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Guided_Grammar I-II.doc
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III. Translate into English.

1. Никто не хотел пробовать это блюдо.

2. Он - очень амбициозный человек. Ему 35 и он владеет сетью отелей.

3. Я не могу хорошо спланировать и организовать свою работу.

Progress Test 1-5 C

I.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.

1. Such a nuisance! Every time we (go) to the country, the sky (be) grey, the sun (not shine), the weather (be) awful.

2. Hi! What you (do)? – I (write) a report to the university newspaper.

3. How often you (do) it? – I (do) it every month.

4. When she (come) home, her family (have) dinner.

5. When my father (come) home, my mother (make) supper.

6. I usually (meet) my friend, when he (run) in the morning.

7. When teacher (enter) the classroom, the students (stand) up.

8. When he (come)? – He (come) tomorrow.

II. Постройте вопросы и отрицательные предложения.

1. They have a problem.

2. I’ve got a car.

3. She has got a fan heater.

4. He has a café.

III. Образуйте II форму следующих глаголов.

Sell, laugh, teach, read, complain, decide.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1. When we (play) tennis yesterday, it suddenly (start) raining.

2. The sun (go) down behind the hills when I (reach) a village which (be) only a few miles from the sea.

3. We (walk) down the street to Mike’s place when we (see) him in the window of a bus that (pass).

4. Where Kate (go) when you (meet) her yesterday? –She (go) to her friend.

V. Перепишите предложения, употребляя предлоги времени, где необходимо.

1. When are you leaving? – ____Monday.

2. What time? – ____ 10.30 ____ the morning I will phone you.

3. ____ Christmas all children wait for presents.

4. ____ week-ends people try to relax somewhere out-of-doors.

VI. Перепишите предложения, употребляя выражения количества.

1. I want____ sugar in my tea.

2. Do we have milk? –Yes, we have____.

3. There are____ parks in our town. It’s so green.

4. How____ salt do you need? -Just____.

VII. Перепишите предложения, употребляя артикли там где необходимо.

1. I have ____ flat.

2. ____ flat is very comfortable.

3. It’s in ____ southern part of ____ town.

4. She is ____ housewife.

5. Can you turn off ____ light, please?

VIII. Перепишите предложения, употребляя will или going to.

1. Why have you bought eggs and flow? –I ____ bake a cake.

2. I’ve forgotten my umbrella! Don’t worry, I ____ lend you mine.

3. Where ____ you ____ on holiday?

4. I ____ write to you.

IX. Переведите предложения.

1. I love Belgian chocolate. – I will bring you some.

2. I’m going home in two days.

3. The soup you cooked yesterday was very tasty.

4. I’d like a large, brown, sliced loaf, please.

5. Can I take this bag as hand luggage?

Progress Test 1-5 D

I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Fill the prepositions and exp-ns of quantity there necessary.

There (1.be) ____ reasons to believe that this tourist season (2.be) successful for Russia’s tourism industry.3.____ last summer we (4.sign) 5.____ contracts with 6.____ Europeans agencies. We (7.see) our partners 8.____ next week and (9.discuss) 10.____ details. 11.____last year more than 4 million Russian tourists (12.go) abroad.13.____ this year it (14.be) at least 5 million.

Speaking about Russian tourism industry, the situation in Russia (15.not scare) off foreigners any longer. St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Gold Ring and North Caucasus (16.attract) 17.____ tourists. Foreigners (18.want) (19.see) them. But they also would like (20.have) good service.

There (21.be) 22.____ obstacles for development of tourism industry. Foreigner mass media usually (23.give) a high profile of our tragedies. It (24.put) off potential tourists. Two years ago we (25.attend) a tourism exhibition when state Duma Deputy Galina Starovoitova (26.be) assassinated. TV channels (27.report) on the tragic event every 15 minutes.

It (28.discourage) 29.____visitors to Russia. 30.____ tour operators (31.not honour) their obligations as the quality of services provided, time-frame, or transport facilities. But we (32.try) to strip such operators of licenses. We hope (33.improve) the situation. We (34.believe) that people (35.enjoy) (36.go) to Russia.

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