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Present SimpleS.doc
110.59 Кб

Future Perfect Passive

S + will/shall + have been + V3(ed)

Действие произойдет к определенному моменту в будущем.

Слова показатели: by the time, before, till, until when.

I (we) shall have been done this work by 4 o'clock.

Shall I (we) have been done this work by 4 o'clock?

I (we) shall not have been done this work by 4 o'clock

You (they, he, she, it) will have been written a letter by the time when my mother comes.

Will you (they, he, she, it ) have been written a letter by the time when my mother comes?

You (they, he, she, it) will not have been written a letter by the time when my mother comes.

Future Simple in the past Passive

S + should/would + be + V3

Исходя из прошлого, мы думаем, что-то будет сделано или произойдёт в будущем (я подумал, что ему подарят, я сказал, что вам позвонят).

I (we) thought I should be given a book.

Should I be given a book?

I should not be given a book

She (he, it, you, they) hoped she would be given a book.

Would she be given a book?

She would not be given a book.

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