it between his cheek and shoulder so he could have both hands free. Fridge digging required your arms free. He remembered half a sandwich from a deli around the corner and that was the only thing he wanted to eat right now on the planet.

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