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Makes Three.doc
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I’m sorry

Bill read the text again and sighed. It wasn’t Tom’s fault he forgot about the interview. If David or Bill wasn’t there to remind him he never thought about it even though the schedule was printed out and probably lay on his desk but under a mountain of papers. He’d walked out of the house with the intention of getting in his car when the familiar black van pulled up.

Maybe it was better Tom wasn’t here. If he’d found out that Doctor Addams knew about their relationship they’d probably have to put him in a bed next to him. Bill sighed and rubbed his stomach. He’d been reclining too long and his body was about to complain. He slid his legs off of the bed and rose to his feet. It felt good to stand, and as Bill contemplated a quick walk around the Obstetrics floor the door opened and Doctor Addams stepped through.

“Bill is everything okay?” the doctor asked worriedly as she saw the look on his face.

“No, not really,” he said as he clutched the intravenous machine.

“I’m sorry this is upsetting you, but you had to know that this was coming and genetic tests would be run, especially on your baby since you’re male.”

“I didn’t think about it honestly. Guess I should’ve.”

Doctor Addams looked at Bill and shook her head. “I just don’t get it.”

“I don’t really expect you to,” Bill said seriously. “Half the time I don’t get it.”

“And what do you want me to do? Just forget about it? I can’t do that,” she responded.

“But I told you, I’m not being abused, why can’t you believe me?”

“I get women in here all the time with fist marks on their stomachs and they look me in the eye with a bleeding lip and swear up and down they’re not being abused. My default reaction is to leap to abuse regardless of what the patient says,” Doctor Addams stared into her memories and sighed. “The things I’ve seen… the monsters I’ve had to send people back too…” she snapped out of it. “But this is illegal. This I can stop.”

Bill looked at her and nodded. “What do I have to do to make this go away?”

“…What?” she blinked, unsure if he meant what she thought he meant.

“There must be some way for this to just… cease being an issue. There must be something I can do to make this go away,” he said simply.

Doctor Addams laughed and realized Bill was deadly serious. “Oh god, you’re for real. You actually want to bribe me…” she felt a bit dizzy and sat down in the chair on the other side of the bed. Bill looked at her calmly, but on the inside his heart was beating like crazy. The doctor looked over at the heart monitor and frowned. “Calm down Bill, you don’t need the stress,” she reminded him.

“I’m going to be stressed regardless because you’re going to take away the one constant in my life. You don’t get it; I love him so much, more than you could possibly imagine. He’s always there for me and especially now… I can’t lose him. I’ll die.”

“Aren’t you being dramatic?” Doctor Addams asked softly.

“You don’t get it because you don’t have a twin,” Bill said as he eased himself back into the bed. He’d felt a bit dizzy and suddenly the walk didn’t seem like such a good idea without Tom. “I’m willing to offer to pay off the rest of your mortgage and your child’s college tuition if you don’t take this public. If you don’t ruin my life and the lives of quite a few others. Everything would be over and so many people would be out of a job if this happened. I… I don’t want everyone else to pay because I love who I love.”


“No Doctor Addams, please. Just think about it,” Bill said tiredly. She was about to answer when her beeper went off. A premature breech birth and the mother has gestational diabetes. Shit.

“I’ve got to go… we’ll talk about this later.” Doctor Addams threw over her shoulder as she rushed out of the room.

Quite a few people misjudged Bill, because he was beautiful, kind of ditzy at times, and loved to be silly. But being in the music industry trained him to gauge a person’s reaction and let that tell him as much about them as if they’d sat down and told their life story. Doctor Addams’ words were reluctant but he noticed one thing that gave him hope.

She didn’t say no.


Bill smiled as he stared into Tom’s eyes. His twin just looked right back at him with a smile of his own on his face. They hadn’t gone to sleep at all last night, the realization of what they’d done on the sheet of Tom’s sleeping bag. Bill felt sore and turned over gingerly so he rested on his side and purred as Tom ran his hands along his hip in a comforting gesture. “Are you okay?” he asked quietly. Neither twin wanted to break the still with loud voices.

Bill nodded and snuggled closer. He never thought he would have sex with another guy, but Tom wasn’t just another guy, and deep down he’d always known his twin was his soul mate. He rubbed his legs together as he thought about some of the things they’d done and blushed under the brightening sunrise. “I’m fine,” he reassured him.

Good. I didn’t want to hurt you,” Tom pulled him closer and kissed his forehead. “I love you Bill.”

I love you too,” he smiled into the curve of Tom’s neck and inhaled the unique scent of Tom. “Is this forever?”



Tom thought for a minute.”Forever and a day.”

You’re so sappy.” Bill teased and yelped as Tom tickled his ribs and caused goose bumps to rise on his arms.

Sappy? Trying to tell you how I feel is sappy huh? Fine,” he leaned over and kissed him soundly.

Oh Tomi,” Bill breathed dramatically and Tom flicked his nose fondly.


He looked up as the door opened and smiled with relief as Andreas came in with a small teddy bear in his hands. “Hi Bill, thought you could use some company,” he said as he came to sit in Tom’s customary chair.

Bill smiled at the bear and cooed happily as he felt the soft fur and finally snatched it out of his best friend’s hand. “He’s adorable!” he grinned as he clutched the stuffed animal to him beneath his chin. “I’m so glad you’re here Andi, my morning has been hell and Tom couldn’t come because he had an interview,” Bill finally allowed himself to sniffle now that his friend was here.

“What happened?” Andreas stood up and sat on the edge of the bed. Bill wiped his eyes and recounted the horrible conversations he’d had with the doctor, and when he concluded his terrible recount Andreas’ eyes were as wide as saucers.

“Oh shit,” he said in shock. It wasn’t even his secret but the mere fact that it could get out gave him palpitations.

“I know!”

“Where did you get the idea of bribery? That doesn’t even sound like you. Tom maybe, but not you.”

Bill shrugged. “I have to keep my family together. Andi, if they took Tom that would be it. I’m done. I couldn’t do this alone,” he said miserably.

“You’re not alone Bill, trust me you’d never be alone,” Andreas took his hand. “I’m here.”

“Thanks Andreas, you’re always here. That’s why you’re such a good friend. I have to ask two favors from you though.”

“Anything,” he said honestly as he looked down at Bill. Andreas wondered if all of this never happened, if Bill and Tom had never happened, would he have had a chance to kiss Bill. His heart tightened at the thought and it was too difficult to contemplate any further.

“You can’t tell Tom about this bribe thing. He’d probably faint after he yelled at me for not thinking this through. I’ve already looked at it and this is the only way I can think of,” he said quietly.


“Please Andi,” Bill looked his friend in the eye as he pleaded. “Please.”

Andreas swallowed. He’d never shared a secret between just the two of them. The twins told each other everything and he told them everything too. He felt the thrill of complicity and nodded quickly. “Of course, whatever you want.”

