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How to warm up to a new colleague

When you have a new colleague in the office, it can be a little difficult to warm up to them. That is because most people don’t like change. You don’t know if you can trust the new person and you don’t know what type of personality they have. In order to warm up to that person, you have to put forth the effort.

Here is how to warm up to a new colleague:

Introduce Yourself

The first step to warming up to a new colleague is to introduce yourself to them. Don’t expect or wait for them to introduce themselves. You should make the first move and that should open the door to warming up to each other.  A new employee should always be made to feel welcome. This will make the work relationship much better between you.

Eating Lunch

Ask the new colleague out to lunch with you. This gives you both a chance to get to know each other a little bit away from the job. This is a way to build up a friendship as well as having a new colleague. It is one of the keys to not only warming up to the new person but creating a good start to a new friendship that can make the work relationship run much more smoothly.

Offer Help

Let the new colleague know that if he/she needs any help getting started or any questions that you are there to answer them. This will help you in the introduction stage and with warming up to each other. This opens the door for the colleague to know where to come for help and leaves room for further conversation.

Be Open

Even though it’s hard to get close with a new person in the office, it is important to keep yourself open to getting to know that person. It can affect your career in ways that you didn’t think possible. Getting along with all of your co-workers means a much better work atmosphere. Keeping yourself open to a relationship with a new colleague is simply a good career move.

These are the best ways to warm up to a new colleague. You can easily make a new friend in the process. Treat your new co-worker with respect and offer them help if it is needed. Be nice and stay open and you will warm up to your new colleague very quickly.

Task 2. Match the words

1. get along with smb

a) разминаться

2. warm up

b) вперед дальше

3. treat smb. with respect

c) влиять воздействовать

4. forth

d) создавать укреплять

5. affect

e) чувствовать себя желанным гостем

6. build up

f) обходиться с к-л уважительно

7. feel welcome

g) ладить с кем-либо

Task 3.Вы встречаете представителя английской компании. Выполните следующие действия:

- обратитесь к нему и узнайте, тот ли это человек, который вам нужен;

- представьте себя, а также компанию, которую Вы представляете;

- извинитесь за опоздание ( если было);

- спросите, как он(а) долетел(а) ;

- предложите пройти к машине;

- спросите, не помочь ли донести чемодан;

- представьте, что это не тот человек, который вам нужен.

Попросите прощения.

Task 4. К вам в фирму прибыл представитель иностранной компании. Выполните следующие действия:

- представьтесь сами и представьте сотрудников вашей компании;

- спросите, какую компанию он представляет, какая у него должность;

- предложите чашку кофе (чая\ сока…), сигарету;

- назначьте встречу на завтра и попрощайтесь

Task 5. Read the text and pay attention to underlined words

Exchanging Business Cards: Do's and Dont's of Business Introductions

Exchanging business cards can be a smooth transaction, or it could be an awkward situation. Use this guide to plan ahead so that you are ready when someone asks for your business card.

Do be prepared Always have a handful with you to present to potential clients or other business associates even on the weekends. You'll find that many important contacts and business card exchanges can take place in the most unlikely places. Don't hand out torn or worn business cards Make sure they are clean and crisp with no frayed edges or pen marks. The best method of keeping your cards in neat form is a business card case. With designs ranging from techie to artsy to formal, you are bound to find one that fits your style and personality.

Do make it a point to hand out business cards It doesn't take a large convention to bring customers and business owners together. Informal meetings are one of the best times to network and exchange business cards. If the person you are speaking with seems interested in your product or service you represent, offer that person a business card.

If you're going to the client's office, you may exchange business cards in the lobby if you've never met him before. If they're the one that comes to collect you from the waiting room, then this is the time to exchange business cards.

Do receive a business card properly When accepting a business card, have a good look at it for a few seconds. In your conversation, offer a compliment about the logo, design, etc. In fact, women have a lot to learn from men about exchanging business cards.

Don't hand out more than one card to a new contact Only give one business card to your new contact. Leaving two or three may give the signal that you want them to make contacts for you which is tacky and unprofessional. Unless a prior agreement is made to exchange more than one card, keep the focus on person-to-person contact.

Do exchange business cards smoothly When you first meet someone, it's ok to request a business card from them. However, if the person is of a higher position than yourself, you should wait for them to offer their card to you first. Remember if they want you to have a card, they will give you one!

Don't place it in a bag, pocket or wallet Place the card you receive in a planner, notebook or business card case. Never place the card in a wallet that will be put in your back pocket. Doing so shows disrespect and an all around lack of organization on your part.

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