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I supposed it was silly for me to imagine that Sam had never loved anyone before Emily.

Most people fall in and out of love many times in their lives. It was just that I'd seen Sam with Emily, and I couldn't imagine him with someone else. The way he looked at her . . . well, it reminded me of a look I'd seen sometimes in Edward's eyes - when he was looking at me.

"Is she comparing our love with the mutts?" Rosalie spat bitterly.

"No, she just comparing my love with the mutts," Edward said, but unlike Rosalie, he said it in almost a joking matter.

"Why do you take that as a good thing?" Rosalie asked, looking disgusted at the mere thought.

"Because of the way that she described their love," Edward smiled. "I'm glad that she could see that I love her at least that much...even though I know that my love for her would be even more powerful than that."

"Sam came back," Jacob said, "but he wouldn't talk to anyone about where he'd been. Rumors flew - that he was up to no good, mostly. And then Sam happened to run in to Quil's grandfather one afternoon when Old Quil Ateara came to visit Mrs. Uley. Sam shook his hand. Old Quil just about had a stroke." Jacob paused to laugh.


"Missing the obvious again," Edward said, smiling fondly.

Jacob put his hand on my cheek and pulled my face around to look at him - he was leaning toward me, his face was just a few inches away. His palm burned my skin, like he had a fever.

Edward narrowed his eyes at that.

"He's just showing her the obvious," Alice teased and Edward just huffed at that.

"Oh, right," I said. It was uncomfortable, having my face so close to his with his hand hot against my skin. "Sam was running a temperature."

Jacob laughed again. "Sam's hand felt like he'd left it sitting on a hot stovetop."

He was so close, I could feel his warm breath. I reached up casually, to take his hand away and free my face, but wound my fingers through his so that I wouldn't hurt his feelings.

"No, hurt his feelings," Edward muttered.

"Geez, Eddy, they're just holding hands," Emmett laughed.

He smiled and leaned back, undeceived by my attempt at nonchalance.

"So Mr. Ateara went straight to the other elders," Jacob went on. "They were the only ones left who still knew, who remembered. Mr. Ateara, Billy, and Harry had actually seen their grandfathers make the change. When Old Quil told them, they met with Sam secretly and explained.

"It was easier when he understood - when he wasn't alone anymore. They knew he wouldn't be the only one affected by the Cullens' return" - he pronounced the name with unconscious bitterness -

"I wish I could find a way to tell them how sorry I am about that," Carlisle sighed. "That I never meant for this to happen."

"They won't listen," Edward sighed too.

"but no one else was old enough. So Sam waited for the rest of us to join him. . . ."

"The Cullens had no idea," I said in a whisper. "They didn't think that werewolves still existed here. They didn't know that coming here would change you."

Carlisle smiled a little sadly at that, likely thinking that this was the closest he was going to get to giving his apology.

"It doesn't change the fact that it did."

"Remind me not to get on your bad side."

"You think I should be as forgiving as you are? We can't all be saints and martyrs."

"He has a point there," Edward said.

"Grow up, Jacob."

"I wish I could," he murmured quietly.

I stared at him, trying to make sense of his response. "What?"

Jacob chuckled. "One of those many strange things I mentioned."

"You . . . can't . . . grow up?" I said blankly. "You're what? Not . . .aging ? Is that a joke?"

Emmett started laughing hysterically, along with most of the family, except for Edward who groaned.

"Nope." He popped his lips on the P.

I felt blood flood my face. Tears - tears of rage - filled my eyes. My teeth mashed together with an audible grinding sound.

Emmett just laughed harder at that.

"Bella? What did I say?"

I was on my feet again, my hands balled up into fists, my whole frame shaking.

"You. Are. Not. Aging," I growled through my teeth.

Jacob tugged my arm gently, trying to make me sit. "None of us are. What's wrong with you?"

"Am I the only one who has to get old ? I get older every stinking day!" I nearly shrieked, throwing my hands in the air. Some little part of me recognized that I was throwing a Charlie-esque fit, but that rational part was greatly overshadowed by the irrational part.

"That's right, squash the rational part!" Emmett shouted through his laughter.

"Why did he have to bring up that stupid issue up?" Edward grumbled, but he was looking rather amused by her reaction all the same.

"Damn it! What kind of world is this? Where's the justice ?"

"Take it easy, Bella."

"Shut up, Jacob. Just shut up! This is so unfair!"

"Did you seriously just stamp your foot? I thought girls only did that on TV."