“Thank you. The second is that I need you to find out how much a Willpower patch goes for on the market. I’ve got five boxes of the shit in one of my suitcases and I need to move it because I’ll need the cash and I can’t pull it from our account because our financial planner would have to alert Tom.”

“How do you know the doctor will accept your offer?”

“Trust me, she needs it. I’m practically a godsend about now,” Bill yawned. “How long are you here for?” he asked quietly.

Andreas smiled and took Bill’s hand. “I cleared my schedule so I could come visit you.”

“Oh that’s great, I could use the company.”

“Well, I’m here for you, whenever. I’m going to make a few phone calls; I think I know a guy who can move them. I’ll leave your name out of it so it doesn’t get traced back to you. I’ll be right back,” Andreas touched Bill’s stomach gently before he moved to leave.


“Hmm?” he turned around at his name.

“Could you bring me some fries with butter? I’ve been craving them for a while.”

“No problem Bill. You know I’d do anything for you.” Bill beamed and was glad he had a friend like Andreas.


Bill looked up as Doctor Addams returned. She looked perturbed and more than a little confused. “I don’t know what to think about you,” she started abruptly as she paced at the foot of the bed. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I love him more than life itself,” he said calmly. Doctor Addams stopped and turned to him.

“So you want to bribe me just like that,” her tone was disbelieving.

“No, I don’t want to bribe you, but the information can’t get out. I’ve told you why. We’re responsible for the livelihood of others, directly and indirectly.”

“Why, why your own twin?”

“I don’t know,” Bill looked down at the swell of his stomach and rubbed it gently. He felt a rush of emotion when he touched his belly and thought of Tom. “I just do.”

Doctor Addams was at a moral crossroads. Everything inside of her said turn away from this charismatic teen and call the police, this is incest and it’s illegal. But she couldn’t deny that there was never anything in either twin’s behavior that made her think that Tom was abusing Bill. Quite the contrary, he stuck by his brother almost his whole hospital stay and, according to the nurses, made sure to keep Bill in good spirits.

But she could really use the money. Frank, may the son of a bitch rot in hell, left her with the mortgage and debt she hadn’t been aware of while they were married. And she still had to pay him palimony. With her job at the hospital and their daughter’s college tuition money was in short supply. She looked back at the raven haired young man as he lay in bed and realized he must be telling the truth. It was love.

That made it a little easier to come to a decision.

“I’m going to go against my better judgment and accept your offer,” Doctor Addams said slowly. It worried her that she didn’t feel as badly as she should have.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me,” Bill said seriously as he slumped involuntarily against his pillows. The dread and anticipation he was forced to endure the entire day left him stretched and more than a little sore.

“I can’t begin to pretend I understand this. Whose idea was it to bribe me?”

“Is that important?” Bill asked mildly. Doctor Addams shrugged.

“I guess not. I have rounds to do but before I go, here,” she handed him a business card. He flipped it over and read it briefly.

“Doctor Robert Anderson?”

“He’s a high risk obstetrician, and very good at what he does.”

Bill frowned, “but couldn’t I just be your patient?”

“I’m not in primary care, Doctor Anderson is and as I said he’s very good. I’ve already told him your particular… situation, and he’s agreed to keep quiet.”

“You’re going to have to forgive me, I don’t usually find someone who is willing to keep a secret without getting something out of it, what does he want?” Bill asked as a pang of fear lanced through him again.

“Just trust me, you hold up your end of the deal and I’ll make sure he’ll do the same. I’ve known him his whole life,” she assured him. “I sent him your paperwork and there were no copies made. Your secret is safe.”

“Thank you Doctor, seriously.” He watched Doctor Addams walk to the door and hesitate before she walked back.

“I have to ask you, since you offered to pay off my mortgage and the rest of my child’s education… you must know exactly how much that is,” she said. Bill nodded. “How?”

“I have people,” he said softly and Doctor Addams shook her head.

“People, gotcha,” and with that she left the room.

Bill breathed a sigh of relief and tried not to cry as he stared at the ceiling. This day was a hell he never wanted to revisit, and for the fiftieth time that day he had to wonder why he never thought it would come to this. The door to his room opened and to his relief Tom came into view as he unzipped his ridiculously large hoodie and pulled out a bag of McDonalds. 

“I did it, and even though I thought I’d get busted the whole way up here, I managed to do it,” he said proudly as he put the wrinkled bag on the tray table.

Tom frowned as Bill wiped his eyes and laughed softly. “Hey, what’s wrong? Do you need me to get a nurse?”

“No, I just need you. Lock the door because I want you to get into bed with me,” Bill sniffed. Tom looked at him strangely and he shook his head. “I’m not going to molest you.” The phraseology made him cringe but his twin obeyed him willingly, and after Bill was assured the door was properly locked he closed his eyes as Tom climbed into the bed and wrapped his arms around him.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Tom’s words rumbled in his chest and Bill could feel their vibrations as he rested against him.

“Absolutely, now that you’re back,” he mumbled as Tom pulled him closer and rubbed his stomach. Bill smiled into his brother’s soft shirt and drifted off to sleep.


Andreas tried the door and frowned as he realized it was locked. He knocked on the door quickly and when no one responded he knocked louder. He was about to do it again when the door opened abruptly and he found himself face to face with the one person he hadn’t expected. “…Tom?” he practically yelped. “I didn’t expect you back…”

“Yeah, got in earlier than I thought, what’s that?” Tom grabbed the white bag and looked inside. “Oh, Bill had you run for some fries? I got him some, you can eat those,” he gave them back with a smile.

“Where’s Bill?” Andreas asked as he took the bag back and tried to look around Tom.

“Asleep. Could you come back later? He seems exhausted,” the guitarist said as he leaned against the door frame.

Andreas caught a glimpse of Bill’s legs before he looked Tom in the eye and couldn’t help but feel jealousy flame in his stomach. His best friend grinned at him but he knew what this was; dismissal. “Yeah, of course; It’s no problem. I was kind of hungry myself anyway,” he said with false cheer as he opened the bag and popped a fry into his mouth.

Tom beamed tiredly. “Great. Thanks for hanging out with him.”

Andreas nodded absently as the door was closed in his face.

Author's Chapter Notes:

*scratches head* To Ida, my beautiful beta returned to me briefly to look this over, and to Vee, whom I haven't spoken to in a day but it feels like weeks...

You’ve got to be kidding me,” Tom watched his brother bounce on his suitcase as he tried to force everything into his luggage. “What are you trying to take, everything?”

No,” Bill said breathlessly as he forced the zipper. It finally moved and suddenly everything was packed. “Oh god, I didn’t think that would be so difficult,” he said as he blew the fringe out of his eyes. “Are you packed?”

