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UNIT 1.doc
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Укажите правильный ответ:

  1. Being a good ... he saved a lot of people’s lives.

  1. clerk b) typist c) surgeon c) accountant

  1. The operations on our inner organs are performed by ...

  1. surgeons b) typists c) midwives d) housewives

  1. Nowadays it’s very common to invite a ... to decorate the flat.

  1. designer b) doctor c) clerk d) teacher

  1. Having graduated from the pharmaceutical faculty, one can be a ...

  1. typist b) journalist c) teacher c) pharmacist

  1. Sometimes grandparents love their ... more than their children.

  1. grandfather b) grandmother c) grandchildren d) mother-in-law

  1. In her childhood, when she was a ..., she dreamt about becoming an actress.

  1. schoolgirl b) housewife c) schoolboy d) aunt

  1. Sometimes to be a ... is really dangerous.

  1. pharmacist b) typist c) housewife d) journalist

  1. My mum doesn’t confuse my name with my father’s one, because he is my ...

  1. patronymic b) namesake c) parent d) friend

Укажите соответствие:

  1. 1. aunt a) your father’s or mother’s brother

2. uncle b) your grandmother

  1. your father’s or mother’s sister

  2. your grandfather

  1. 1. doctor a) a person who treats people

2. nurse b) a person who is fond of reading

  1. a person who works at school

  2. a person who helps a doctor

  1. 1. nephew a) your brother-in-law

2. niece b) your brother’s son

  1. your sister-in-law

  2. your brother’s daughter

  1. 1. designer a) a person who decorates flats

2. painter b) a person who treats people

  1. a person who draws pictures

  2. a person who defends people’s rights

  1. 1. daughter-in-law a) your daughter’s husband

2. son-in-law b) your mother-in-law

  1. your father-in-law

  2. your son’s wife

  1. 1. dentist a) a person who treats mental disturbances

2. neuropathologist b) a person who helps a doctor

c)a person who treats inner organs

  1. a person who deals with our teeth

  1. 1. relatives by marriage a) blood relatives

2. relatives by birth b) in-laws

  1. relatives who live abroad

  2. relationship

Тест 3 Укажите правильный ответ:

1. My friend has got married and her husband is very …… .

  1. pretty b. handsome c. beautiful

2.When I am as old as my grandmother my hair may become ….. .

  1. blond b. grey c. fear d. chest-nut

3. Almost all African Americans have ……. hair.

  1. curly b. wavy c. straight d. blond

4.When he came back from his summer holidays the …….. of his face was very dark.

  1. color b. complexion c. skin

5.Many foreigners notice the remarkable ……… of the English people.

  1. hypocrisy b. politeness c. kindness d. cheerfulness

6. Nick is only 19 but he is very … .. He finishes whatever he starts.

  1. tactful b. responsible c. generous d. honest

7. My brothers is very clever, industrious and kind but unfortunately he has one … - he is selfish.

  1. merit b. advantage c. feature d. demerit

8. This child is very ……. he’s got a very good ear for music.

  1. well-bred b. talented c. good-tempered d. just

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