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Present SimpleS.doc
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Future Perfect Continuous in Past

S + would + have been + Ving

Исходя из прошлого мы думаем, что действие будет происходить определённый промежуток времени до конкретного момента в будущем.

He said he would have been learning French for five years before he finished school.

Would he have been learning French for five years before he finished school?

He said he would not have been learning French for five years before he finished school.

If they come home early, she will be reading a book.

She said if they came home early she would have been reading a book.

Future Perfect in Past S + would have + V3

Исходя из прошлого мы думаем, что действие произойдёт к конкретному моменту в будущем.

We said we would have come back from the country by the end of the month.

Would we have come back from the country by the end of the month?

We would not have come back from the country by the end of the month.

If the weather is fine I will have finished the work in the garden by the time they come.

He thought if the weather was fine he would have finished the work in the garden by the time they came.

Present Simple Passive S + to be + Ved(3)

Действие происходит постоянно, обычно.

Слова показатели: usually, often, sometimes, seldom, always, every day (week, month).

I am seen.

Am I seen?

I am not seen.

He (she, it) is seen.

Is he seen?

He is not seen.

We(you, they) are seen.

Are you seen?

They are not seen.

Если необходимо указать, кем или чем производится действие то нужно использовать предлог by.

The book is written by writers

Present Continuous Passive S + to be being+ Ved(3)

Действие происходит в данный момент.

Слова показатели: now, at this time.

I am being told an interesting story.

Am I being told an interesting story?

I am not being told an interesting story.

He (she, it) is being driven to hospital.

Is he being driven to hospital?

He is not being driven to hospital.

We (they, you) are being bought flowers.

Are we being bought flowers?

We are not being bought flowers.

Present Perfect Passive S + have been + V3(ed)

Действие произошло, результат имеется сейчас, действие завершилось к данному моменту.

Слова показатели: for, since, just, already, yet, by now, before, never, ever, this week (month, year), for a long time, lately, recently, many times.

I ( we, you, they) have been given many books.

Have I been given many books?

I have not been given many books.

He (she, it) has been taken for a walk.

Has he been taken for a walk?

He has not been taken for a walk.

Past Simple Passive S + was, were + V3(ed)

Действие произошло или происходило когда-то.

Слова показатели: yesterday, ago, last week(month, year)

I(he, she, it) was given a book yesterday.

Was I given a book yesterday?

I wasn't given a book yesterday.

They(we, you) were invited to dinner.

Were they invited to dinner?

They weren't invited to dinner.

Past Continuous Passive S + was, were +being + V3

Действие происходило в конкретный момент в прошлом.

Слова показатели: at that time yesterday, at 5 o'clock, when he came, the whole evening.

I(he, she, it) was being told an interesting story yesterday at 3p.m.

Was I being told an interesting story yesterday at 3p.m.?

I wasn't being told an interesting story yesterday at 3p.m.

We (you, they) were being told an interesting story yesterday at 3p.m.

Were we being told an interesting story yesterday at 3p.m.?

We weren't being told an interesting story yesterday at 3p.m.

Past Perfect Passive S + had been + V3

Действие произошло до определённого момента в прошлом.

Слова показатели: by 5 o'clock, by the end of the day ,before he came, after, as soon as, when.

I (he, she, it, we, you, they) had been given a book before he finished to read a journal.

Had I been given a book before he finished to read a journal?

I hadn't been given a book before he finished to read a journal.

Future Simple Passive S + will/shall + be + V3

Действие будет происходить или произойдёт в будущем.

I (we) think I shall be given a book.

Shall I be given a book?

I shall not be given a book

She(he, it, you, they) thinks she will be given a book.

Will she be given a book?

She will not be given a book.

Для выражения будущего времени в условных предложениях (if, when, as soon as, before, until, till, after) используется настоящее простое время.

I shall be given a book if(when, as soon as) I ask.

Shall I be given a book if(when, as soon as) I ask?

I shall not be given a book if(when, as soon as) I ask.

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