Yesterday,” Tom said smugly.

That’s because you got Andreas to help you. He refused to do the same for me for some reason,” Bill stuck his tongue out and Tom yanked him closer before he kissed him quickly.

You yelled at him for dropping your mascara, that’s why,” he teased as Bill pouted and looked away.

He dropped it! After I told him don’t drop it. Besides he was playing with it.”

Yeah, be nice to Andreas. We only have one best friend, and we have to split him,” Tom let his brother go and watched him look around the room. “What?”

I feel like I’m missing something,” Bill scanned the room and tried to figure out anything else he would want while they were on tour. The Schrei Tour would begin in just two weeks, and they were packed now so they could spend the remaining time at the studio apartment. Gustav and Georg had already left and the twins would be picked up later that night. Excitement was like a ball in the pit of their stomachs and they could barely sit still.

You always feel like that,” Tom said mildly as he climbed onto Bill’s bed with his shoes on. “Did you bring your underwear?”

Duh,” Bill glared at his brother.

Fine, how about your tee shirts? Plenty of tee shirts?”

Plenty. A whole suitcase full.”


Every piece I own.”

Make up?”



Yes Tomi.”

Fine, just trying to help,” Tom raised his hands and got to his feet. “I’m going to make sure my caps aren’t uncomfortable.”

You have a suitcase for your caps alone?” Bill asked incredulously. Tom didn’t really think there was anything funny about it and he nodded.

Yeah, so?”


Whatever,” Tom echoed and rolled his eyes on the way back to his room. He saw the bathroom door was open and a medium sized black bag sat on the counter. Tom looked back at his brother’s room and smiled. “Bill, you forgot something in the bathroom!” He made it inside just in time to hear a tortured wail and soon the frenetic ball of energy known as Bill burst into the room with a panicked expression.

Tomi! Can you put his in one of your suitcases? I thought I’d packed my make up already, but I didn’t.”

I’m sorry Bill, my bags are full,” he said as he opened his suitcase with his caps and adjusted them lovingly. Bill stared down into the half empty luggage and raised an eyebrow.

But Tomi, you could just put it in there,” he pointed at the amount of room left over. Tom looked up at him as if he was insane.

Bill I can’t get make up on my caps. I refuse.”

You won’t. Everything’s tightly sealed and it’s in a bag for goodness sake,” Bill pouted. Tom sighed and ran his hand along his hats.

Stop pouting,” he said.

Are you going to let me put my make up in there?’

I don’t think so,” Tom smirked and closed his suitcase. Bill knelt in front of him and stilled his hand.

I’m sure we can think of something,” he purred in that voice that bypassed Tom’s brain and went straight to his cock. Tom whimpered and shifted on his knees as he hardened.

What do you have in mind?” The prospect of fooling around excited Tom, especially since they wouldn’t be sure when they’d be able to do it again.

I’ll suck it,” Bill offered.

Are you fucking around with me?” At sixteen Bill had finally gotten around to try and give a proper blow job. The mere thought of his twin’s mouth on his dick was enough to get him to shake. The few times they’d tried it Tom swore up and down it was the best thing ever, but he could never get Bill in the mood for it. Now his twin was offering?

I’ll suck it until you come twice,” Bill promised cheekily. That’s the straw that broke Tom’s resolve and he ripped open the baggage again and shoved the make up bag inside.

Close the door,” Tom panted as he rose and lifted his shirt.

Bill frowned and looked around the room one more time. “You know I always feel like I’ve forgotten something,” he said irritably at yet another sigh his twin emitted.

“I know, but this is a hospital. There are not many places you could hide something,” Tom said reasonably.

“Stop that.”

“Stop what?”

“Being calm and reasonable,” Bill adjusted his cap and looked around the room one more time. He had to admit Tom had a point. There wasn’t much something could hide behind, and even though he knew he had everything, he couldn’t help but shake the feeling that he missed something.

“Right. Let’s have me run around the room and scream my head off,” Tom responded deadpan as he flailed his arms about. Bill took one look at him and cracked up.

“Fine, it’s me. I’m being weird.”

“You’re catching on,” Tom stepped up to him and gave him a kiss. “Calm down, okay? Is there something wrong? You’ve been this way ever since I came back from the interview.”

Bill shook his head and shrugged out of his brother’s grasp. “No, everything’s fine. I just hate packing,” he said noncommittally.

“Okay,” Tom frowned but let it go. He watched his brother fuss around for a few more minutes before he said anything else. “Bill, let’s go. You’ve got everything.”

“Fine,” he said as he came out of the bathroom again empty handed. Bill played with the hem of the black hoodie and sighed. “Let’s go.” He couldn’t tell Tom the reason he felt so scatterbrained. He was afraid that Doctor Addams would come in and end his world in one fell swoop. She still hadn’t arrived and Bill found himself more on edge than when he got dressed. He couldn’t wait to get out of this place.

The door opened and true to form what he dreaded walked through. Doctor Addams had a smile on her face, but it faltered when she saw Tom by the window. “Oh, Tom; hello.”

“Hi Doctor Addams, I was hoping you’d stop by before we left. I just wanted to thank you for taking care of Bill. You have no idea how grateful I am to you,” he said as he walked over and shook her hand. Doctor Addams looked into his eyes and nodded after a moment.

“I believe that. Thank you,” she turned to Bill and missed the weird look Tom gave her. “Bill, I just wanted to go over a few things with you before you leave. You’re healing beautifully and the bandages should be able to come off soon. I just ask you not do any rigorous exercise, because you could tear the wound open again.”

“It itches,” Bill confessed as he fidgeted.

“That’s normal unfortunately. Use the lotion I gave you and make sure you don’t press too hard. Abdominal surgery is very serious and everything has to heal well, especially since in a few months we’re going to have to reopen the wound for the cesarean. You might find yourself tiring easily. Don’t fight it. When you feel tired sleep; it’s the body’s way of recuperating and with your continued pregnancy it is trying to supply you with enough energy to heal and the baby with enough energy to grow. At times there won’t be enough to go around, but this is normal.”

“I’ll make sure he gets plenty of rest,” Tom promised. Doctor Addams hesitated before she smiled at him.

“I’m sure you will. I’ve prescribed you some low level pain medication. With your pregnancy obviously I can’t give you something strong, but the medication will take the edge off of it. Make sure you follow the instructions to the letter,” she said sternly.

“Yes ma’am. Hey Tom, could I talk to Doctor Addams alone?” Bill asked his brother abruptly. Tom frowned but nodded, and left the two of them alone.

“What’s up Bill?” she asked neutrally.

“I’ll be getting in touch with you soon, so I need your cell phone. I don’t want to call the hospital with our… business,” he finished hastily.

Doctor Addams pulled a pad and a pen out of her lab coat and scribbled down her number. “Here, call me any time.”

“Thanks Doc.”

“And make sure you get yourself an appointment. Doctor Anderson will need to check the wound to make sure it’s healing well. The abdominal wall is different for men than it is for women, and we aren’t sure if it heals the same and with the stitches gone we’re going to have to make sure you don’t do anything rigorous.”

“I won’t, trust me. Even though I just got out of the bed I want to go to sleep,” Bill admitted as he yawned against his will.

“That’s perfectly normal. If you have everything you can go, I’ve discharged you and you’ve already signed your papers.”

“Thanks again Doctor Addams.”

“…Yeah,” she sighed and left the room. Bill took one more look around the room and decided it was time to leave as well.



“No, that’s too close to Andreas. Melanie?”

“No, absolutely not, I hate that name.”

“You’ve shot down everything else.”

“So have you.”

“But seriously, Sammy?”

“That’s a girl’s name too,” Tom said defensively as he turned onto their street. Bill looked at him as he snorted. “It could be short for Samantha.”

“Please. I can’t name her Nena, and you can’t name her Sammy, deal?”

“Deal,” Tom smiled as they pulled into the driveway. Bill looked up at the house and sighed. “Trust me, there’s no one there. I told Mom I was going to get you around seven; we have a whole three hours before she gets home.”

“Good. I don’t think I could take any fussing right now.” Tom frowned at the fatigue in his brother’s voice and he got out and ran around the car to open his door and help him out. “Tomi, I don’t need help getting out,” Bill said as Tom unbuckled his seatbelt and eased him down out of the car. He leaned heavily on him despite his words to the contrary. By the time they got to the door Bill was almost asleep.

They made their way through the living room and at the stairs Bill whimpered softly. He didn’t think he could make it up, but Tom figured that much. He picked his twin up and started up the stairs. Bill smiled into his neck and Tom chuckled. “Don’t get used to this, spoiled brat,” he said good naturedly as they made it to the second landing.

“You love spoiling me,” Bill whispered as he reached down to turn his door knob. His room was fairly bright, and he turned his face away to hide in Tom’s voluminous shirt. “The curtains Tomi.”

“Hold on. I’m putting you down,” Tom said as he laid his brother down gently on the bed before he turned to pull the curtains shut. The room cooled down immediately and he went back to the bed to help Bill out of the hoodie; it hurt to lift his arms above his head because it stretched his stomach. Tom looked at the scar at the bottom of Bill’s abdomen and kissed it gently. Bill tugged one of his locks and smiled.

“What are you thinking about?”

Tom shrugged. “I’m just glad you’re okay, and our daughter is okay. I’m definitely happy to have you home. I don’t like hospitals,” he muttered.

“Me neither,” Bill sighed and shifted on the bed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I thought I was sleepy, but my body does not want to be in the bed right now,” he said as he reached out for Tom to help him up. His twin complied and Bill gave him a quick kiss on the lips before he walked over to his mirror on the wall. “Do you think I’ve gained weight?”

Tom froze like a deer in headlights. Everything that came to mind was discarded in the face of Bill’s infamous and inevitable wrath. He decided to go the route millions of men had taken for millennia. “What makes you say that?” he asked uneasily.

“Because I was weighed at the hospital before I was discharged. I gained three pounds in four days. Four days Tom. I feel like a cow.”

“But you’re not,” Tom offered his opinion. Bill looked back at him through the mirror briefly before he shrugged his shoulders. “Look at it this way, the baby is finally getting the nutrients she needs.”

“Yeah,” he said softly as he rubbed his stomach, careful to avoid the scar at the bottom. If he touched it too much it itched and he didn’t want to scratch. Not with Tom around anyway. Bill turned his body this way and that as he looked at it in the mirror and frowned. “Tomi?”

“Yeah?” he told himself he was ready for the blow out, but Tom was wondering about that as time pressed on. He didn’t know what he’d do if Bill started to throw things.

“I think my boobs are getting bigger,” Bill said mournfully as he turned from the mirror. He cupped them through the shirt and Tom swallowed as the flesh welled up willingly in his grip. “Don’t you?”

“Uh…” Tom was at a loss as Bill began to bounce.

“See? I don’t remember them feeling this heavy before,” he said thoughtfully as he looked down at his chest move around.

Tom couldn’t say anything as he stepped forward and captured Bill’s lips in a kiss. His mouth was as sweet as he remembered as he gently asked for entrance. Bill responded and before he realized he’d pressed his twin against him in his enthusiasm.

Bill broke off the kiss with a gasp of pain. “Oh shit, Bill I’m sorry!” Tom said hurriedly as he let him go. Bill nodded and winced.

“It’s okay, but I think I’m going to lay down now.”

“I’m so sorry!” Tom said again as he helped Bill onto the bed. “I forgot the paper said you couldn’t do anything for at least six weeks. I’m sorry.” Before his twin could answer the door bell rang and Tom frowned. He wasn’t expecting anyone. He looked to Bill and he shrugged. “I’ll be back.”

He thundered down the stairs and jogged over to the door, and when he opened it he was kind of surprised. “Hey, Andreas. What’s up?”

“Is Bill back yet?”

“Just got in.”

“Great, I need to talk to him,” Andreas moved him aside gently and came in. Tom closed the door and followed his friend up the stairs and to Bill’s room.

“But he’s about to take a nap,” Tom said quietly.

“This won’t take long, besides he knows I’m coming,” he said quickly as he knocked once on Bill’s door and opened it. Tom went to follow him in but the blonde’s hand on his chest stopped him. “Sorry, this is private.” Tom sputtered as the door was closed in his face.


Andreas turned away from the door with a supreme sense of satisfaction and saw Bill on his bed with his back against the wall. He looked tired, and Andreas had to step over the still unpacked suitcases to get to him. “Hey, how are you?”

“Tired. You?”

“Glad you’re out of the hospital,” he said as he sat down on the edge of the bed gingerly.

“You and me both,” Bill smiled at his friend and yawned. “Did you talk to your friend?”

“Oh, yeah. I talked to him. You’ll be glad to know that the Willpower patch has a serious price on the black market. The government is trying to make it illegal, and the prices are shooting up. One box alone is worth sixty seven thousand Euros and climbing.”

“Sixty seven thousand? Oh wow…” Bill breathed. He would have more than enough to cover the expense of the bribe. Andreas’ phone beeped and he flipped it open.

“Wait, the price changed. Seventy one thousand Euros for a whole box; rich gay men are willing to pay out of the nose for a box. You’re sitting on a gold mine,” he said as he put his phone away.

Bill smiled with relief. “So when will the money be ready?”

“When I deliver; I asked for cash so you can do a quick transfer to Doctor Addams.”

“You’re brilliant Andreas, seriously.” Bill smiled as he held his hand out for his friend to help him off of the bed. Once he had both feet on the ground he rooted around his Prada bag for his phone and pulled out the doctor’s number from his back pocket. He dialed the number and waited for a pick up. “Hi Doctor Addams? It’s Bill…”

Andreas watched his best friend pace back and forth while he spoke to the doctor. Bill put his hand on his back and seemed oblivious to the fact he did it, his face was the picture of discomfort. He wondered how it felt, to actually carry a baby, and decided he never wanted to find out. The conversation was concluded and Bill caught a glance of himself in the mirror again. He turned to the side and examined his profile. “You’re not fat, so stop trying to find reasons to think so,” Andreas smirked as Bill stuck his tongue out at him in the mirror.

“Yeah, Tom said the same thing, but I can’t help it. I’ve never been anything else but skinny, and now body parts seem like they’re just… exploding.”

“I’m telling you, you look beautiful,” he said with a laugh. Bill looked at him and smiled.

“You have to say that because you’re my friend.”

“Yeah…” Andreas looked away and Bill frowned slightly. The room became awkward and he nudged a suitcase with his foot.

“Could you put this on the bed?” His best friend complied and Bill unzipped the luggage and opened it. There were shoes thrown haphazardly in the suitcase and intermixed were the light red boxes of Willpower. Bill threw his shoes into the corner of the room and smiled. “I guess I had more boxes than I thought. Six!”

“Awesome!” Andreas smiled as Bill zipped the bag up again. “Am I taking the whole thing?”

“Yeah, that way you can get the stuff out of here and no one will ask you any questions,” he shrugged. “If anyone pays any attention to you.”

“Well at least I have something to put the money in, even better,” Andreas reminded him.

“Shit, I totally forgot about that. What did I expect you to do, put it in your pocket?” Bill shook his head. “I don’t know where my memory has been lately. I forget half the things I want to say and the other half… “He rolled his eyes.

“It’s going to be okay, I’m taking care of everything,” Andreas said reassuringly.

“I’m so glad you’re my friend Andreas, our friend,” he corrected. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”

Andreas blushed and shrugged. “You know I’d do anything for you Bill, at least I hope you’d know that after all these years.”

Bill beamed at him. “Let’s go see what Tom’s doing,” he said as he started towards the door. Andreas’ smile dropped off and he sighed and followed the raven haired teen out of the room and slowly down the stairs. Tom was at the bottom, and waited until Bill made it to the last stair and grabbed his hand briefly.

There was commotion in the kitchen and Bill raised an eyebrow at his twin. “Mom’s home,” was all Tom said as he rolled his eyes.

“Great…” Bill trailed off as their mother came into the room.

“Bill, I’m so glad to see you home!” she said as she came and gave him a hug. Bill hissed and pushed her back and a hand flew to her mouth. “I’m sorry, I forgot!” she yelped.

“Yeah, I didn’t,” he said as he rubbed his stomach.

“Well, as a peace offering I’m making spaghetti tonight. How does that sound?”

Bill perked up. “Ooh, that sounds amazing. But I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” he grimaced and walked to the lavatory. Simone watched him go in amusement and turned to see Andreas still on the stairs.

“Hi Andreas,” she said cheerfully.

“Hi Simone.”

“Did you want to stay for dinner?”

Andreas knew that Tom probably wanted Bill to himself for a few days since he just got out of the hospital, but something inside of him didn’t want to be charitable no understanding. He could even feel the dreadlocked teen stare at him, but he ignored it.

“I’d love to,” he smiled.

“Great! It’s been a while since you’ve had my famous spaghetti anyway.” She walked back into the kitchen to finish preparing the meal.

“What’s in the bag?” Tom asked nonchalantly as he turned on the Playstation 3.

“Nothing, Bill’s just letting me use it for a moment. I’m going to go put it in my car,” Andreas shifted uncomfortably and passed Tom on the way to the door. He didn’t breathe until he’d closed his trunk and the bag was safely inside.


Tom laughed and rammed Andreas’ car into the railing as they rounded a corner. “I got you Kaulitz,” Andreas crowed as he pushed a button and jerked his car into the side of Tom’s.

“Ass,” he said good naturedly as Andreas pulled ahead after his little stunt. “I’m going to catch you though.”

“No you’re not. This is the last…” Andreas stuck his tongue out as he gunned his car’s engine and turbo blasted to the finish line, “lap.”

“Shit!” Tom groaned and threw his controller down. “You cheated,” he said mournfully.

“Yes, because the only way you can beat the great Tom Kaulitz is if you cheat. Yeah, okay Mister Rock Star,” Andreas said affectionately as Tom stuck his tongue out at him. “And with the maturity and grace of Bill.”

Both boys turned to see Bill curled up on the couch, knocked out as he snored softly. Tom smiled and Andreas couldn’t help but grin at the way he looked like a little kitten curled up with his hand on his abdomen. The door opened and Gordon came through, and sighed in relief as the air conditioner met the sweat on his brow. “God it’s hot out there,” he said as he loosened his tie. Simone came out of the kitchen and smiled at her husband.

“I’m so glad you’re home. I was afraid you would miss dinner,” she said as she kissed him quickly.

“And miss spaghetti? Never! I was thinking about it all day,” he laughed and put his briefcase down on the floor next to the doors. “Boys,” Gordon nodded at Tom and Andreas and looked down at Bill on the couch. “Man, he’s out cold.”

“Yeah, he’s been that way since he’s been home,” Simone looked down at her son and smiled softly. “But now dinner’s ready and I almost feel bad that I have to wake him up.”

“I’ll do it, and we’ll join you in the kitchen in a minute,” Tom said quickly as he got to his feet. He knew his twin didn’t like having to wake up, and he would be in a horrible mood if their mother did it. Simone looked taken aback but nodded and allowed Gordon to lead her into the kitchen. Tom walked on his knees over to Bill and gently pushed some hair off of his face from where it had fallen during slumber.

He leaned over and rubbed his cheek against Bill’s and sighed at the softness of his brother’s cheek. It never ceased to amaze Tom how utterly soft his twin always seemed to be as he nuzzled against him. He felt Bill awaken slowly and he pulled back just enough to see his whole face. “Hi.”

“Hi,” Bill yawned but didn’t move.

“Everything okay?”

“We’re fine Tomi,” Bill yawned again. “We’re just a little hungry.”

“Mom said dinner’s ready,” Tom traced a finger down Bill’s cheek and smiled as Bill leaned into his touch.

“Mm… spaghetti. Wait…” Bill opened his eyes further and sniffed. “That’s garlic bread!” He sat up gingerly and pushed Tom out of the way in his efforts to get up and rush into the kitchen. Tom watched him go in slight amusement, and turned to see Andreas stare at him.

The blond couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Tom treat anything that gently unless it had ‘Gibson’ written somewhere on it. They looked at each other and Tom smiled at him. “I’m glad you know Andreas. I know you might not believe this, but it hurt to have to keep it a secret from you.”

“Really?” he asked uncertainly. Tom was right; it was a bit hard to believe.

“There are so many times I wanted to tell you, and wanted to get advice but I couldn’t,” Tom shook his head as he stood up and wiped the imaginary dust from his hands as he straightened. “Maybe we should have told you earlier, but I couldn’t bear to lose you.”

Andreas looked at Tom as he walked into the kitchen and sighed. It irritated him the way he had a gift to make you feel like you were the most important person in the world; the guitarist’s confession should have made him feel better, but instead it made his stomach hurt.


“And so everyone’s standing around awkwardly and then Marshall says, I hope the mouse doesn’t wake up before you’ve burned the whole candle!” Gordon gasped out. Everyone at the table burst out laughing. Bill grinned as he sopped up more of the spaghetti sauce with a pickle in one hand and a buttery garlic roll in the other. He was in heaven; Bill had forgotten how good his mother’s garlic rolls were, and he was on his third helping of everything.

Every once in a while he’d look up and catch Tom as he stared at him as he shoveled the food into his mouth but the baby wanted red sauce and she wanted it now. Who was he to deny her? It was definitely miles away from hospital food so he was glad to get it.

“So, Tom, do you have any press work on the horizon?” Simone asked as she put more salad in her plate.

Tom swallowed his tea and nodded. “Unfortunately I have four interviews back to back in two days. I think two of them are overnight,” he looked at Bill and shrugged helplessly. Bill wasn’t exactly upset but he wasn’t exactly happy either.

“Wow, I thought David would give you guys a break before you started working again,” Simone said with a frown.

“Yeah, so did we,” Tom said dryly.

“Well at least you’re still ‘hot’. That’s what the youngsters say nowadays isn’t it?” Gordon asked playfully as Simone hid behind her wine glass.

“Oh god, there’s an age requirement if you’re trying to use that word as “cool”,” Tom groaned as Bill sank lower in his chair. Andreas laughed and finally Simone couldn’t take it and joined in, the twins followed soon after.

“God, everyone’s so silly tonight,” Bill smiled as he reached for his tea. Simone looked at him briefly before she glanced down at her plate.

“So, you never told me where this new doctor is located,” she said easily.

“Berlin,” Bill rolled his eyes as he put his glass back. “Tom will have to chauffeur me around,” he laughed.

“I’ve been doing it so far,” Tom retorted with a smile. They both knew he didn’t mind, and it gave them time to just… be together. He was always so relaxed when he drove, especially with Bill in the passenger seat.

“Have you already made an appointment?” Bill looked at his mother and shook his head. “Well you need to soon, so he can keep an eye out on how you’re healing,”

“I will,” Bill gritted out as he put his pickle down; suddenly his appetite was gone. Tom noticed the change in mood and rolled his eyes. Their mother couldn’t just leave well enough alone.

“How did the genetic tests go? You never told us,” Simone ignored the look Gordon gave her from behind his wineglass.

“They’re fine. No abnormalities,” Bill said tonelessly.

“That they know of,” Simone clarified.

“…That’s why the tests were run,” Tom said lightly as he tried to diffuse the situation he could see coming. He looked over at Andreas and his friend seemed transfixed on everything that was happening.

“Yeah, we’re having a nice and relaxing family dinner,” Gordon said firmly. “A small celebration for Bill to welcome him back from the hospital. I’m sure you hated the food,” he said as he sidestepped the issue.

Bill nodded and smiled softly. “It was horrible. I think some of it wasn’t really food,” he joked.

“When I got my tonsils taken out they gave me the best ice cream, but when my sister got hers taken out I tried her ice cream and it was horrible. I don’t know if it was because they changed the ice cream or my poor throat didn’t know any better,” Andreas snorted.

Tom laughed, “Probably both. You’d eat glue when you’re sick.”

“I wouldn’t,” he laughed and shook his head.

“Would too,” Bill teased.

Simone fidgeted in her seat and sighed. “I’m sorry, I know this is supposed to be relaxing but Bill, I really want you to think long and hard on telling the doctor who the father is. You need to know the father’s family medical histories so if there are any abnormalities that could come about later, you’re prepared for them.”


“No, these are things that responsible adults think and worry about!” she said urgently.

“Simone, let’s drop this for now. I know you’re concerned and frankly so am I but we’re not supposed to stress Bill, remember?” Gordon rubbed her shoulders as she nodded. “So we’re not going to say anything else about this, right?”

“Right.” She agreed.

Tom later would lament at how quickly she forgot her promise.


Everyone was in the living room watching a movie, something they hadn’t done together as a family for a while. Andreas was still there, on the floor next to Tom with a bowl of popcorn between them. Bill was in the chair with the ottoman underneath his feet as he rested his head on the side and watched the movie. He wouldn’t be able to tell you what it was because he drifted in and out frequently. He didn’t want to go to bed so soon in the evening but he might not have a choice.

He yawned and caught Tom’s look that plainly said ‘go to bed’. If anything that made him want to stay up longer and he forced himself to pay attention. Simone and Gordon were on the couch; Simone curled up beneath Gordon’s chin much like Bill when he cuddled with Tom. She too hadn’t watched much of the movie; she was too busy staring at Bill as he shifted in discomfort or yawned with weariness.

Simone literally felt like the lack of information about her grandchild’s father was going to eat her alive. She squirmed and tried to pay attention but she couldn’t understand how no one else saw how important it was to know. They acted as if she were being nosy for no reason at all. “Bill?” she asked hesitantly. Her son turned to look at her expectantly. “You know you could tell me who the father was, and I wouldn’t judge, right? I mean, I know we have our problems right now but I love you and I just want you and the baby safe.”

“Mom, it’s not that simple,” Bill said truthfully. He hadn’t meant to say that much but his defenses were worn thin and suddenly all he wanted to do was go to bed.

“Mom, you’re doing it again,” Tom said irritably from his position on the rug. He looked back at his mother imploringly.

“I’m sorry Tom, I really am, but this isn’t right. I’m your mother, and I deserve the right to know,” she said as she sat up out of Gordon’s embrace.


“No, who’s the father Bill?”

“It’s mine,” Andreas said quietly. “The baby’s mine.”

Simone blinked. “…What?”

Author's Chapter Notes:

Bill and Tom try to go along with the situation Andreas' confession landed everyone in; the G's get it on. *nods* Dedicated to Jess: Nein, I don't like watersports, Icemint: Still one of the coolest chicks on the planet. Oh so minty fresh, and Haylz, the best last minute beta a girl can ask for.

Bill’s jaw dropped and he stared at his best friend in confusion. Simone took the look on his face as confirmation and sighed. “Why did you think you had to hide Andreas from us Bill? You said he was special, and I can understand having feelings for your best friend. It happens all the time and it isn’t something to be ashamed of. I’m just…” she trailed off breathlessly. “I’m just glad to finally have a face to put with the word ‘father’.”

Bill felt as if he’d fallen into the twilight zone, the whole world had gone mad and Andreas was in the middle of it. He couldn’t take it, not another shock on top of everything he had to deal with. He could feel Tom’s confusion and rising anger and didn’t want the inevitable blow up to happen anywhere near their parents.

“Bill, say something,” Gordon asked worriedly as he watched his stepson’s face drain of all color. The raven haired teen looked at him dazedly and eased himself to his feet.

“I’m going to my room,” he whispered, and walked to the stairs. Bill gritted his teeth and started the ascent, and wished that Tom could carry him instead; he could feel the weight of everyone’s gaze on him until he was out of sight.

Andreas risked a glance at Tom and shrank away at the fury he saw in the blond’s eyes. There was movement behind him and he turned just in time to be enveloped in Simone’s arms. “Andreas, you’ve always been part of the family, but now its official!” she sniffed as she rocked him back and forth. Andreas watched as his other best friend ran up the stairs two at a time.


Bill glanced up as Tom burst through his door. He looked lost, confused and angry; identical to how Bill himself felt at the moment. Tom stopped and looked at him as he breathed heavily and tried to get his anger under control. “Did you-”

“No,” Bill interrupted quickly as he shook his head.

“So you-”

“I didn’t know he was going to do that,” Bill sighed and rubbed his temples. Tom’s pacing was a perfect match to the throb in his head. Someone knocked and he looked up as Andreas opened the door timidly.


Tom yanked their friend inside and closed the door as he slammed him against the wall. “Tell me right now why I shouldn’t beat the shit out of you,” he hissed; eyes ablaze.

Andreas shoved Tom off and glared at him. “Were you there during dinner? And during the movie? Your mother wouldn’t let it go! She was going to stress Bill out again and I thought that was something neither of us wanted!”

“It isn’t, but… you-”

“Look, it’s just something to get your mother off of Bill’s back. Now she has a “father” she can deal with. Do you want to go down there and tell her you’re the father? Be my fucking guest. Personally I don’t think that would go over as well with her as it did for me,” he said angrily. “Before you start shoving people around why don’t you fucking think?”

“Andreas,” Bill said softly. This was going too far, he could see it.

“You know I can’t do that! This is-”

“She was never going to stop,” Andreas interrupted quietly. “How long before she pushed your buttons and you were yelling the truth to her? Do you think you’d see Bill or the baby again?” Tom flinched visibly at Andreas’ words. That had to be the worst thing in the world anyone could do to Bill and him, and it was true. Nothing good would come of their mother knowing the truth.

Bill opened his mouth to speak but another knock came and all three boys turned to the door. It opened and Simone stood on the other side with the phone in her hands. “Good, you’re all here. We’re having a family dinner tomorrow, Andreas I’ve invited your parents. We need to sit down and talk about this situation now that we have all the information,” she spared Bill a look with the last comment and frowned at the tension she felt in the room. “What’s going on here?”

“A private conversation,” Bill said softly and Simone nodded.

“Right, I’m sure you two have quite a bit to talk about. Tom? Why don’t you give them some privacy?”

Bill looked up to see the panic in his twin’s eyes and his heart twisted. It started already. “All three of us are talking Mom,” he said as he carefully masked the anger in his voice. It trembled as he tried to keep his temper in control.

“Make sure you don’t monopolize all of their time. They have much to discuss.” Simone looked at Bill pointedly and went back downstairs. Tom slammed the door and turned to Andreas.

“This can’t continue. I refuse,” Tom shook his head. “It’s my child,” he said quietly as he jabbed his finger in Andreas’ chest.

“Do you have another plan; something that will allow you to be the father without anyone finding out?” Andreas asked as he shoved Tom’s hand away.

“I had one,” Tom gritted out.

Andreas laughed. “News flash, it wasn’t working,” he retorted.

“Tomi,” Bill said tiredly. The words barely registered to his twin, he was busily staring at Andreas angrily. “Tom,” he said a little louder.


“…Maybe this is for the best,” he said quietly. Tom turned to him and frowned.


“Look, we have no choice right now.  If we did don’t you think we would have used it?” Bill asked as he rubbed his stomach. He could feel the baby moving around, probably in response to the stress he felt and the tension in the room.

“You know what, fuck it.”

Andreas watched Tom storm out and across the hall to his room. He slammed the door so loudly they could hear Simone call up in concern. No one bothered to respond. The blond turned back to his friend and saw he was utterly exhausted.

“Bill, are you okay?” he asked carefully.

The singer just shook his head as he rose from the bed and walked over to close the door. He looked at Andreas and frowned. “You didn’t think this through,” he shook his head and sighed.

“I was just trying to help,” Andreas said defensively.

“Yeah, but you heard my mother. She’s inviting your parents over. What are they going to think? Or say?”

“I don’t know, but I’m sure I’ll find out when I go home,” Andreas countered.

“Look, I know you wanted to help, but don’t you think you should have talked it over with Tom and me first?”

“It was a split second decision. I would hope you would be as quick on your feet as I was,” he said resolutely. Bill shook his head and realized he didn’t want to deal with anything right now. That universal remote from the movie Click would really come in handy right now.  “I didn’t want to step on any toes.”

“I think it might be too late for that. I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” Andreas touched Bill on the arm. “Are we okay?”

Bill nodded. “Yeah, we’re okay.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow with the information about the trade.”

“Oh, right,” he shook his head and laughed quietly. “I totally forgot about it if you can believe that.”

“I heard it’s called Pregnancy Brain.”

“Oh god. It has a name?”

“Yep, so get some sleep. It helps,” Andreas smiled and kissed Bill on the cheek quickly before he left.

Bill stared at the retreating figure of his best friend and wondered why people liked to complicate things that should be very easy. He glanced over at his bed and realized as much as he wanted to go to sleep and dream his way through the rest of his pregnancy, it wasn’t going to happen.

At least not tonight.

He turned away and walked to Tom’s room and didn’t bother to knock as he let himself in. It was mostly dark and Bill could just see his twin curled on his side on the bed, the radiance from their neighbor’s powerful back yard light granted him scant illumination; at least enough to step around the mounds of clothes and discarded shoes and make his way to the bed. Bill lowered himself gingerly next to Tom’s midsection and eased the cap off of his head, followed by the headband and sock.

Nothing knocked his brother out like rage, especially when he wasn’t sure what to be angry about or who to direct his anger towards. When it happened he felt this powerful urge to either punch something or sleep. With them always on the bus or in a hotel room, it was easier to encourage the slumber than the destruction of property.  Bill caressed his Tom’s face gently and watched a few anger lines smooth themselves out around his eyes and kissed Tom on the forehead.


Tom opened his eyes and stared at his clock. It was only three, almost four in the morning and suddenly he was wide awake. He wasn’t used to more than a couple of hours sleep a night, and since he’d gone to bed so early in the evening his body clock decided it was time to get up. He swung his feet off of the bed and let his legs dangle a moment before he scooted forward and let his feet touch the ground.

The world felt different now, and somehow Tom was left to feel cheated. His best friend stepped up, and in what he thought was a noble move, claimed the baby as his own.  So why did he want to punch him in the face?

He’d never fought with Andreas before in his life. Well, there was one time but it wasn’t a fight so much as a disagreement. Tom cleared his throat and realized he needed something to drink or he’d die from dry mouth. He padded downstairs, into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. The negligible illumination landed on the table and Tom realized he wasn’t alone. “Shit!” he swore as he jumped. “Bill? You scared the shit out of me!” Tom hissed as he went to the stove and turned the overhead light on. The room was bathed in a dim yellow glow and even in the color Tom realized Bill looked worn out.  “What time did you wake up?” he asked; confused that Bill would sit in the dark like that.

“I haven’t gone to sleep yet. I can’t get comfortable,” Bill said miserably. “My bed feels like shit, the couch isn’t comfortable anymore, and I… I…” he sniffed and wiped his eyes. Tom frowned and went to crouch beside his brother.

“Hey, hey…” he said gently as he took Bill’s hands and grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped his twin’s tears away. “Why didn’t you just come and get me?”

“Because I thought you needed to sleep. You were so pissed at Andreas and I didn’t want to wake you up and because then you’d be mad at me,” Bill hiccupped and tried to turn away from the light. He didn’t want Tom to see him look like this.

“Bill, come on. You’ve woken me up to take you to McDonalds. The fact that you can’t sleep on your bed is something important,” Tom said exasperatedly. Bill just shrugged dejectedly and buried his head in the crook of Tom’s neck as he mumbled something. “What?”

“I said I’m sorry. I’m so sleepy I’m delirious,” Bill pulled back and Tom could see his eyes were unfocused. He thought for a moment and patted his knee.

“Come on, get up.”

“Why?” Bill whined as he was pulled to his feet gently.

“Because I’ve got an idea.”


“Oh Tomi,” Bill breathed as he rolled over. Tom turned off one of the lamps and watched his brother crawl carefully up the bed to sink into the mountain of pillows at the headboard.

“You like it?” he asked with a smirk as his brother didn’t cast aside the pillows, but more like burrowed down between them.

“Oh god, this is…” Bill trailed off as he closed his eyes. Tom’s brilliant idea was to go to a hotel. There was a quaint little bed and breakfast about twenty minutes away, but the strain of the drive on his body was well worth the cloud he was about to fall asleep on now. He opened his eyes and saw his brother at the side of the bed. Bill held his hand out and beckoned him closer. “Aren’t you sleepy?” he asked. It was about to be impossible to speak as the fatigue welcomed the amazing bed beneath him.

Tom smiled and took off his tee shirt before he turned off the last lamp next to him. Carefully he climbed into the bed and smiled as Bill arranged himself around him as soon as he was settled. Tom rested his cheek on Bill’s crown and pulled him closer. He could literally feel the tension leave his twin’s body, and he reached down and rubbed Bill’s stomach tenderly. Bill cooed happily, half asleep, as he became liquid in his twin’s grasp. “Like that?” Tom teased at the delicious noises Bill made.

“Yes. Don’t worry Tomi, our daughter knows who her father is,” Bill said quietly, and Tom’s breath hitched as he felt a definite kick against his hand. He thought he imagined it all when yet again there was a sharp kick through Bill’s stomach and against his palm as he tried to keep the tears away. Bill shifted uncomfortably but fell asleep, leaving Tom to cry alone.


It was past check out time and Bill was slumbering deeply. Tom didn’t want to wake him; he paid for an additional night so his brother could get the sleep he needed. Tom had spent almost every moment next to Bill since he’d awakened, trying to get another kick or anything. He’d never felt anything like that before in his life. Currently he had his cheek pressed lightly against Bill’s abdomen and tried to hear or feel anything but his daughter seemed to be as asleep as her mother. Tom frowned at that thought. Bill wasn’t a girl, but would that mean he’s not a mother? Did he want to be the mother? Tom couldn’t be the mother because he didn’t birth the baby.

He stilled as Bill ran his fingers through his locks, and he looked up to see his brother was indeed awake. “Hi,” Tom said quietly.

“Hi yourself. Are you two getting acquainted?” Bill asked amusedly as he continued to card his hand through his twin’s hair.

Tom blushed and kissed Bill’s stomach before he straightened up and shrugged. “Maybe,” he said playfully as he pulled the hem of his twin’s shirt down. The guitarist was happy to see that Bill looked far better than he did the day before. “Did you sleep well?” he asked unnecessarily.

“Oh god, this bed is amazing. I don’t want to move.”

“You don’t really have to, I paid for another night,” Tom sighed and took Bill’s hand in his. “But we do have to go home so you can go to that stupid dinner Mom planned. Sometimes I really hate her,” he said tonelessly.

“Don’t say that Tom. She doesn’t know what’s going on. Yeah she’s pushy and demanding and she’s always been this way,” Bill squeezed Tom’s hand and rolled to a sitting position.  “What time is it?” he asked as he yawned.

“Almost five; Mom’s called four times,” Tom pointed at Bill’s phone on the coffee table across the room. Bill groaned and rolled his eyes.

“I want to skip it.”

“You can’t. This… cover up has to be realistic,” he said grumpily. Bill looked at Tom briefly before he motioned him over. “What?” Tom asked petulantly as he stood before Bill.

“I meant what I said last night. You’re the father and as long as we know that, that’s all that matters,” Bill kissed him gently. Tom didn’t respond so his twin kissed him until he did.

“Yeah, I know,” he said softly.

“Good, now I’m going to take a shower.”

“Good.” Tom watched Bill pick up his overnight bag and sighed. Before the surgery Tom would be hot on his heels but they couldn’t do anything for six weeks. His cock twitched at the mere thought of being unable to be inside of his twin for that long. He groaned and palmed the growing erection and just before the pressure became unbearable Bill’s phone beeped; he had a text.

Tom was at a crossroads. Should he follow the wonderful sensations of his hand pressed against the thin material of his pajama pants, or should he see who texted his brother? Nosiness won out since the object of his desire was currently in the shower and now that he thought about it, Tom wasn’t so much in the mood anymore. He stood and walked over to the table and swiped the phone; after a few buttons he saw the sender of the text. Andreas. There was no way Tom wasn’t going to read it now. He opened it and frowned.

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